
Is Death The Only Way To Escape?

(WPC has ended! I can see that this story isn't quite popular so I will discontinue it. I will probably come back again to clean it up.) Smacked by a flower pot on his way home, Lucian Silverstein thought that was the end of his life. Full stop. Yet, fate had other plans for him as he awoke inside his favourite game, "Night Falls" as a vampire. But his character was made to be one of the cannon fodders for the plot of the game, destined for death to illuminate the halo around the protagonists of the story. In order to survive, Lucien must avoid the red flags and any other flags that might hurry his demise as he tries to finish the game. Will he be able to find the reason behind his second life as a vampire cannon fodder or will he ultimately succumb to his death?

DarkWinter3 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Author's Note

Hi! The WPC that I have written this story for has ended, and since I saw that this story hadn't been picked up by any readers, I have decided to pause this story. I'm not giving up on this story, but I just feel that it wasn't the right moment for me to write since I had a couple of other things and some long overdue stories. Also, I wasn't very much into this story even though I used the WPC to practice writing.

I am very much into vampires and transmigration settings which is why I decided to do so for this story, but because I started late into the contest, I couldn't plan out the story the way I wanted it to be. Hence, it ended up with the story leading my hand forcefully. I thought I could continue, but from the statistics given, I didn't get any readers who were interested enough to read. Perhaps it has something to do with the title and other things, so it didn't appeal much. But it is a reason enough for me to stop continuing and focus my energy on other things.

I feel like I'm forcing myself to write this story and that's not what I really want. So, I'm just going to pause this story, leave it on the shelf, and someday come back at it. Perhaps by then, I would have something to keep it going or redo it. Until then, this story will always be paused.