
Iris's Lives

Iris should have died. Or at least, been on death's door. And yet, here she was: making a deal with her own life as the reward. She was to save a soul, a soul so important she had to travel beyond the limits of her world. But Iris isn't fit to work under someone else, she could not live with her life tethered to another. Iris's life has only one person in it. That's the way it's meant to be. But when the only way to get her life back becomes more and more complicated, she finds her convictions shifting.

BlurryVision · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 2- Highschool Sweethearts

As soon as she spoke, she felt the world fall from under her. An extreme spinning sensation wracked her body. She didn't have the mind to observe her new surroundings as all of her focus went to not throwing up. She sat on the side of a bed as she gripped the bed frame until her fingers turned white. For all she knew, her consciousness had been sucked into another body. And the sensation was as unpleasant as could be imagined. But slowly she straightened her back and regained her composure. Her nausea slowly started to fade as her attention turned to her current situation. 

The room she was in was obviously a teenage girl's room. The bed she was sitting on was a full bed with purple sheets and a butterfly-patterned duvet. The room had all the characteristics of a childhood room, but there were signs that its owner was starting to get older. 

Iris rifled through the girl's room, turning over homework papers and searching through drawers. There wasn't much to note initially, just personal effects. She did, however, find a phone with a pink case. Her brows furrowed and her unsmiling face showed some disorientation. 

"How backwards." She spat out, annoyed, as she continued searching.

Finally, she found something under the purple pillow on the bed. It was a book. From its looks, it was a teenage romance novel. She opened the first page and saw the handwritten words 'For Iris' before her on the page. 

She had an unexplained certainty that this was related to the task she had to do. However before she could investigate further, there were a few soft knocks on the door.

"Syra? Are you hungry? I made some dinner if you're interested, I know that you ate after school though." The kind voice was followed by the door knob turning and a middle-aged woman with warm brown skin and black hair peeking through the opening. 

Iris stayed silent for a moment. She was debating what to say, as she had yet to fully grasp her situation. 

"I'm fine. I plan to sleep soon."

As she spoke the woman's face became concerned and it became apparent that Iris's elegant yet curt manner of speaking was unexpected. 

"Are you sure? Do you feel okay?"

"Yes." Not wanting to dig herself further into this hole she had started, Iris slowly closed the door, the kind woman's face fading from view

"Goodnight." She tried to amend her sorry attempt at communication but it had left her with another matter she had not considered before. Why had that mysterious being chosen her to do their tasks? While her abilities were indeed impressive, she had no acting ability. She had confidence that she could do almost any job with proper teaching, but this was not where she shined. Anyone who knew Iris knew that it didn't matter what status or wealth one owned, her attitude was the same to everybody. There was not a single bone in her body that could act. 

But eventually, she figured there must be a way to do these tasks without needing to worry about this. However, as she read more of the book, the darker her expression got. 

The story she was reading is a classical one-dimensional high school love story with minimal plot and more focus on the love between the two main characters. The male lead, Leon, is a happy-go -lucky 16-year-old boy. He spent most of his high school career having fun and making friends, aided by his innate charisma. The book describes him as the sort of person that is hard to look away from. Everyone seems to revolve around him whenever he's around. Despite this characteristic that may make other people jealous, Leon is written as a person who is very difficult to dislike. He's very athletic and diligent in school events but his diligence falters with schoolwork. 

Which is precisely where the plot begins. Leon's parents, disappointed in his lackluster studies, tell him that if he doesn't improve his grades he won't be allowed to go on a trip with his friends. Leon and his friends had been planning and saving up for this trip for years and had finally found an opportunity to go during the summer. He was naturally unwilling to give that up. 

And this is where the heroine, Lily enters the story. She's a lively and cute girl with amazing grades who works as a tutor part-time. Compared to Leon's description in the book, Lily's description is very short. She, like most other people in the school everyone attends, comes from a normal family. She has the sort of personality that will persevere through anything. She becomes Leon's tutor after he hires her and they spend their time studying, getting to know each other, and shyly cultivating their love. 

This is where the villain, Syra, comes to help progress their love.