

Irene's POV

I ran to the bathroom and vomited again not caring about the moron in the room. "hey, what's the matter with you. You sick or something?" he came closer but I slammed the bathroom door in his face "get lost!" I screamed. I heard him mutter a string of curses "I want a refund. This isn't what I paid for, I didn't come here for a sick, rude girl." he got dressed in anger and stormed out, I knew I was probably going to be in a lot of trouble but frankly, I didn't care. My head was spinning and I could barely keep my balance, I fell on my knees and crawled to the room. I couldn't even keep my eyes open for long as I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall shutting my eyes tightly. Suddenly, someone barged into my room, I managed to open my eyes and I saw the lunatic. His face was red with rage. "Irene! What is the meaning of this? How dare you tell a customer to get lost?" I didn't reply and he took menacing steps towards me. "answer me when I speak to you child!" I said nothing and he towered over me then he bent down and grabbed me by the neck, he shook me violently "I said speak!" he yelled and slapped me "what do you want from me Logan?" I yelled in his face and he brought his face very close to mine, narrowed his eyes and said "I want you to work!"

"To hell with you and work!" I spat in his face and everything else happened in a blur. All I heard was the lunatic growling in my ears before everything got dark.


I opened my eyes to a pair of green eyes looking into mine, it looked so familiar. I gasped as I saw who it belonged to "Victor?" he smiled at me and placed his palm on my left cheek and the smile on his face died "I'm sorry Irene, I didn't mean to" he said looking truly sorry "why Victor? Why?" I asked. He opened his mouth to speak but suddenly, I couldn't hear him again. His lips were moving but he was inaudible. I blinked twice and tried to understand what he was saying but I couldn't make out a single word. "what?" I asked

"Irene, Irene.... Irene" someone shook me and I opened my eyes to a pair of cold blue eyes. "Logan!" I hissed as I tried to recoil from his touch but he had his grip firm on my arms against the bed. "you're pregnant!" he said, it was more of question than a statement. I frowned "what?"

"I said you're pregnant!" he yelled and slapped the covers off the bed "I told you to take precautions, how could you be so careless?" he yelled again, rising from the bed with fury "how could you be so careless?" he punched the wall in anger.

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident..."

"Accident? Accident? What happened to the pills, uh Irene? I gave you all pills, this is what I'm avoiding. What kind of accident is this, what kind of silly mistake is this?" he came closer and slapped me, then he brought his face very close to mine and whispered "but don't worry, I'll make sure something like this never happens again." then he stormed out of the room leaving me to wonder what he meant by that. Knowing Logan, it probably wasn't good. He said he'll make sure something like this never happens again, I had a bad feeling about that statement and Logan was a man of his words, he's not the type to make empty threats.

I could feel the fear growing in my stomach already, this cannot be good...

Logan's POV

He stormed out of Irene's room. He was bubbling with anger, that girl has crossed the line this time and he would make sure this is the first and last time. He headed downstairs and met Leo waiting for him at the foot of the stairs. "call doctor Joe and tell him to get down here as soon as possible. Tell him to come with his tools, there's been another slip up"

"yes sir!" he said and hurried off. He paced around for a while, why does Irene have to be so stupid? He knew it the minute he slammed into her room, her eyes said it all, he had seen this several times. Why do these girls have to be so dumb, couldn't they understand that mistakes like this aren't supposed to be made?

He remembered a certain girl China, she had been pregnant and she tried to hide it, well she succeeded for five months till it became impossible to hide. He had been furious, he beat her till she had a miscarriage. The miscarriage almost cost her her life, he remembered how she bled for days, China would not even look at him, she cried, pleaded, cursed him, begged for death and bled. Eventually, he got tired of her cries and gave her what she wanted. He remembered how her eyes bulged and how she clawed and struggled till she became still "dispose her body!" he ordered Leo

She was used as a scapegoat for the other girls, after her incident, the girls became more fearful and cautious. Very few of them had that accident again and he found out soon enough and had the mess taken care of and now he's gonna have to take care of the mess again...