
Invited To Across

Victor Varion is an outstanding candidate in a private institute that has the finest youth to ever walk the planet. Their main goal was to find a genius, an incomprehensible being able to distinguish anything for their own frivolous studies. Until Victor ran away from that said institute and found someone who invited him to a world renowned college called ACROSS. Follow Victor as he learns who he really is, and hopefully has fun doing so

ShakeTheGreat · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

1. Institute

Victor Varion arose from the bed he was just lying on. Looking in the mirror he was Tall, 6'4", had dirty blonde hair, and a chiseled jawline. He is an outstanding candidate in this institute brought up by his parents. Varion's Glass Institute, it's a private school for the gifted. Selected to be the top in the world in fact, for up and coming teens to be able to achieve great things. Victor was of course apart of this institute, annoying as it could be but he didn't have a choice. His parents owned the facility after all.

Victor honestly wanted nothing to do with this place anymore, they force you into a wordless amount of activity day in and day out, studying repeatedly, having to memorize everything, and worse of all, try to best every professional in their own field including, chess, soccer, football, boxing and so on. It gets old, at least for Victor anyways, he's done everything this institute has asked of him and some more. He's done he wants out, tomorrow is the day he turns 18 and graduates from this institute, and there's only one thing left to do, and that's to leave this place behind, for good.

Victor believed he was the only person ever to achieve greatness in every single activity this institute offered, and he was bored of it. So he decided that after all of this is done, he's out and there's only one way for him to get out, he has a plan he needs to execute tonight.

Victor walked over to the dresser containing his notepad, he pulls it out and starts writing, "to those who read this, I will not be back, nor will I be your lab rat. I am done with this place for good, signed VV." After he got done writing that he threw it on top of the dresser and checked the clock, it was currently 2:00am. Time for the break out. He grabbed his back pack containing a variety of assortments, then pulled the window open and removed the metal bars in his way. "I still can believe they expected me not to be able to cut through these with a wrist watch. But here we are." He jumped out of the window landing on the ground, it was only about a 15 foot drop from the second floor, landing he rolled and got back up to his feet. Checking his clock he stopped immediately all motion frozen, as a guard started walking passed with a flash light. Victor let him walk by, as he was doing so he checked his watch again. '2:05am' he stated to move, running as quick as he could he ran toward the South West wall, planting his foot in a certain groove he jumped up and grabbed ahold of the building behind, pulling himself up, he checked his watch again. '2:09am', "in 1 minute the lights will be on the roadway." He says to himself in a hushed tone. As he waited the lights indeed rolled across the roadway he just ran on. After the light flicked away he turned around and opened his pack, Pulling out a blanket he threw it on top of the barbed Wire fence and grabbed onto it and leaped over.

Heading over to the tree behind the facility he hid a grapple rope, snugging it to his side he ran through the woods and reached the edge of the cliff. The facility was on an island far out, of course. So his best course of action was to take a row boat away to the closest dock of land, which he has the map memorized. He pulls out the grapple hook and plants it onto a post, making sure it was snug he lowered the rope. While he was descending he made sure not to make any sort of movement or noise other then silently and slowly descend, motionlessly. As he reached the bottom he pulled the row boat out from behind the boulder he has stashed it during Pirate Sabotage Training. After he got himself in, he started rowing in the general direction he knew to go.

Pirate sabotage training was when all the youths had to have normal battles through the waters on a row boat while mechanically defending it from “fake pirates” which was the teachers attacking them from different boats. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ShakeTheGreatcreators' thoughts