
Invincible: Silver Scarab

Reincarnated into the Invincible universe, Eli Mercer discovers he is more than a mere mortal. Imbued with the powers of Reach Scarab bonded to his spine and the extraordinary gift of an unyielding soul, Eli becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Otaku_Paradox · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 2

The Immortal and War Woman are flying threw the night sky on their way to Egyot specifically Cairo in response to multiple massive energy signatures Darkwing picked up in the area.

"What do you think it could be" inquired War Woman Woman. She is a beautiful woman, with a muscular yet busty build, 6'0 tall with black and green eyes. She was wearing a white onesie with golden gauntlets and boots, a red cape, and a helm that exposed he face but protected her crown and wielder her trusty mace.


"Not sure, but not many surprises me these days. A sentiment in sure you share. These benefits and downsides to an unending life" replied The Immortal. He had a black hat and beard and blue eyes. He's 6'4 and wore a blue skintight suit with white and yellow accents. His weapon of choice was his fists.


As they neared the capital of Egypt the sound of combat became clearer. They could hear the roaring of a lead filled with both anguish and rage along with the sound of a weapon of some won't go off repeatedly. When they arrived they witnessed the sight of a massive beast that bore a resemblance to the Sphinx with the body of a lion currently littered with scorch marks and lacerations, giant wings similar to that of an eagle, and a humanoid face that was golden in color, and born resemblance to the depictions of pharaohs of old if we exclude the maw of fangs. However neither The Immortal nor War Woman are perturbed by the beat's presence both of them have lived centuries and have seen many monsters during their careers as heroes. But the individual battling the monster did intrigue them. He was wearing armor that was black and silver and both his arms were currently transformed into two separate weapons on his back were fore insectoid-like translucent wings and below them were two thrusters. With the combination of an energy sword in his left hand and some kind of plasma rifle. With his soar and these two weapons, he was tearing the monster apart.


The duo got closer and landed on a building far away from the fight and noticed that this person was driving the monster farther and farther away from the populous reducing the chance of further casualties.

As the Sphinx shot a stream of fire from its maw at the individual, he easily evaded and continued to pepper its hide with shots from the plasma rifle turning its roars of wrath to screams of pain. The Sphinx spread its wings and took flight towards the deeper parts of the desert. The person clade in silver and black did not give up before the Sphinx could get too far his right wing was severed. It wailed in pain as it plummeted to the desert sands below, just before it hit the ground a charged concentrated beam of plasma crashed into its back accelerating its descent and burning a meter wide while in its gigantic body. The shoot burned a while through his back and severed its spine before exiting out its abdomen. As the Sphinx writhed in the same pain and agony the mystery man ended slowly making sure to keep an appropriate distance to counterattack should the beast try a desperate last attack.

His plasma blaster turned into an energy sword and he combined the two into a meter-long energy-buster blade. He grips the hand and ascends rapidly heroes defending with three times the speed and the added momentum moving faster than the human eye can see, within a slip second he was behind the monster and its head began to roll and the limiting of burning flesh could be heard as the wound had already been cauterized.

The buster blade transformed into liquid metal and energy and receded into the suit. He should out his left arm and an orb of some kid appeared and started beeping. He dropped it near the corpse of the behemoth and flew back in the direction of the city.

The device went and the explosion went off but instead of continually spreading out war it maintained a range of 100 meters before self-imploding and pulling everything with that range inward like a collapsing star. When it was done all traces of the beats were gone.

As he flew over the city people pointed and cheered while some derived but we're thankful the source of their misery was vanquished.

He suddenly glanced in the direction of the building The immortal and War Wiman were observing that battle from. And flew over and landed in front of them. The eye of his mask flashes silver briefly. Neither party moves or says anything. The Immortal and War Woman wondered what this person's identity was in coming to them.

"Hmmm let me guess," said the individual before tapping their chin with their index finger." Massive unidentified energy signatures suddenly appear in Egypt's capital city" finished the individual.

The Immortal and War Eiman exchanged glances before The Immortal turned to the individual and nodded.

"We came to investigate the source and if necessary stop or contain it" he replied

"And we arrived to see you variants defending the populace from the beast and then vanquish it," added War Woman

Getting a good look at the assailant his armor had motifs of an insect, specifically a scarab perhaps in honor of his Egyptian heritage if he was a local that is. But what stood out was his height of 5'7 so either he was a man of short stature or a child just defeated that behemoth.

"Hmmm, the former president of the United States who was supposedly murdered and the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company both Twilight superheroes. Who would've guessed" said the assailant suddenly causing the hero duo to tense up. How did he come about that information and what else did he know? The banes and identity of the other members of The Guardians of the Glode. Would they have to detain him hear and now? The Immortal clenched his fist and War Woman tightened her grip on her mace.

The individual seeing this looked unimpressed. Even though his face was covered his expressions could still be seen as the mask on his face was skin tight.

"So now that I know you I can put some good faith on you" he added and the part of his suit covering his head started peeling away and stopped at the base of his neck. The face revealed was that of a child roughly 14 or 15 years old with sun-kissed brown skin, dark brown almost black hair, and playful cat-like golden amber left eye and serious almost cold silver right eye that had a playful nature to them. There was a mischievous smirk on his face. He was a cute borderline handsome child but it could be seen he would be a lady killer in the future.


"Apologies for the scare but a hidden threat is more effective than selflessness and goodwill" his response and the fact that he was a child cause the tension to leave both heroes. They understood that to be taken seriously and to have something over them people who he didn't know gave the boy a sense of security. And for that, he earned a little of their respect, a child this young with such for thought was a breath of fresh air.

War Woman stepped forward and outstretched her hand for a shake. The boy looked at it and then at her before shaking her hand.

"Since you know our names, could we perhaps have yours?" she asked

The boy had a contemplating look on his face. Before he blazed with a certain charismatic confidence

"Eli Ozymandias Mercer, protector of Egypt and enemy to those that seek to harm her. But to those people, my name is..." he pauses and has a wide smile on his face. "CENTURIAN".