
Invincible: Beerus, Son of Thragg

Beerus was born into a world of chaos and conflict, inheriting the bloodline of Thragg, one of the most fearsome Viltrumites to have ever lived in the Invincible Universe. Raised in the shadow of his father's legacy, he grew up with the weight of expectation heavy on his shoulders. The Viltrumite society, known for its strict hierarchy and warrior ethos, demanded nothing less than perfection from its offspring, especially those directly descended from legendary figures like Thragg. Disclaimer: I don't own Invincible or any other associated properties.

aka_jarrett · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

The New World

Hey guys, welcome to the 3rd chapter of my story. If anyone has suggestions for the direction the story will go then feel free to dm or leave a review for me to read since I am not totally sure where I want the story to go towards, Mark or the Empire. With that said, enjoy.

Chapter 3

After a week of travel and smashing through countless asteroids, Beerus gazed upon Earth from the vast expanse of space, he beheld a sight that stirred conflicting emotions within him. The planet below shimmered with hues of green and blue, its surface adorned with sprawling continents and shimmering oceans. Earth was vibrant, a vitality that seemed to pulse with life—a stark contrast to the structured, technologically advanced society of Viltrum.

For a moment, Beerus found himself enraptured by the planet's beauty, a beauty that had eluded him amidst the technology-filled landscapes of his homeworld. There was a purity to Earth, a sense of innocence that he had long forgotten in the constant battle and conquest. It was a small sanctuary amidst the chaos of the cosmos, especially with the Coalition breathing down their necks. But, they shouldn't be a problem. And yet, as his gaze lingered upon the cosmos, Beerus's thoughts turned somber. For he could not ignore the grim reminder of the Viltrum's troubled past—the ring of dead Viltrumite corpses that encircled it like a halo. Each lifeless body served as a testament to the price of conquest, a reminder of the bloodshed that had stained the fabric of the universe.

The scene before him was a solemn one, serving as a poignant reminder of the consequences of his people's actions. As the son of Thragg, Beerus carried the weight of his father's burden, a burden that he could never fully escape. However, amidst the sadness and remorse, there shone a glimmer of hope - the hope that one day, their people will survive and thrive again. With a heavy heart, Beerus tore his gaze away from the unending reach of space, knowing that his mission lay on Earth. There were battles yet to be fought, and destinies yet to be forged. And though the road ahead was fraught with peril, he would not falter in his quest for his people—for the sake of the Viltrum Empire.

As Beerus touched down on the remote expanse of Earth, he found himself in a secluded area far from the bustling cities and bustling civilizations. Here, amidst the untamed wilderness, he sought solace in the tranquility of nature, far removed from the chaos and conflict that had defined his existence. Seating himself upon a boulder atop of sand, Beerus cast his gaze upon the diverse array of native species that populated the land. Each creature seemed to possess a unique beauty and resilience, adapted to thrive in the harsh realities of their environment. And yet, one species in particular drew his attention—a magnificent creature that moved with grace and power unlike any other.

As Beerus looked out onto the vast expanse of water, he saw something that immediately caught his attention. It was a magnificent creature, unlike anything he had ever seen before. The creature's dorsal fin was positioned in an unusual way on its oddly shaped head, which was unlike any other creature he had encountered. Its light gray coat had a faded cream-colored underside, which was a beautiful contrast against the blue ocean water. What made the creature even more intriguing was its unique asymmetrical fin, which was unlike any other fin Beerus had seen on a sea creature. Beerus estimated that the creature's length was approximately 18 feet, making it a truly remarkable sight to behold. He couldn't help but marvel at the intricate details of the creature's appearance, which made it a truly one-of-a-kind sight to see.

Despite his upbringing amidst the ruthless hierarchy of Viltrumite society, Beerus felt a profound sense of reverence for the creatures of Earth. In their simplicity and purity, he found a kind of wisdom that transcended the complexities of his existence. Here, amidst the quiet serenity of the wilderness, he could momentarily set aside the burdens of his lineage and simply exist in harmony with the nature of this world. As he watched the creature go about its daily routine, Beerus felt a deep sense of kinship with it—a recognition of the shared struggle for survival that bound all living beings together. In that moment, he understood that true strength lay not in conquest or domination, but in the ability to coexist with one's surroundings, to find balance and harmony amidst the chaos of existence.

As the tranquility of the ocean was shattered by the sudden sonic boom, Beerus's attention snapped away from the mesmerizing dance of the waves. He watched as the startled hammerhead sharks scattered into the depths, their sleek forms disappearing beneath the surface. Turning slowly to investigate the source of the disturbance, Beerus's eyes fell upon a figure floating beside him—a man whose presence seemed to materialize out of thin air. The stranger's voice, deep and resonant, cut through the silence like a blade, explaining the fleeting creatures that had vanished from sight.

"They're called hammerhead sharks. They're classed as an apex predator of the oceans," the man explained, his gaze following Beerus's toward the now-empty expanse of ocean. "Welcome to Earth."

"Earth? I had previously thought it was called Urath?" Beerus queried, his brow furrowing in confusion. (AN: I love Allen the Alien, especially with Seth Rogan voicing him. Such a breath of fresh air)

The figure behind him chuckled softly. "No, it is called Earth," he clarified, a hint of amusement coloring his tone.

Beerus turned to regard the newcomer, taking in his form with a measured gaze. The man stood at a shorter stature than himself, around 6'2", yet there was an undeniable air of strength and confidence that radiated from him. His muscular build spoke of a lifetime of physical exertion, though it paled in comparison to Beerus's imposing frame. With a middle-aged face weathered by experience, the man bore the distinct markings of his Viltrumite heritage, an imposing mustache—a testament to his lineage and his place within the cosmos.

The man's hair, a stark contrast of black and gray, framed his face in unruly waves, while a thick mustache adorned his upper lip, adding to the air of authority that surrounded him. He wore some sort of uniform, a curious blend of red and white fabrics adorned with the symbol of an 'O' emblazoned upon the chest with an equally red cape, marking him as a figure of intrigue. Standing tall and imposing, Beerus slowly lifted himself off the ground, his powerful aura radiating around him. With a dignified nod, he acknowledged the man before him, his expression carefully neutral. "Nolan," he said in a measured tone, his voice deep and commanding. (AN: imagine the voice of Idris Elba as the voice of Beerus)

"Beerus," Nolan responded curtly, his voice carrying a blend of curiosity and stoicism. "I hear you're the son of our Grand Regent. I trust you won't disappoint," he remarked, his words laced with a subtle challenge.

Beerus met Nolan's gaze with a steady, unwavering stare. "You shall see," he replied cryptically, his voice carrying a hint of determination.

Nolan hummed thoughtfully before extending a book towards Beerus. "Take this and follow me, kid," he said, his voice carrying a tone of guidance. "It's a book about the different customs and cultures on this planet. Get yourself familiar with it," he instructed, his words laced with a sense of importance.

"Where are we going?" Beerus asked. "And what's my background?"

"I have told my family and the people that need to know that you are my visiting nephew and that you plan on joining the World Betterment Committee alongside me," Nolan replied.

The son of Thragg narrowed his eyes in surprise and directed his inquiry at Nolan. "You have a family?" he questioned; his voice tinged with curiosity. "And what exactly is the World Betterment Committee?"

Beerus's inquiry hung in the air for a moment, met only with a measured silence from Nolan. Though he noted the subtle evasion, the younger agent held his tongue, allowing the conversation to unfold as Nolan saw fit. Finally, after a moment of contemplation, Nolan responded with a thoughtful expression. "On this planet," he began, his voice bearing the weight of experience, "I've adopted a cover story. I have presented myself as a benevolent visitor from the World Betterment Committee to help underdeveloped worlds, offering our assistance to gain the trust of the Guardians of the Globe, the protectors of this planet. It's not an ideal situation, but in our line of work, necessity often outweighs preference."

Beerus absorbed Nolan's explanation with a nod of understanding, his gaze fixed on the older Viltrumite. The notion of deception sat uneasily with him, but he recognized the pragmatic necessity of such tactics in their mission.

"And what of their strength of this Guardians of the Globe?" he pressed; his curiosity piqued. "How do they fare compared to us?"

Nolan's response was measured, his tone reflecting years of observation and analysis. "Their strength is respectable," he admitted, "but it pales in comparison to our own. They may possess unique abilities, but they lack the discipline and prowess that define our people. In a confrontation, we hold the advantage. However, it's important to remember that this planet is fragile. We must exercise restraint and conceal the full extent of our strength and brutality to avoid appearing as conquerors."

"Understood," Beerus replied with a curt nod, absorbing Nolan's assessment with a thoughtful demeanor. His mind immediately began to analyze the implications of their mission.

As they descended into Naples, the bustling streets below came alive with the presence of Nolan, drawing the attention of curious onlookers who eagerly snapped pictures and whispered excitedly amongst themselves. Amidst the commotion, Beerus, the alien visitor, stood out with his imposing stature and keen Viltrumite senses. His advanced perception allowed him to analyze every nuance of the foreign language spoken around him, his sharp eyes capturing each lip movement and gesture with precision, as if decoding a complex puzzle in real-time.

"On this planet, I am known as Omni-Man," Nolan explained, his voice tinged with a hint of pride, "and the people here respect me for what I have done."

Beerus nodded in acknowledgment, absorbing the information with a quiet curiosity. Though he was accustomed to the reverence accorded to his father on Viltrum, the admiration shown towards Nolan here on Earth was a novel experience for him.

As they strolled through the bustling streets, their attention was drawn to a small shop where a skilled chef deftly tossed a pale piece of stretchy dough in the air. "What are we getting?" Beerus inquired, his interest piqued by the culinary display.

"We're getting pizza," Nolan replied with a hint of anticipation in his voice.

Curious about the cuisine of this planet, Beerus ventured to ask, "Is the food on this planet good?"

"In all my years of experience," Nolan responded with a smile, "this planet has the best food I have ever tasted."

Entering the shop, Nolan engaged the portly chef in their native tongue, while the relatively younger man was still analyzing the foreign language. As they waited for their order, Beerus watched with fascination as the chef skillfully prepared the pizza before them. The aroma of freshly baked dough and savory toppings wafted through the air, tantalizing Beerus's senses and making his mouth water in anticipation.

When the chef handed them two boxes of pizza, Beerus surprised both Nolan and the chef by expressing his gratitude in flawless Italian, "Grazie per aver cucinato questo per noi." (AN: I just used Google Translate: Thank you for cooking this for us) Nolan was momentarily taken aback before recovering with a chuckle. "I didn't even learn Italian that fast. Impressive," he remarked, a hint of interest in his tone.

Soon, they flew away from Naples, and Beerus delved into studying the book about the planet. Not long after, they descended upon the backyard of a suburban household with lush green grass. Nolan handed him one of the two pizza boxes. "Here. It's customary to bring a gift when visiting someone's home for the first time," he explained.

Beerus grunted in acknowledgment, accepting the box from Nolan's outstretched hand. His other hand was occupied with the book, a tangible reminder of their mission's gravity. As they approached the backyard door, it swung open, revealing a woman of Korean descent. The woman's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the two super-beings before her. "Hi honey, I see you got the pizza from Naples from that place we liked," she greeted warmly before turning to Beerus. "Oh, is this the nephew you were talking about, from Viltrum?"

"Good morning, Ma'am. My name is Beer-" Beerus's attempt at an introduction was abruptly cut off as the woman rushed forward and enveloped him in a warm hug. Startled, Beerus looked over at Nolan, who was amused by his reaction.Beerus was not accustomed to such intimacy. Having spent his entire life in a highly militaristic society, where physical affection was limited to harsh punches and kicks, he found it difficult to comprehend the concept of tenderness and care. The warmth of the hug felt foreign to him, stirring up a mix of discomfort and confusion. In this new environment, where emotions were openly expressed and affection freely given, Beerus couldn't help but feel like an outsider, unsure of how to respond to this unfamiliar display of kindness.

The woman turned to another man nearby and called him over, introducing herself to Beerus as Debbie Grayson. "MARK, come meet your cousin," Debbie called out, her warm smile inviting. "Any family of Nolan's is family of ours."

Mark, a 6'0 lanky young man, walked over, his eyes widening as he looked up at Beerus. "Whoa, you're taller than I expected," he blurted out, genuine surprise lacing his voice.

The older boy reached out his hand for a handshake, "Greetings, cousin. My name is Beerus." As they shook hands, Beerus noticed that Mark's flesh felt soft as clay. 'He hasn't awakened his powers?' However, he kept that thought to himself as Mark focused on the pizza in his hand. "Dad, you got pizza! Is it from that place in New York?" Mark exclaimed eagerly.

Nolan chuckled in response. "No, son. This one's from that place in Naples that your mom and I enjoy."

"Oh, ok. I'm going to eat this on the couch and watch TV. Wanna come, Beerus?"

Beerus glanced over, catching Nolan's nod of approval. With a shrug, Beerus floated inside the house and noticed a fleeting expression of envy on Mark's face, "I don't see why not. What is this TV you speak of?" Debbie and Nolan chuckled at Beerus's question, while Mark looked genuinely shocked. "You don't have TV on Viltrum?"

As they two boys went deeper into the house and out of earshot, Debbie remarked, "That boy of ours is one track minded. Now, why don't I help you get you out of this uniform?"

Both of them sat down on the couch and started eating pizza. Beerus's eyes lit up as he tasted the greasy food. "So, how long have you had your powers?" Mark asked curiously.

Beerus looked over at Mark and replied, "Since I was four years old."

"FOUR years old? I've been waiting for my powers to kick in ever since I can remember. Do you think I'll ever be able to get them?" Mark asked sadly.

Beerus gave the teen another brief glance before saying, "Even the latest bloomers on Viltrum can get their powers when they turn 18."

Instantly, Mark's expression brightened. "Is there any way to get them earlier?" asked Mark.

The older boy pondered for a moment before responding, "Viltrumites who are considered late comers can awaken our powers by engaging in various disciplines like martial arts or by pushing ourselves to our limits until we're completely spent. However, they are considered weak until they have activated their abilities," Beerus replied.

"Really? Wow, I wonder if my dad was a late bloomer. He's never told me much about Viltrum. I just wish my dad could have explained that a long time ago," Mark said, with a hint of frustration.

"Well, I can't speak for Uncle Nolan, but I believe he assumed you'd have the initiative to inquire about how to attain our powers. Our society is far harsher than this one; our gravity alone is roughly five times that of your planet," Beerus stated firmly, his tone carrying a note of expectation. "Now, tell me about this 'TV' you mentioned earlier, and what other delectable treats does this planet offer?" His voice now tinged with curiosity and eagerness.