
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow

The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class. I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life. I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun. I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies. For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now. Fuck the others! I call myself Invictus. The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.

Ikrisnaw28 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 10 Resolution

Kaley had already put on his armor, his cloak, his headgear and brought his staff. His sudden appearance became a byword in the city of Aldheisna. Currently, his presence is like an S rank. His mysterious figure makes several newbies and female adventurers in the city attracted to him.

"Are you guys looking for me?" Kaley said behind his mask.

Some of the guards did look surprised when they saw the appearance of a plain black mask with both holes showing Kaley's eyes.

One of the guards who looked senior replied to Kaley's words.

"Is it true that you are the one who helped us with your familiar?"

Kaley nodded his head. Then to prove that he really did bring along what they called a familiar, Kaley took out his summons.




"Isn't that a monster that spawned not far from the city?"

"You are right!"

"Isn't that dangerous?!"

Many adventurers were surprised by the appearance of the monster.

The appearance of the Double Horn Boar surprised various parties. Even some of the adventurers and guards raised their weapons as if to attack Kaley's summons. However, they were again surprised by the behavior of the monsters that were far different from those found in one of the meadows near the village not far from the city of Aldheisna.

Kaley's Double Horn Boar sat leisurely and crossed his front legs as if he were a pet.

After they were convinced, the senior guard and several other guards escorted Kaley to the guild in the center of the city. Kaley also didn't forget to disable skill rest! Hers to have her summoned monsters follow her.

"Did you see that? The monster is following him quietly?!"

"What job class did he get? I've never seen this before."

Kaley faintly heard the adventurers talking about him. In fact, he really didn't like being the center of attention. However, there is no other choice. Like it or not, he has to show himself to the public. After all, he knows that no one knows his true identity.

It didn't take long for Kaley to enter the Guildmaster's room. When he had entered the room, now he had pulled his summon back. Kaley also tried to look firm to the guild master who was still sitting with his back to Kaley who was still standing not far from the entrance of the room.

"So, what made you want to meet me?"

Just when the door was closed, the guild master got up from her work chair and invited Kaley to sit right in front of the sofa located in front of his desk.

Kaley seemed to have misunderstood as he imagined the guild master meeting him. As he was still outside the room and walking towards the guild master's room, Kaley thought that he would meet a middle-aged man with a thick mustache and beard.

However, right in front of his face now was a beautiful woman who was roughly in her thirties, with a pair of glasses hanging in front of her eyes that made her face look younger than her actual age. The woman also has a good physique and chest.

Kaley who was still speechless was startled by the words that slipped from the woman's lips.

"I won't mince words with you, Mr. Kaley"

Kaley couldn't reply to the guild master's words. He was in shock and his tongue felt stiff.


Even Kaley couldn't finish the sentence he was about to say to the woman. However, it seemed the woman also sighed. She realized that she was in too much of a hurry.

After catching her breath, the woman introduced herself from the start.

"My name here is Nadiane. But you can call me by the name Nadia. I'm the guild master in this town. However, there is something more urgent that you must do now."

Kaley didn't reply to Nadia's words. He just kept listening to the direction of the conversation that Nadia wanted.

Nadia continued her speech.

"This world is not safe. There are some people who hijack the system from the outside and they also start to damage it from the inside. You must have seen the system errors that occur in this world."

Nadia's words began to be understood by Kaley. He knew because he saw the strange thing that happened to the fire dragon. Kaley was starting to get a little interested in the direction of the conversation.

"Then what should I do? And why should I?"

Nadia, who sighed again, continued her words.

"I want you to save this world even from the shadows. Why should you? Because I've given you something that doesn't exist in this world. The ability of a legendary class combatant class that even information brokers don't know about."

Kaley was getting choked up.

Now he knows who got him the combatant job class. However, there was something that confused him. Questions popped into Kaley's mind.

"I know there are a lot of questions you want to ask. We don't have much time. If you refuse to help me, I have nothing more to give you. I will resign myself to seeing this world fall apart, and so will you. Watching this world and the people you care about to die slowly. But if you are willing, the longer all the questions that arise in your mind can be ascertained, the answers will emerge little by little."

Finally, Kaley thought that the figure in front of him was not an ordinary person. She knew everything about Kaley, about Hyun-ah, about what Kaley was thinking.

"Then at least tell me who you are. Then I'd be happy to do it. So at least I can figure out the reason why I should do what you tell me to do. I think this feels very unfair. You know all about me, but I don't know and know anything about you."

Now Nadia looks smiling. A smile that seemed satisfied.

"Okay. My name is Aventda. I am the ruler of this world. I'm also what you call the Smart AI system that runs the RE: Life system here."

Some of the questions that popped up in Kaley's mind were finally answered. As expected, there was a big problem going on in that world. A world that gave him a second chance at life.

Kaley felt that helping Aventda was not his real goal. His own version's original goal was to secure the world he had lived in for a year from evil hands who wanted to destroy it.

"Okay, I accept your request. I will carry out your orders. For that, I have two conditions. First, I will ask for your support from now on. Second, I just want my real identity to be preserved. I don't want anyone to know who I am, including Hyun-ah. I will be the guardian of this world's peace from behind the shadows."