
Inverted Crown

A Genius Tactician, a fearful opponent. That is what his peers called him in the Royal Lion Military Academy. But what is the real identity of this man? The only information known to him was a peasant that rose through the ranks and got vouched for an unknown reason. Unravel the truth and lies hidden between the faces of darkness. The Inverted Crown. The crown that symbolizes the head of state that became inverted symbolizes the reveal of the truth.

ArkAnghel · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

The Revolutionary Throne (4)

The hallway on the first floor is busy. There are a lot of officers running around with their papers. And there are other enlisted entering the barracks.

Julius runs up the stairs and goes straight to the 3rd floor where the 12 battalion Commander's office is located. He knocks on the door of the 12th Battalion commander.

"Come in"

A powerful voice answered as he knocked on the door. Then he opened the door, seeing that the 12th battalion commander was writing something on the paper.

Then he walks in front of the 12th battalion commander. The battalion commander stands up immediately when he sees the Aide-de-camp entering his office.

"I have a deployment order for your 12th battalion from our Duke Warlord and you need to deploy as soon as possible. Execute this mission properly, commander. Also, you need to fix your office."

With a calm tone of voice, he said, looking at the 12th battalion commander's eyes. The commander quickly salutes at the Aide-de-camp. While he ignores what he was doing earlier. Julius hands him the order papers.

The commander grabs the paper with two of his hands. After that, he replied in a calm tone of voice.

"Thank you Sir. I am glad that I am chosen to execute this plan."

After that, the Aide-de-camp turns around and walks out of the room. He tilts his head to the right and remembers that he is also giving the command papers to the 2nd division commander. He walks to the office of the 2nd Division Commander.

Because the 2nd Division commander is a high rank, there is a secretary outside of his office. And when the secretary of the 2nd Division commander sees the Aide-de-camp. He quickly raises his hand and salutes at the Aide-de-camp of the Duke Warlord.

"Is the 2nd division commander inside of his office?"

The Aide-de-camp asked while looking the secretary in the eyes. With his looks, he is making the secretary feel intimidation by rank and seniority. He salutes back at the secretary.

"Yes, Sir the 2nd Division commander is inside of his office. I will call for his attention by phone, sir."

The Aide-de-camp nodes as the secretary sees Julius has put down his hand. The secretary then grabs the phone and dial the 2nd Division commander.

"Sir, we have an important guess, the Aide-de-camp of the Duke Warlord"

He gulped as he said those words to the 2nd division commander. After saying those words, the 2nd division commander answered the secretary.

"What are you waiting for? Let the Aide-de-camp in my office. And why did you make him wait outside? You stupid baboon."

The secretary looked up to the Aide-de-camp and said with a calm tone of voice.

"Sir, the 2nd Division Commander is ready to receive you inside."

The secretary opens the door and the Aide-de-camp enters the office of the 2nd Division commander. He sees the Aide-de-camp with his black tunic and a golden rapier that is attached to his waist.

He also attached his medals on his chest to let the other know who he is. The 2nd Division commander sees this as an intimidation tactic of the Aide-de-camp. He salutes to the Aide-de-camp, recognising the rank and the seniority.

"Sir, is there an inspection? No excuse, sir."

When he said that, the Aide-de-camp did not get shocked to see that a newly promoted 2nd Division commander will be as precise as the previous one.

But he salutes back to the 2nd Division commander and waits for the Aide-de-camp to lower his hand first before lowering himself. The Aide-de-camp lowers his hand and the 2nd Division commander lowers his.

"There is no inspection, Division commander. I just have here an order paper for you. As specified as a task by the Duke Warlord himself. With your men under you, I highly expected that you will do this mission precisely."

The voice and tone of the Aide-de-camp changed when he talked to the 2nd Division Commander. The 2nd Division commander has only 2 reply options, agreeing to the orders that will give him recognition. And the other one which is going to make him a traitor.

"Sir, thank you, sir. I will gladly accept the order papers, Sir."

The Aide-de-camp walks to the table of the 2nd Division commander and places the paper on his table. Then leaves the office and heads back to the Mansion of the Duke Warlord Maranon.


The carriage where the lady and James Roswald arrived at the tailor, which the driver had pointed to the last time. The door opened, and the lady walked down from her carriage. After that, she heads towards the door of the tailor shop.

"Here, my lady, please walk slowly."

The driver of the carriage said while he was walking beside her. He also opened the door for her. They entered the shop, and the tailor was not present at the counter.

"Riverian, I have some customers that need an exchange. Come out there. We are not part of the black legion."

Then a man with a suit walks out from the other room. A man with a tailored suit of magnificent elegance. Same with the elegance of nobles in the capital city.

"I never expected you would be here, Daniel. And who are the people that you have brought? The lady seems to be from a wealthy family, same with this boy that has the eye of a future leader."

The man said while looking at Daniel, who was the driver of the carriage of the lady and James Roswald. Then he steps toward the counter slowly while getting his tailor tape of measurement.

"I ask you to exchange my dress and my boy's suit for a couple of normal clothes."

The lady looks at Riverian, who is standing in front of them. Riverian crosses his arms and looks at the dress that is in front of him. Checking that even a maid's gown or dress will be quite higher than what he hoped for.

"Well, if it's normal clothes, you mean civilian and low-class clothes. Are you sure about your trade? Because your dress, I can exchange it for 4 normal clothes and then 3 gold coins. And then for the boy he can have 2 normal clothes and 1 gold coin. And this is my last offer."

He said with a bargaining tone of voice. But he still wants to help these nobles because he also has heard that Baron Roswald has stood against the Emperor.

When the lady heard his offer, he smiled in joy because she can become normal again like his father and grandfather. She looks at James, who also does not know what is happening. As she touches his hair and tries to fix it.

"We agree on the trade you are offering. Thank you for your kind consideration on our look."

Riverian turns around and points to the room where they could change their outfit. While they were walking towards the fitting room. James looked at his mother and asked.

"Mother, why are we selling our clothes? This is father's gift to my mother. I don't want to sell it."

When he said that, her mother looks at him with an angry face and said,

"Don't test me and my patience. We are going to be poor from here on. And follow my instructions if you still want to live. Do you understand?"

That is when she has already accepted her husband's faith. At the hands of the demons that wanted blood rather than peace in this dirty nation.

20 minutes have passed and they change to the dress of a normal lady and a boy in a small town. The only difference is their faces; they still look like a noble. And has status, and because they are going to a village, they sure need to adapt to the look of a village.

"Let's go, we need to move and then we can rest when we arrive at your grandparent ' house."

Her mother said while James has a slight fear for his mother. Because of what happened earlier. And as a reply to her, he just nods. Then tilt his head and look at the starry sky.