
Invasion Of Elements

KonoFree · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Arc 1: Chapter 3

As class ended Jake started to talk to Anna, "Hey Anna, now that we have some free time wanna go on a walk or get some food from the store?"

"How about we do both? I'm getting a little hungry but I also wanna go on a walk and talk." Anna responds.

As Anna and Jake walk to the store they pass by some other students from group C who saw what happened to Jake during the assessment. "Hey loser!" They shout at Jake.

"M-me?" Jake says as he points to himself.

"Who else would we be talking to idiot, you're just an F class so you have to listen to us C classes." They continue to harass Jake.

"Hey! Stop being mean to him jerks!" Anna shouts at them.

"O-hoh look at the little missy trying to act tough, I'll have you know our boss is a B class with a very strong flame so you should be afraid." They say as they turn their attention to Anna.

"W-wait, dude isn't that the girl who can use two elements?" He says as he points at her.

"She's nothing but a weakling, she can't even control them properly, we could easily beat her!" One of the bullies says confidently.

"Hey guys leave her alone, you're here for me aren't you? So what do you want from me?" Jake says to try and distract them.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Hey loser give us your money, we overheard you talking about going to the store." The bully demands.

"B-but I don't want to, it's the money for Anna and I's lunch. I won't let you have it!" Jake says confidently.

"Oh yeah? I guess we'll just have to beat it out of you, it's not like you can even fight back." The bully says threatening him.

"H-hey stop it!" Anna tries to step in. "What are you gonna do about it? There's 4 of us and 2 of you and it doesn't seem like he's gonna try to fight back." The bully says to retort her.

The bullies start to get up on Jake and start to beat him for not giving them the money. When Anna tried to step in they stopped her.

Anna tries to summon her powers to attack them but they just fade out when she tries to shape them. "W-why isn't it working?" Anna asks to herself.

After the bullies had their fun beating Jake up they walked away with Jakes money in tow. Anna sees Jake crying so she tries to go up to him to talk to him. "H-hey Jake are you okay?" She says timidly.

"Does it look like I'm okay!?" Jake shouts at Anna and Anna backs off a little and stays quiet.

"I-I'm sorry Anna I didn't mean to yell at you like that." Jake says in an apologetic voice.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Jake..." She says timidly. "Well I don't wanna be protected by you I want to protect YOU." Jake says.

They stay quiet for a little, but Anna breaks the ice. "Hey Jake should we go to the fountain in the courtyard again and rest there?" Anna asks. "Sure, I wanna talk anyways, who needs food?" Jake replies trying to make a joke.

Jake and Anna get to one of the open benches in the courtyard and sit down. "Hey Anna, remember when we first met in Sector 14?" Jake asks. "Yea I remember you were hiding behind your mom when we first met because you were so shy hehe." She says teasingly.

"But why do you ask?" She adds. "Well I just like spending time with you and I was just trying to remember how it came to this, I never expected that we would become soldiers to try and regain the earth is all. It just amazes me how far we have come from just being stuck in that small Sector." He says with a bit of reminiscence and sadness in his voice.

"You know you look really pretty today.. Anna." He says with a smile. "W-what are you saying?" Anna says with a blushing face and a surprised voice. "Oh sorry I was just trying to tell you the truth, you really do look beautiful." He says. "Y-you don't need to be sorry just don't surprise me like that." She says still blushing.

"Alright I'll try to not catch you off guard with it." He says teasingly. "Anyways we should probably sleep soon, the sun is coming down and we need to start practicing our summoning so we can get stronger." He adds.

"Yeah you're right, lets get some sleep Jake. I'll see you tomorrow, and t-thank you for calling me beautiful." She says bashfully.

Jake heads to his room and lies down on his bed preparing for the fact that he will need to train hard to even reach base level and protect Anna, due to the promise they made that one day.
