
______Into You_____

Begins with the return of the heir to the motherland, the RSPV throws a tempting hot gossip: The heir was a big snapper. The initials AR. Identity withheld. Alaric and Aymard messed around with the deteriorating family business, they couldn’t ignore this big snapper. It's simple. Just about AR who is like a golden-horned deer, lost in a wilderness full of foxes in sheep's clothing. With the wild wolves commanding while lurking from the dark.

digidiggerr · สมัยใหม่
35 Chs

In The Midst of Imbalance

The Club House where Alaric and Aymard are esteemed members, boasts its own accommodations. It is not the type of lodging that entices nights-for-adults adventures, as these facilities are intended for families seeking a weekend retreat. Nestled in the southern outskirts of Jakarta, the club only truly comes alive on weekends. Small families fill the lodging sites situated amidst rolling hills, not far from the rowing practice lake and the family swimming pool. Further down, toward the gently sloping valley, comprehensive fitness facilities await, with the exception of a football stadium. Alaric usually heads straight home, while Aymard often enjoys solitude on Friday evenings, indulging in a one-night retreat from work affairs.

However, tonight is different. Alaric is overcome by drowsiness after his intense training session earlier in the evening. He is exhausted to the point that after taking a shower, he simply collapses onto the bed. Lying sprawled with his legs hanging over the edge. If it weren't for his rumbling stomach, he might not wake up until tomorrow morning. The pang of hunger immediately takes hold as he awakens. His body aching and his consciousness not yet fully intact. Seated on the edge of the bed, he rubs his eyes and contemplates the situation. Surely, Aymard must be with Aisha who unexpectedly arrived at the Club with a full entourage. Including Rahman the boy, and her rambunctious twin toddlers. Thankfully, there are caregivers available now. Earlier in the evening, Aymard mentioned joining them. Planning to grill some fish and corn.

Thoughts of food trigger a response in Alaric's stomach.

"Damn hunger!" Alaric mutters irritably.

He rose to splash water on his face, hoping that the coolness would awaken his sticky eyes more quickly. The dimly lit room made him move sluggishly. It must be around seven in the evening now, judging by the pitch-black sky. He pondered, staring at his reflection in the mirror above the sink, with disheveled hair and still squinting eyes. This was not a look he would ever present to anyone outside. Even his girlfriends never saw him like this. Alaric always left them peacefully asleep after their wild sessions. Alone. It might seem excessive, but he didn't easily feel comfortable around just anyone.

"Ugh, I look terrible."

Even his voice sounded hoarse as he commented on his appearance. followed by a few coughs due to an itching sensation in his throat.

"Great. I caught a chill," he grumbled.

After tidying up his appearance a bit, Alaric called for Dono.

"Order me dinner," he said without any fuss.

He heard Dono sigh heavily, asking him to wait for about 15 minutes because he wasn't present. Faint laughter could be heard in the distance, carefree and unrestrained.

"Where are you? How dare you have fun and leave me alone like a fool?!"

Dono laughed. "I am sorry, Boss. We're all having a family gathering at Aisha's place. Boss Aymard is here too."

Alaric felt a surge of irritation upon hearing this. "WHAT?!"

Dono mumbled.

"I know Mardi planned to have dinner with them. It's fine if Danti goes with him! But you, Dono, you're my Personal Assistant!"

Dono mumbled at the other end, "You were sleeping, Boss Alaric. So, I thought I could leave you alone for a while to grill some Cakalang fish. I am sorry. Okay, what do you want to eat?"

Grilled Cakalang? Alaric swallowed his saliva, it sounded tempting.

"My appetite needs to be re-stimulated. Come here and pick me up! You useless Personal Assistant!"

Dono snorted from the other end, "As always. My boss is fickle!"

Alaric grinned as he looked at his phone then pressing the red button. He chuckled at himself: shamelessly joining Aisha Roestam without being invited, for the umpteenth time. Who cares? Alaric was hungry. And the laughter he heard through Dono's phone piqued his curiosity. Maybe there was a party going on there, and Alaric never could resist a good party.


It wasn't a party, just a casual gathering. But the warmth of the atmosphere tempted Alaric to join, despite his pounding headache. Little Rahman stared at him and folded his hands when Alaric arrived, asking what Alaric needed that made him comes to their place. It was clear that Rahman didn't like Alaric. Aisha glared at him and asked him to be polite but Rahman responded with a statement,

"If it were an adult like Uncle Aymard, Rahman would respect them because they're kind and polite to Mama."

Alaric narrowed his eyes, without wasting time, accepting Rahman's offer for a confrontation, knowing it would provoke a ticklish sensation in people's minds. But the people present here were only Aymard, Danti, Dono, and Aisha. The rest, the two toddlers with their babysitters, could be ignored. Let it be, it was already a mess between him and Rahman the Boy.

"Uncle Alaric enjoys teasing Mama, he doesn't like Mama. He once called Mama a country bumpkin. Why should Rahman be polite to someone like him?"

Aymard and Dono burst into laughter simultaneously while a flush of heat spread across Alaric's face. He saw Aisha laughing weakly, unsure of how to make Rahman stop. The twins, who didn't understand, gazed at Alaric with questioning eyes. Their faces were smudged with roasted corn seasoning.

"Cool people don't seek revenge, my dear," Aisha joked, sighing deeply.

Rahman snorted, delivering the final blow, "Luckily, Rahman is still a child, not yet cool. Still allowed to seek revenge."

This statement prompted Aisha to switch roles from a polite assistant to a stern mother, "It's nine o'clock. It's time for you to go to sleep!"

Rahman groaned, understanding that he would receive a sharp lecture when he saw the expression on Aisha's face. His mother didn't glare at him but Rahman certainly knew that Aisha was angry. And when it reached that point, it was better to obey rather than prolong the commotion. He gave a weak nod as he walked towards the building where they were staying. Aisha followed Rahman while carrying one of her twin sons. The babysitters reluctantly followed suit. Before entering, she said to Aymard, like a good friend,

"Just continue with the barbecue. I'll take care of the kids first."

She glanced briefly at Alaric only to offering a perfunctory smile. Dono burst into laughter once Aisha and her family had entered. Danti followed, chuckling leisurely as she savored her corn with great enthusiasm.

"Ah, I envy Aisha. Her life seems exciting," she quipped.

Aymard smiled as he flipped the roasted fish. "Yep. It's intriguing."

Alaric put his hands on his hips. "You guys are a mess."

Dono smiled and handed him a perfectly roasted Cakalang fish. Alaric accepted it roughly. Its enticing aroma tempted his senses and made his stomach growl again. Aymard glanced at him with a smirk.

"Dono, I forgot. Fetch some hot ocha over there," Alaric commanded.

Dono immediately put on a displeased look, staring at Alaric intensely with the sharpest gaze he could muster before finally turning around to obey the order. Alaric remained calm and even laughed contentedly at Dono's behavior. Danti snorted.

"While the atmosphere is warm, I want to express my gratitude with all my feelings. Boss, you're never annoying like Boss's little brother," she said to Aymard.

Aymard burst into laughter. Alaric sneered.

"Why do our present PAs pretend to be familiar, ya?"

Aymard shrugged, "Do you even know what any others previous PAs were like? It's only recently that you've had a loyal PA like Dono. The ten before Dono couldn't last more than a few weeks."

Alaric was annoyed to hear Aymard's banter which made Danti laugh again.

"Fortunately, the weirdest request from the Boss is just this one, finding out about Aisha. Are you in love?" she asked.

Alaric threw a crumpled tissue at Danti, "Watch your mouth! The world would turn upside down if Mardi falls in love with Aisha."

Danti turned around, "Why?"

Alaric glared, "Hell, she's a divorced mother of three! And she's about to enter old age. Even though Mardi is annoying, he deserves the best woman!"

Aymard sighed as he sat next to Alaric, speaking more quietly than his younger brother,

"Can you stop making a fuss? We're here as her guests. It's really impolite, you know. What if Aisha hears? I'll be so embarrassed!"

Alaric put on a sarcastic expression, "Well, you're just strange. You're going after housewives. And her kids are so arrogant! Your taste is questionable this time."

Danti snorted, "I'll just follow Dono. Is there anything else you need, Boss?"

Aymard glanced at Danti for a moment, as if thinking, then shrugged, "Uhm, maybe an extra sweatshirt. I'm afraid it might get colder later."

Danti nodded firmly and left, humming softly as she descended the stone stairs. Alaric stared at her back, annoyed. Before Dono became close to her, Danti used to show great respect and deference. Over time, she became Dono's reliable partner in provoking Alaric's emotions outside of work hours. She would make sarcastic remarks that crossed the line. Even Alaric's friends never went that far, let alone his girlfriends. Alaric kept complaining silently while gazing at Aymard. Then, affter a long time,

"Are you seriously considering making Aisha your girlfriend?" Alaric suddenly asked

Aymard simply smiled as he chewed his fish. He shifted his position, crossing his legs to face Alaric.

"I'm sure Mama is close to deciding that you'll marry Isabel."

Aymard's smile grew wider.

"Oh, Mardi! You're terrifying! I can't believe you're actually falling for Aisha!"

Aymard laughed, "I always follow my heart, Burik. When the feelings are gone, it's over. It's as simple as that."

Alaric pouted, "You're such a bastard."

Aymard shrugged it off.

"The issue is not about whether Aisha is good enough, Burik."

Alaric furrowed his brow, "Oh, come on. Don't tell me it's another case of liking someone for no reason like back in Boston."

Aymard bitterly chuckled, "Damn you!"

Alaric grumbled at length before hissing, "Bah! This is even worse. Use your brain, will you? She's a divorced mother of three, getting older, and just a PA!"

Aymard fell silent, staring at the fish he had just bitten into. It was clear that he had lost his appetite. He let out a tired sigh, raising an eyebrow as he looked aimlessly, casting his unease towards the distant city lights. Not as vibrant as Jakarta, they flickered with a melancholy that matched his inner turmoil. Alaric, his younger brother, had just stated a fact that should be his primary consideration. Although he knew he would eventually marry a woman approved by his family, even during casual affairs, it wouldn't be wise to act recklessly. Aymard carried the respected Dirdja name which now shone even brighter due to his work.

"It would be quite amusing, Mardi, if you dated her. People would surely think you're just joking around. Taking a prank too far. And Aisha, with her status as a divorced mother of three, is currently a hot topic in society."

Aymard scratched his non-itchy neck, "Aisha is not what people think, Alaric."

Alaric chuckled softly, "Listen to yourself, defending her without any reason."

Aymard flashed a wide smile, "What's your problem? Is Mama asking you to be a spy or something?"

Alaric shook his head, "No. I just don't understand what's so appealing about Aisha and her attributes. It's excessive, Mardi!"

Aymard tugged at the corner of his lips, forming a meaningful smile. "Are you seriously clueless about why?"

Alaric looked straight at Aymard, nodding reluctantly with a blank expression. The grin on his brother's face grew wider, a mix of mischief and amusement. Then Aymard cautiously spoke,

"Have you ever heard of a MILF?"

Alaric widened his eyes, exasperated. "Shit!" he cursed.

Aymard flashed a mischievous smile, "Yeah, that's Aisha."

"Damn it, you sinful thing! You mean you just want to get some bedroom action, Mardi!" Alaric's sarcastic remark quickly followed with a mischievous grin.

Aymard playfully slapped him, "No way! I told you I always follow my heart! That's thing is just trivial. Just a bonus!"

Alaric stared, "Oh, come on, it's cliché! In the end, you and I are no different. Just curious, that's all."

Aymard fell silent, gazing at Alaric intently. His brother raised an eyebrow in response to his piercing gaze.

"Is that what you think, Burik?"

Aymard's voice was cold and distant, causing Alaric to startle. His gaze was intense, making Alaric feel a slight tremor. Alaric nodded hesitantly, prompting Aymard to gaze even deeper into his eyes. For a moment, Alaric thought Aymard was angry, but fortunately, his prediction was off. Aymard let out a harsh breath, his neck suddenly feeling stiff.

"It's so obvious that you've never truly fallen in love," Aymard muttered.

Alaric stared on him and Aymard responded with a mocking jest.

"Don't talk too much. Your perspective is proof enough. I'm tired of discussing it. Real love can only be understood by those who have experienced it. As for the MILF comment earlier, it was just a joke," Aymard stated firmly.

Alaric narrowed his eyes in disbelief. Look at Aymard, pretending to be romantic with his words. Yet, it was clear that he frequently changed partners. It meant that Aymard couldn't remain faithful even to his own heart. On the other hand, Alaric often sustained relationships for one or two years. It was usually his partners who ended things first. Although he played around with many women, he always had only one girlfriend. Someone to whom he promised an undivided heart. The flings were merely temporary, urgent needs that he couldn't postpone. That's all. Alaric never forgot to abide by that principle to the best of his ability. Without Magdeléne's guidance, of course.

And Aisha, she was an anomaly to include in this equation, considering their habits. The term MILF had just been mentioned. Merely this a concept that far from pure thoughts. Since when could such intentions blend with the genuine emotions associated with love? In the realm of heartbeats driven by carnal desires, that was what Alaric believed MILF referred to. Mother I Love to Fuck?!

Was Aymard going mad, falling in love for such reasons? It felt utterly empty and unlike Aymard at all. Or was he cursed? Who knows? Because Alaric couldn't find anything else intriguing about Aisha apart from her perfect physique.
