
Into the unknown- Adventures in the kingdom of Nelph

Change is inevitable..... No matter how or what your life is.... it will change. Whether it is big, or small. And it will happen, when you least expected it. --------------------------- Kevin Moore, a 22 yr old young man, who is content with his daily life, doing a job as a driver. The constant life comes to an end, due to the abrupt changes suddenly happening to him. Because one moment, he is following his daily routine, doing his job, and the other moment he finds himself in an unknown place, which is nothing like the place he is used to... Join him, to a weird , action filled adventure with the spice of emotions and feelings mixed in, to an unknown place called Nelph.....

sanghmitra1111 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


A wizard?!?

"What?!? "

"Yeah.... Don't act surprised. There are so many things that will be new to you.... I guess.. So you should prepare yourself for it. " Lia suggested casually.

It's true. Everything I considered a myth now is enclosing itself as reality in front of my life. It is like a dream as well as a nightmare.

I  could now see Ray in a new light. What was he capable of now?...

"I... " I wanted to ask so many things but now I was tired. I just huffed, stoping altogether.

"I need to take a breather. " I sighed.

"Ok! I'll inform Gale and Matilda but we'll need to hurry. Take care! "And just as she came she went away with a charming smile, leaving me and Ray in an awkward silence.

" You like her"

"WHAT?!?! NO! I Don't! Stop saying things like that out of the blue. "

"Really~" He drawled out.

"YES!!.... W-well... Ma-maybe....? "

He just smirked. I don't like his smirk. I want to wipe that of.

"Well, who am I to pry, but, beware of Matilda. "


"Why? " I was genuinely confused. Why would I be beware of Matilda. It's not like they are fa-

"Why? Because Matilda is her sister. "

My whole body froze. WhaT?!!?! There is no way a sweet girl like her would be sisters with that she demon. But if it's really true, my chances with Lia are less to zero.

I sighed and followed Ray's lead to the camp we were setting to relax. Gale looked at my injuries, gave me some medicines and treated my wounds.

We had vegetable stew for dinner. Turns out everyone here was a vegetarian... for obvious reasons.

The journey was two and a half days long and it was all forest. If you think about it, how vast was this forest? You can't know.

The whole while I was stuck with Ray. He is a sly guy, kind of laid back but sly. Lia did make occasional appearance but didn't stayed much.

She was mostly there to inform us about certain things, like if I was ok, if it's time for food, rest and messages from Gale.

The others didn't pry much because Gale asked them not to. I was finally able to walk on my own without those annoying support.

When I asked Gale about this magical recovery, she told me that it there was nothing magical in it. The medicines she gave me just fastened my natural healing process leading to quick recovery.

We didn't encounter any palace soldiers. Lia told me it was thanks to Ray distracting them, but how.... I didn't know.

And about Lia.... I come to know that Matilda and Lia are not real sisters. Lia was adopted . Matilda loves her a lot and is reallly protective of her.

Which didn't help my situation.

Speaking of Matilda..... She hates the idea of me! She thinks I am some sort of lowly creature who will show his 'true colours' when the time comes.

These two days were interesting. Surprisingly I didn't miss my job. I was just really worried about the fate of the mysterious gold box and if it ended up with my master.

I didn't have a family.... My father died just the last year because of lung cancer. My mother left both me and my father,when I was 2.

I don't even know who she is. I have just seen her photo. She was very pretty. Black hair with hazel eyes. I've got her eyes from her but my looks are from dad.

He was such a gentleman. I didn't know why mom left him. Other than them I didn't have many people I knew.

Some friends from high school whom I lost contact with. I dropped in the middle of my second year because of dad's situation.

I had to work my ass off for his treatment doing any sort of work I could but I couldn't save him....

"We're here"

I was so lost in the memories of my father that I nearly missed Ray's voice.

We all stood in front of a large oak tree. It's trunk was thick and it's branches touched the ground expanding its area. It looked very old.

Ray started moving forward until he stood face to face with the tree. He brushed his fingers, first like lightening then like a circle, completing it with a shape that suspiciously looked like an arrow. He did that, all while muttering something under his breath.

I looked on with interest as the area he touched glowed under his hand forming a unknown symbol. Soon the trunk parted forming a archway entrance.

He went inside without any hesitation with people around following after him. I stood there with my mouth agape, watching people slowly disappear in that trunk.

I felt a tug on my hand and saw Nina looking me with a innocent expression.

" You should come soon. It's going to close. " With that she ran into the entrance. I panicked and ran after her. I thought it would be packed but there was no trace of people who went ahead.

Instead I saw a large passageway leading to somewhere. It was dark so I had to rely on instincts. After walking unsurely for about a minute I saw light rays coming from the front. I squinted my eyes with the sudden light intrusion as I walked through the opening.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Ray waiting for me at the entrance.

" You took your time. " He said casually as I went to him.

" All this magic stuff is new to me okay?! Don't judge me. " I grumbled.

" Come on, everyone is scattered so don't try searching for anyone, until I introduce you to the princess and elders. If anyone finds you, you will surely be killed. 'Stranger danger' you know. " He smirked lazily seeing my cautious expression and gulp.

".. " I didn't know what to say so I followed him quietly.

I looked around and saw a place which looked like a fort in ruins. And even though everything looked ancient, with wines and random greenery growing due to it's age, it looked very grand.

There were random people who looked on to me curiously raising their brows. I smiled at them uneasily as I followed Ray to a large entrance with two bulky men coming out.

" Ray" One nodded his head in greetings.

One eyed me suspiciously and asked. " Is that him? "

" Yes. " Ray answered.

" Good thing you arrived safely. Everyone is waiting for you inside. " The second man said and both men moved aside and waved us off.

I steeled my nerves as I went inside. What I found was nothing I expected. I thought it was a throne room of sorts with the ' elders' Ray spoke of sitting on their respective chairs, with a high mighty princess elegantly sitting on the main chair.

But instead I saw a waiting room, filled with all kinds of people casually chatting and passing snacks. It looked like a very large family enjoying a Sunday afternoon.

When we walked inside, the chatter quieted down as Ray walked straight to a old man who looked thousands of years old. I followed him nervously, feeling every eye on me.

" Grand elder, this was the man I told you about. " Saying this Ray stepped aside, making me stand directly in front of the old man.

He smiled at me gently, getting his wrinkled face more scrunched as he beckoned me forward.

He took my hands in a surprisingly strong grip and in a very shaky voice, he said, " Welcome to Nelph, young man. Don't worry you'll be safe here. How did the space travelling treated you? How was the feeling? "

I laughed nervously to his question and quietly answered, " I... Don't know. I was unconscious the whole time. I just woke up here, totally transported. I was injured too. "

" Hmm..... We'll look into the matter and monitor you for any change. Don't worry, you can stay here until we find a way to send you back. "

With a reassuring smile he let me go. I thought why didn't he ask my name or how old I was? What a strange old man.

I turned back awkwardly when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl with brownish black hairs and brown eyes. She wore a purple and blue dress with sleeves and  brown boots.

She smiled and said, " Don't mind the grand elder, he is always like this. But you can't help it.... A creator is always cautious about the feedback of his creation. "

" So did he.... "

"Yes, he did. But he is one of the creators. It was a joint project. Anyways, let's properly introduce ourselves. Hello, I am Melody. It's a honour to make an acquaintance, Mr traveller. " Her voice as soft as silk but holding a firm base. Her smile gentle and polite.

" Please don't call me that. My name is Kevin Moore but you can call me Kevin. And trust me, the pleasure is all mine. " I replied with a easygoing smile. I felt comfortable.

She giggled and waved, " I have to go now, but I'll see around. Right Kevin? "

" Yeah! Sure. " I said as I saw her going outside the room.

I sighed and looked for Ray, whom I immediately spotted standing at a corner, talking to some blonde woman. It's like he sensed my gaze, because he looked at me and excused himself, before making a beeline towards me.

" So, you talked to grand elder? How was he? "

" Interesting, to say at the least. Hey.... You told me you will introduce me to the princess. "

"Oh yeah.... Maybe later. Now that you met grand elder, everyone will know you. It's customary to meet the owner of the place when you come, otherwise it's intrusion. "

"Hmmm....." I looked around and saw Melody standing at the doorway, talking to a older woman. They looked like they were discussing something serious.

"Hey Ray... "

"Yeah? "

"You know who is she? I talked to her earlier." I asked, pointing at Melody.

His gaze followed my finger and then, he chuckled. " It looks like you won't need any introductions with the princess. "

" Why?! " I looked at him, perplexed.

With a satisfied smirk he replied," Because the girl you just met is princess Melody of Nelph. "