
Into the unknown- Adventures in the kingdom of Nelph

Change is inevitable..... No matter how or what your life is.... it will change. Whether it is big, or small. And it will happen, when you least expected it. --------------------------- Kevin Moore, a 22 yr old young man, who is content with his daily life, doing a job as a driver. The constant life comes to an end, due to the abrupt changes suddenly happening to him. Because one moment, he is following his daily routine, doing his job, and the other moment he finds himself in an unknown place, which is nothing like the place he is used to... Join him, to a weird , action filled adventure with the spice of emotions and feelings mixed in, to an unknown place called Nelph.....

sanghmitra1111 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


"So the story starts when.. Our king, king David of Nelph remarried. Our queen died because of poor health. He himself was not fairing well.

He was worried that the princess won't be able to handle the kingdom on her own. He didn't want to leave her parentless so he instantly remarried.

It was one of his advisor Edna. She wasn't close to anyone but was... is very level-headed and rational. She didn't have children.

So when the king died, the princess was left alone. Not totally though. At that time she already had a companion. It was her fiance, prince Will.

The new queen didn't indulge in the princess' life. Except for the training to the crown.

But one day, the princess heard something about killing of our sacred creatures. She wanted to check the matter but the queen dismissed saying that her spy network would have alerted her.

But our princess? She is one hell of a stubborn girl. She, joined by Matilda here went to investigate the matter. Secretly of course.

What? Don't act surprised. Matilda is.... Or.. Was one of princess' royal guards. So anyways, they went on for the investigation and they found themselves near the banks of Orly river.

You won't know it. It is mostly abandoned with a few tramps here and there. It was in the basement of the abandoned warehouse where they found out the butchery.

Not only animals and carcass but there were small children and people tortured as well. They wanted to go and help them but the place was heavily guarded.

So they came back and informed the queen. But she denied all of their claims. The princess couldn't rally the guards herself, without the permission of the queen.

So she sought help from prince Will. He assured her that he will do all he can but, there was no action from his side.

She was starting to grow suspicious so she started to stalk the queen. And finally, on one fateful night she found the truth. It was more like betrayal.

Queen Edna and prince Will were behind this villainy. She confronted them but they attacked and tried to kill her.

She ran away but before that she was able to notify few of her trusted people of the truth.

News travel fast especially one from the Royal family. People went berserk. They wanted answers. But Edna was able to calm them down.

She wasn't called one of the wittiest woman in the world for nothing. She was able to convince them otherwise.

But the princess knew. The people who trusted her, they knew. There were families destroyed due to whatever evil plot the queen is planning.

So the princess started gaining support. We are one of those 'support groups'. Matilda is the leader here. We are just few of the warriors who left with her.

The groups are scattered, all over the region. The princess is in temporary exile. We can't gather at large numbers and we constantly have to move.

We don't know their true intentions but whatever they are doing, it's wrong. The queen charged us with treason so we avoid populated areas.

We are quite famous! With wanted posters and all. But few people like Gale, who don't have much connections with the castle are quite free.

They are with us only because we warriors and rebels want healers. And if the searching squad spot our group we could easily blend in or hide.

No problem with a pack of wanderers right? We are waiting for the right time to strike because, I swear it's going to be a war.

We need to find their true intentions, because whatever they are, they are harming the mother earth. It is weakening the natural force and we can't survive without it.

We are waiting to strengthen and increase our numbers and get ready.....

And now with your time space teleportation, there will be a chance of the change in the flow of natural energy.

There is some sort of alert system at the castle for that and the queen will know of the change. She can see your arrival as threat and you can be as good as dead.

Sooo... No need to thank us. We help needy people like you".

Ray ended the story with a laugh.

As for me, I was trying to absorb everything.

Apparently I am in a kingdom which is ruled by some dictator sadistic woman, who is -by her actions- endangering every subject of her kingdom.

And I managed to get involved with one of the rebel squad who is planning an invasion for the rightful owner of the throne, who will bring peace.

I was so confused and scared of the discovery and my current health status didn't help the situation much.

There are so many things.... So many questions that I had to ask him one.

"So... How is the animal killing bad for kingdom? I mean I agree it's bad yes, and it will lead to extinction but their killings leading to riots?! I mean, I am confused.. "

A small smile twitched around his lips as he replied, " See! That's the difference between your universe and ours. Killing animals might not be a great deal in yours but it is in ours. A big one. "

His eyes narrowed at me. Something flashed in his eyes making me bite my words but it soon changed to his normal carefree eyes.

"It may also be the fact that the life of these special sacred animals is directly connected to that of our natural living force. " He said casually.

All I could think was this doesn't make any sense.

" You lost me there. "

I heard a giggle behind me as the voice started speaking.

"Seriously Ray! Do you really think that if you explain things to him like that he will really understand? " As the person stood beside me.

I moved my eyes to look at the person and suddenly I couldn't look away.

The girl looked up, with a twinkle in her olive green eyes as she watched me amusingly.

Her pink lips turned into a smirk with dark brown hairs falling down her back. They looked perfectly curled.

I felt my cheeks going warm as I felt my heart going just a bit faster.

I looked down at her attire. She wore all black top, crop jacket and slacks with boots. There was something like a whip wrapped around her waist which made me gulp.

I saw her hands come up to me.


Her sweet voice echoed around me.

Her fingerless gloved hand came up to my face for a handshake.

"My name is Lia. "

Oh no.