
Into the omniverse with a beast tamer system

This is a story of how a young man and his younger brother died in a tragic accident and were given the chance to travel the omniverse with the power of the { Beast Tamer System } WARNING This will be a slow-paced Fan-Fic and will also be my first time writing so do expect a few mistakes. I will also try to update chapters as much as possible as well as make the chapters at least 1000 words long. All rights to all the Anime, Manga, Moveis, Shows, Games and images I have used for this Fan-fic are reserved to the respective creators and companies.

Orian2209 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

The Afterlife? Part 2

(POV Cyrus)

After standing up I wait for a few seconds I see a hologram appear in front of the deity slowly expanding into a cube engulfing me and the deity before everything went pitch black.

Before I could ask what this was supposed to represent, a single spiral of light came into existence and after that, another one popped up.

Then before I even knew it I was in the middle of the darkness marveled by thousands upon thousands of slim spirals of light and color surrounding me.

"Beautiful isn't it" I jolted up punching whatever just snuck up behind me out of instinct, only for me to feel my fist phase through something.

I turn back and see the deity looking amused and surprised by my antics "Well that's the first time a mortal dared to punch me." He said in an amused tone.

"Uh sorry about that it was reflex…. you're not going to banish my soul to the deeps of hell or something right." I say nervously.

"Don't worry I won't send you to any hell of the sort, mostly because I'm not a deity of death." He said amusingly.

"Well now that you've calmed down let us continue the matter at hand." He said returning to a serious tone.

He spread his arms in the air "This is your universe all the galaxies, planets, celestial bodies everything there is in your dimension.".

"What do mean by 'dimension?" I blurt out with curiosity.

"Right… you're not familiar with our terms. Well, here this should explain it." He said in a serious tone with a hint of irritation.

He snapped his finger and all the spirals which I now know are galaxies started shrinking until they were the size of marbles.

Then out of the blue or black the cube started shrinking as well and all that remained was a jet black ovoid that flashed different colors every few seconds "This is a dimension everything contained in the cube is a universe.".

Then the 'dimension' started multiplying until the library was filled with evenly spaced ovoid's "This is a multiverse a collection of dimensions, you've probably heard people say how the multiverse is filled with endless possibility." he said in a serious tone.

"Well that saying is true, each dimension contained in a multiverse is very different from one another but almost the same. An example is in another dimension where you were not cursed by bad luck you lived a very successful life on earth that is the epitome of the genre 'cyberpunk'." He said in a serious matter of fact tone

After he ended his sentence the 'multiverse' shrunk down into a slowly spinning cube "And as you have probably guessed this is the multiverse your dimension belongs to."

"Let me guess the cube's goanna shrink and multiply and you're going to say something along the lines of 'your multiverse is one of the many in the omniverse'." I said trying to imitate his voice.

He looked at me surprised "Don't look so shocked, before you showed me Earth you said something about explaining the omniverse." I said.

"Right, I forgot I said that… well anyway your prediction is valid so I'll just explain the washed-down version." He said in a surprised tone.

"So to simply put it the omniverse is the infinite collection of multiverses both reality and fiction." He said monotonously.

"The fuck do you mean fiction?!?!" I shouted at the deity in confusion.

"I'll explain it later, anyway now back to why I explained the omniverse to you." His tone going back and forth from serious to solemn.

"Now usually deities do not need to go down to the mortal plane as we can just observe it from our domains and adjust fate if the need be from our domain." He said seriously.

"As I explained a few decades ago a sentient plague of sorts came into existence and its goal was to wipe out all life in your multiverse. Now when it first came to be it was weaker and in a different dimension." The deity said solemnly.

"We didn't know what it was at the time so curiosity got the better of us and we sent the deity of probability to that dimension to observe and exterminate the plague." He said with a voice filled with regret and anger.

"Hours went by without any word from her, hours became, days became weeks, and when we checked on the dimension everything looked normal until we noticed something horrifying." The deity said with pain in his voice.

"All life was gone from that dimension including hers, every civilization we observed from our domain void of life. We found her corpse floating in space her soul and all her power stripped away." Sadness evident in his tone

"…She was some close to you wasn't she?" I said with familiarity. (Why is he telling me this?) I thought with curiosity.

"She was my only child she was so young- wait, why the fuck am I telling you this!!" His voice laced with anger.

"Back to the matter at hand after we found her the plague had already spread to the other dimensions seemingly empowered and fueled by her energy." His tone compared to before was quiet and mournful.

"When my wife went to that dimension to retrieve her body we were watching and that the moment she entered the decision she just… died instantly and that dammed plague grew stronger" His voice consumed by loss.

"After both of them died we concluded that it was far too dangers to go to mortal planes to stop the plague." His face filled with regret.

"It must have been hard for you to stand by and not be able to do anything." I said in a consulting tone.

"It has been hard to accept it and move- Brat will you stop trying to give me therapy!! Even though you had a degree in phycology, I'm a deity damn it I don't need therapy from anyone and especially not from a mortal!!" He shouted in irritation.

"Ok." I blurted out.

One minute of awkward silence later…

(Yeah this is probably a good time to ask.) I thought.

"So uh not to be rude or ungrateful for explaining the wonders of the omniverse but where's my brother you said he died?" I asked with worry.

"Oh yeah, he's not dead he's in a coma." He said almost instantly.

"But you said something about discussing our untimely demise." I said in a confused tone.

"Well, he's bound to die it's just that he's currently in a coma and will die in about three months." He said in a somewhat guilty tone.

"…Are you able to make it so he won't die." I said in a hopeful tone.

"No the poison has already seeped too far into his body, his death can be prolonged but it can't be prevented." He said in a solemn and guilty.

"I see." I said in a sad but understanding tone.

Another minute of Awkward silence later…

"So why did you want to discuss my death and Logan's inevitable one? I'm thankful for you explaining the multiverse and that plague, but I thought well after death I would be judged or something." I asked the deity in confusion.

"Well that would normally be the case, but I have a proposition for you and your brother." His demeanor changed to that of a businessman.

"And what you that be?" I asked the deity out of curiosity.

He snapped his finger and the table returned along with the chairs.

He sat down and rested his arms on the desk and interlocked his hands "What if I gave you and your brother a second chance at life with the ability to travel the omniverse." He said in a businessman like tone.

(Is this like one of those cliché isekai fanfics and anime.)

Too be continued

If you like my work please give me power stone's and I'll uptade more frequently.

Orian2209creators' thoughts