
Into The Marvel-verse

I do NOT OWN anything except mc OC and some events. The Timeline will be Wacky and our MC is an Anti-Hero not cold blood or ruthless he will kill when absolutely necessary. . . . . . I died, got some wishes and tried to survive. . . . . . . . . . I'm writing for fun, read if you want to don't need any money... yet. Let's see how this goes.

Lethal_Drinker · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Chapter - 06

Date:- 2nd May, 2010

The Brain, such a wonderful and mysterious organ. Even an average brain is much more faster than most pieces of technology on this planet and even if when the average person uses about 7% of their neural networks. It has the processing speed of about 6 bits per second which rises higher equivalent to a person's IQ even if slightly it makes all the difference. And when I woke up today those 86 billion neurons started firing on over drive as I was now using about 95% of my brain power due to the super soldier serum as well as Taskmaster's photographic reflexes combined with my 10 bits per second of processing speed which now enhanced to about 15 bits per second, my muscles started getting ripped and more flexible similar to an Olympic athlete on steroids and my shriveled up legs grew healthier and stronger by the second.

The Brain gets bored, which causes it to lower the blood supply in centers of the memory storage it finds useless and boring resulting in forgetting said knowledge and growing apathetic towards it. This is reason why Taskmaster fogot about his past and keeps forgetting about things that aren't related to combat and strategies not because the data is too much for his memory to handle. The Brain never forgets anything it's just we can't recall everything.

Thankfully, I'm not at risk of a memory loss not only due to my wish but also my 2 years worth of dedication to making a Mind Palace and a Perfect recall which now also enhanced due to the super soldier serum.

The super soldier serum enhancement is both similar and different to ones Taskmaster had. Firstly it's not the experimental version that Shield made and there won't be any side effects or chemical residue because it's like a natural enhancement, like I was born with it and if some tried to experiment on my blood they won't be able find anything because there isn't anything to find. That means no anti serum or collars that can suppress my powers. But the drawback was that power enhancement wasn't as exaggerated as Captain America or Taskmaster him self, it was about a bit higher than the maximum amount of my body to mass ratio.

Though my reflexes and speed should be equal to Taskmaster which would mean that I can dodge bullets.

The first thing that I did after snapping out of my intoxication of my new found powers was close my eyes and replay all the things things I been through for the last 7 years, the constant helplessness and need for relience on others, watching Peter go to school and enjoy a normal life, and even though both aunt May and uncle Ben don't show it I know that they are sad and heartbroken and it hurts me every time I think about how much they are sacrificing for my sake.

It was the main reason I published the novel so early, it costed about $5000 in advance and the book was sold at $25 per copy on 10% royalty. It took about 5000 copies to break even in a period of 2 weeks. It wasn't even in the running for a best seller cause it didn't fit the criteria for inclusion but it did earn me about $50000 in gross revenue by the end of 2007 and greatly helping our financial state, though aunt May stubborn refused to spend said money on our household finances but uncle Ben helped me convenience her that it wasn't that big a deal and thus paying off most of the loans and finances accumulated making the house wheelchair accessible through the years.

I became mildly popular in the writing community as an upcoming writer and had photo taken for the New York Times and the Daily Bugle.

I sat on my wheelchair and went downstairs. I saw Peter and Uncle sitting down on the dining table along with May serving them Three- egg omelettes. Danny eating his feed in the corner though most of it was spilled on the floor.

"Appi, come quickly your breakfast is going cold."

"Coming Aunt May."

"Hey Appi do you know that they found Tony Stark. They say he blew up the cave in which the bad guys kept him." Peter said excitedly at the fact of one of scientific role models freedom from his captives.

"Yeah I already knew about it since last night while you were dozing off on the couch." I replied as come to the table.

"Yeah it's awful what happened but who told him to go out to Afghanistan. Its been quite a while since News told us that the place is playing ground for Warlords." May replied giving her thoughts on the matter. The May Parker of this world isn't that frail, old woman shown in Earth 616, she's an Internet savvy and feisty woman a mix of the ultimate comic and MCU's version.

"Well May, Stark went to show off some weapons to the Army." Ben replied while enjoying his breakfast.

"Well moving on from that topic, Pete your favourite Dr. Conners published his paper on cross-species genetics. He says by transfusing cells of reptilians such as lizards directly to the human body, can result in regenerating lost tissues and limbs." I said while looking towards Peter. Along Dr. Octavius, Connors is also one of his science heroes.

"Really, but how is he planning to tackle the rapid mitosis, the blockades and out write rejection of the transposable elements by the auto immune system? The "jumping genes" would replicate too fast leading to formation of tumors." Peter replied with a flash of intelligence in his eyes, completely nerding out.

"Cross species transfers have been observed in both plants and animals even among each other frequently occurring throughout evolution. So he proposed that the "Jumping Gene" or the retrotransposons, copy and paste themselves around the genome with the interference of insects like ticks or mosquitoes or viruses maybe involved — it's a big puzzle."

"Hmm, that might be possible but it's still not validated proof it's a mere guess at this point. Even though we can derive about 25% of the genome of cows and sheep from "jumping genes" its still not nearly enough." Peter replied as he calmed down a little pondering over problem and giving his opinions on the matter.

"Well I think that radiation would his best bet." I replied giving him a little hint. And he did not disappoint as you could see him figuring out the answer, you all these years whenever we played together most of the time I would teach him advance knowledge and challenging his brain to learn new things for I knew that both of us won't be allowed to skip high school *< and readers I don't know the reason for this huge waste of time, its most likely due this talentless author who won't take a hint and show my sex life and making this a harem novel with me fucking the brains out all the women in Marvel and just cruising through the popularity ranking. Damn uncultured swine.>* and not have his knowledge stagnate.

"That... could work. If the L- element accepts the radiation and keeps the "jumping gene" stable."

Peter replied in low mumbling voice as he was trying to figure the math of chemical reactions.

"Or just turn them in a giant walking lizard which would later be filmed in B- class Hollywood movie."

I joke breaking Peter out of his trance as starts laughing at silliness of the idea.

"Enough, no talking about giant lizards while we're eating." Aunt May said making a disgusted face at the thought of walking lizard.

"But it would be a miracle wouldn't it. All the people that had suffered such unfortunate injuries wo-"

"BEN!!" Aunt May cut Uncle Ben off angrily, it was a second later that Uncle Ben realised that he brought up a sensitive topic.

The atmosphere around the table grew a little tense. It was at this moment I chose to break the silence, "Actually aunt May I've been meaning to tell you something. The feelings in my legs returned."

"WHAT!!!" all three of them shouted in unison, shocked by the bomb I dropped on them.

"When did this happen?" aunt May came running towards me and started to check me frantically * <nothing lewd you incest loving perverts>* with tears filling her eyes.

"Since this morning." I replied while trying to calm her down which wasn't making an progress.

"So talking about putting lizards in people and making a walking lizard was more important than telling us THIS." May shouted in anger, exasperation, frustration, worry and all other micro emotions mixed into one that I lost count of but I could now identity the major ones by ``her facial muscles, the tone of her voice and the variation of its note and pitch and the little dilation of her pupils`` all of that within a tenth of a second.

"I told you now." I replied with a tone of nonchalance though on the inside it felt a bit funny as I saw her emotions change in slow motion.

"Don't give me that sass young man." Anu May replied as her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Calm down May. Appi tell me can you move your legs? Do we need to go to a doctor get you checked up." Uncle Ben asked as bent down to match my eye level with seriousness evident in his eyes.

"Yes Uncle Ben I can move my legs again and no we don't need to see a doctor, frankly I'm sick of visiting them besides didn't Dr. Palmer say that given enough

time my injuries would heal naturally and I could walk again." I reply in a tired voice.

The rest of the day was spent by either Aunt May coddling me or celebrating. As the Parker family rejoiced over Azmuth's recovery, the world continued to move forward as machinations, schemes, plots and wars continued building pressure and tension due to explode come a few years time.


P.O.V. Unknown:-

In an unknown Location

"Once misfits, cripples..." a man with a pony and beard dressed in a suit walked around a room with men and women with missing limbs strapped to a standing bed with I.V. drips attached to a packet with the name Extremis written on it , "... you are the next stage of human evolution. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen after today all you'll remember that today is your day of glory and victory over your loss. Let's begin."





Elsewhere on a Plane

"General Ross, It's Blonsky. Sir we have tracked down Banner. What are your orders, sir." a man wearing black special ops combat suit carrying a bag in his hand spoke on a black phone while behind him a dozen of men were preparing their weapons.

"Where is he?" an agitated voice came from the other side.

"South America, the exact location is unknown." Blonsky replied

"Extract him."*beep*





In an unknown secret SHIELD Installation

A man in a black suit stood behind a glass wall in the darkness looking intently at the cradle inside surrounded by scientists in hazmat suits. Inside the cradle lay a blue coloured humanoid corpse with a face straight out of a low budget horror film.

"If you keep staring at him like this people will think you're a pervert. Tell me Coulson what are your observations." a man came out of the darkness wearing a long black over coat thought his face was still not visible.

"Sir project T.A.H.I.T.I is on track and making fast and stable progress towards its intended goal. If it not too far out of my clearance level Sir may I ask what is the goal." Coulson replied in a neutral voice without turning back to towards the shadowy figure.

After a short while of silence, the figure replied, "Follow me." and so he did, following the man through a dim light hallway and stoped infront of door with a warning on it [Restricted Sector. Only authorised personnel allowed.]. The man entered the passcode and entered the room.

"The goal of the project is to revive this man." Coulson looked towards the bed the man gestured towards.

On the bed lay a man with a ripped red and blue uniform with star across his chest with half his body frozen in ice.

Coulson looked the man with admiration and awe in his eyes, "Are you sure director?" he looked the man who finally came out of the shadows standing by his side with a tone of disbelief.

The black, bald man with an eye patch covering his left eye replied with a smirk on his face, "Yeah."


A/n:- Yo readers new chapter here. *phew* had to do much research and open my old medical book for the chapter. For all of you that may be confused or simply don't know ALL of Taskmaster powers I'll make special auxiliary page later. Constructive criticism is appreciated along with suggestion and plot hole, time line and fact checks. Peace out✌️ Live Long and Prosper🖖
