
Into The Infinityverse : Infinite Series

※ RELINQUISH THE BODY ※ ※ STRENGTHEN THE MIND ※ ※ AND ASCEND THE SOUL ※ The start of a long story of a guy traversing the multiverse meeting, befriending, and loving, the characters he'll meet in his travels and to rebuild the Infinityverse Ps. This story is placed in an interconnected universe like marvel and this is my second try in writing stories Disclaimer : I don't own any of the pictures or video's I used to liven up the descriptions in the story I wrote the links at least some of them of where I got the material so check there works out.

MA_Writecraft · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

chapter 3 : Meeting The Family

A child walked an olden, or at least made to look olden dirt road. He must be between 5 or 6 not older than 7 he looked cute with his snow white hair and flush chubby face and his alluring golden blue eyes.

" wow I really do hangout far away from home it's really a mystery why my overly caring mother and laidback but protective grandpa let me hangout that far huh they where probably teaching me to know how to explore the world or something anyways I'm here. " the self conversing child stopped his Smalltalk with him self to see a beautiful limestoned, Spanish style mini-castle villa that was decorated by nature making seem even more appealing

(Neil Pearson Illustration

A Villa Near Deia - Neil Pearson Illustration) co-doe's from the artist I love his work really fitted with my story, if you like his work to go look at his other stuff

The boy starred at the sight like it was his first time seeing it. That would be true if his still his young innocent self and not the old and wise 25 years old guy that just woken up from his reincarnation hmmm that would be funny

" well it is beautiful haaa " a smile was born on his flush, chubby, adorable face

" I'm lucky I was born with almost everything I would want and need, a loving older sister that I never had. And a great and cool grandpa to look up to and a beautiful and caring mother that loves me dearly that she shows it openly haaa I love this I'm just sad that I needed a life to sacrifice it self for this haaa I promise father even though I didn't had the chance to meet you I swear to take care of the family you sacrifice for, so that I could be with them " The boy pronounced boldly while he pounded his small arms to his chest while tears started to trickle down his face

" huh that's enough, of that. haaa it's probably the kids young and noble soul that made me become this emotional. But I thank him he gave... no I gave myself another chance to feel again... " the mad boy started to go inside his house but then a maid in black and white opened the door leading in the boy she has a beautiful short cutted raven black hair, while having a pale complexion and her eyes... she has beautiful violet gem like eyes that resembles a pare of amethyst

(Wallpaper Flare

Maid costume 1080P, 2K, 4K, 5K HD wallpapers free download ...) they make really good wallpaper

" ohh, hello there, young master winter, its good to have you back, here come along. I'll get you to you're room hold on, " the young maid reaching her hands out offering her hands for the child to hold.... and he did grabbed it while both of them smiled

" hello mis. Viola. thank you " ( huh she's mis. Viola an automatron maid grandpa rick made to take care of me as my personal maid but I always tell her to not go with me from time to time I really can't remember why though. Hmmm heh doesn't really matter I still need to apologize to sis and probably sleep dam until now my heads still messy my memories are so mixed huh I just need sleep )

both of them walked while Viola lead them but she looked back at the overly obvious thinking child she's holding " is something, the matter young master? " she asked looking worried and concern

( wow grandpa rick really did made her look really human huh, now that I think about it she looks like someone from 2b's world huh, that's probably why, I made her stay here. I probably though she was actually, human and I wanted her to relax here while I played outside but. I didn't know that she probably hated not being always there with me grampa made her to love me so much that she'll do anything for me always be by my side and for all her help, I repay her by torturing her by making her stay away from me haaa ( sigh ) dam been here, for a few hours and I'm already starting to regretting my life choices haaa okay )

" I'm okay mis. Viola I was just thinking how much I miss you " the child jumped and hugged the weirdly soft and human like body of the robotic house maid

" oh my ( giggle ) yes me to young master " viola said while having a tone mixed with both sincerity and lightheartedness

" I do worry. Of how much of a lady killer you'll be, in the future young master haaa( sigh ) " this time she fainted sincerity while obviously heading her mischievous intent and smile

" ohh. And I. Was. Thinking. Of summer. I made her mad. I was thinking. Of how I can apologize to her. " the child said while acting embarrass and feeling kinda guilty making his voice broken and uneven like how normal kids talk when there nervous

" hmmm let's see " Viola said while she placed her free hand on her chick pointing at it with one of her fingers

" you could always just... wait what did you do too the young miss " she said just realizing why he's thinking of apologising to his sister she said the last part while fainting shock while she covered her mouth

" really, it wasn't that bad viola, I just teased Her a little bit, at least enough to make her runoff " he said while giving quite the convincing innocent smile

" hahaha nice try young man, but. I was the one how took care of you, so I do know how much of a little monster you can be ( giggle ) " she said looking amuse of there banter while they kept on walking the hall ways of the quite large state searching for winters sister

" hahaha yeah, yeah, you got me. I acted like the rogue I shouldn't be but she just looked so cute all worried and concern I just can't stop myself " he said while grinning and remembering his sisters flushed and embarrass face 

The two kept on talking like they warrant a maid and her master but more like old friends then while they walked they stumbled on a blonde beautiful, blue eyed, pale skinned. Mature looking woman

" lady Elizabeth! good afternoon " Viola did a small courtsy making both of the woman laugh

" hahaha oh my, Viola you really do love joking don't you, I do wish you don't teach my son to only joke " she smiled lovingly while she spoke then when she saw winter her smile grow and opened her arms winter in return jumped hugging his mom

" mom I missed you so much where you been " winter hugged like the child he is while his mom kneeled so she can hug him better

" there there mommy's here no need to be like that " she said while she patted his light blue hair

" I love you mom " he said while he broke the hug

" yes I love you too you little cutie hmmm " Elizabeth answered while she smiled

" but sorry to keep this short, but mommy's a bit busy I already greeted summer so I need to go back bye baby see you at dinner " she left while waving at her son and viola

" oh almost forgot if you're looking for summer she's at the roof garden okay bye " then she left going through a double door leaving the two behind

" so shall we master " viola reached out her hand again like she's offering her hand again and like before he excepted it

" okay lets go " they walked upstairs while they played a word game to pass the time

A few minutes later...



( summer )

" haaa ( sigh ) what an idiot I was trying to be the kind and gentle big sister every little brothers would kill to have, but nooo. not him he just answered with such an offensive tease haaa I hate that little cute... dam I hate that I can't get mad at him. what do you think  Rose " the girl that talked was wearing a puffy Victorian London light pink dress with a sun hat she spoke while seated under a big umbrella on an outdoors white table and chair she was drinking juice with some an assortment of snacks on the table that ranges from fries to pastries

" my lady I wish to not get involve in youre little brother fantasies pls ohh look at that its young master and Viola I'll fetch more refreshments I'll be back " the red headed automata retreated and left in a side door maybe to get more drinks

( it really is Winter and Viola  and here I thought she's just excusing herself like always haaa ( sigh ) alright lets see what they want oh winter's waving ) Winter was waving too Summer while he smiled summer did the same then when they where closer viola and winter stopped they talk about something then viola bowed and went where rose left earlier while winter continued going towards summer

" ohh hello winter why, are you here broth... " before she could finish he rushed in and gone for a hug while she's still seating cutting her words like how a wall of spear can end a cavalry charge



( winter )

" I'm really really sorry sis I'm sorry for making fun of you pls don't hate me! " the child said while whimpering acting like the idle adorable, hearth melting, innocent younger brother. That any older sister would ask for

" there, there, now its okay I can't ever hate you you're just so precious and you are my baby bro " the girl said while she patted the boy's hair. talking in a such, a low voice like speaking to a lost child

( well that was easy, well she does have a weird little bro complex now that I'm a little more aware than I was a few hour's ago haaa ( sigh ) this is weird but I'm not sure.. ) the boy looked up seeing his sister blushing while panting quite heavily even though she tried to be subtle about her lustyness but winter saw it non the less her beautiful light blue eyes where change to a darker red and black and her once elegant and graceful alluring aura vanished replacing it with a more wilder and predatory beauty feeling like she wants to consume the boy mean while

( internal panic ) the boy looked back down immediately after witnessing such an unsettling sight making the young part of his soul yell in panic

( F U Viola and you're plan what the hell. why did I agree with this okay, I just need to let go and sit in front of her so I... ) the child let go of his hug but before he could pull away the girl instantly hugged back overpowering the snow white haired boy helpless to the girls whims

( crap this is bad what to... ) " ( giggle ) hmmp hmmp and where are you going little cutie making me all hot and bothered and just leav..... " but before the girl could finish her teasing and do whatever she planned a black haired paled face violet eyed maid chopped on the head of the pervy girl making her stop and realising her prey

" ouchy what a prune. And when I was just starting to have my fun ohh well bye for now cutie " the girl winked at the boy before fainting but before she could fall face first on the table the boy caught her and laid her at the sofa right next to where they sat

" haaa ( sigh ) we'll that gone better than I hoped I did tell you to be careful Master, haaa ( sigh ) you already know why she has such an unhealthy love for you why did you even get so close to her haaa ( sigh ) its alright winter here its hot out here " she gave the young man a glass of lemon ice tea while also another maid was holding a big burger plated with fries surrounding the burger the maid has red hair with light brown skin and an attractive figure

" here you go young master, well done as you like it with, sour cream fries with a side of sweeten tomato paste " the red headed maid said before she laid the boy's lunch on the wooden engraved table then after that she moved and sat her self next to viola

They talked and eaten the launch they delivered and enjoyed each other's company.