
Into The Fantasy

sapphire_moonlight · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

chapter 1:Where Am I?

Olivia, is a 16 year old ordinary girl of Melbourne...

a really simple girl... a little arrogant.. a little sweet.. but really kind hearted.. lives in a middle class family

with her Mom and her elder sister


Since childhood, her mother always used to tell her stories about fantasy and fairytales.. and many non existence things.. that could only exist in imagination...

Her mother worked in a cafeteria.. after divorce

Olivia grown up seeing her mother and father fighting every night..

She always wanted to see those land of dreams her mother used to tell about... where there is no fighting, no hypocrisy.. only love and magic...

Her elder sister Rosie.. is very practical on the other hand.. she always tries to make Olivia change her vision about fantasies and get back in practical world..

" I want to go to the enchanted world.. where I can sleep in peace.. without any sound of fighting.. and a happily ever after life with a prince"

Olivia thinks...since childhood

After her father left she had no more time to think about these silly things... which doesn't belong to any means of logic

Rosie got married to her boyfriend Andrew.. and Only Olivia and her mother left alone..

After 2 day of Rosie's marriage.. an accident took Olivia's mother away from her..

and now she is in care if her sister's in laws.. in Los Angeles

though she has people in her life.. but she is alone from inside..

she buried that fantasy diary along with her mother's corpse inside the grave...

Since now she is a practical girl.. who making herself to survive in this cruel world...

after moving to her sister's in laws house.. she found a best friend Maeve(Andrew's step sister) .. who is a big fan of American Celebrity Benjamin Moris..

He is also a teenager.. and new to the Hollywood..

Maeve is a die hard fan of him...

But Olivia was totally different than a fairytale kind of girl..

she thinks that love fairytales.. and princesses has no use in this world..

every night she used to write a diary about her thoughts..  and her mother's stories....

for her

her mothers memories are the only support.. and she is all alone..

Sunday morning Olivia and Maeve were going out.. for having fun...

they met an accident.. but fortunately she Maeve survived but Olivia got a wound in her head..

The Car with which they crashed.. was Benjamin Moris's car..

who got a wound too..

after recovering both of them got homes.. but they weren't completely fine..

Benjamin was in a leave for this severe accident..

and will not sign any contract.. untill he gets well..

After dinner Olivia and Maeve.. went to their room.. and preparing for sleep...

before sleeping Olivia got a severe headache... and Maeve falls asleep..

Olivia couldn't even speak well.. she tried to close her eyes.. and slowly falls.. asleep..

but when she opened her eyes.. she saw an open clear sky... the vision was blurry for first some time..

she opened her eyes.. confused.. why is she under an open sky..

she sat up.. and felt that her wound is not hurting her anymore.. she look around..

and saw big petals of flowers around...

when she stood up.. she slipped of the flower and falls down in a fluffy mushroom...

she was confused..

everything looked so beautiful....

the fantasy her mother used to tell.. when she was a child is now in front of her eyes...

she put her feet into the ground.. and looked at the beauty around..

she was astonished and wanted to go back but at the same time.. she wanted to know the secret of this visual world...

"Ouch!" she heard..

she looked back.. and saw a boy was falling down from another flower..

.. when the boy cleans and pats his shirt off.. and looked around... Olivia was shocked...

it was none other than Benjamin Moris...

Benjamin looked around and was as much confused and Astonished as Olivia was..

But Olivia was more than him.. after seeing him..

both of them arrived towards each other.. stoped.. and

  both if them yelled looking at each other