
Into The Apocalypsed

As Nolan boarded the train on the way to Manila's central district to buy a cake for his mother, he settled into his seat alongside a beauty. Engrossed in his music, earphones snug in his ears, he gradually closed his eyes. Within moments, the train entered a tunnel, but the journey took an unexpected turn. Malfunctioning lightbulbs and violent shakes appeared disturbing Nolan's peaceful slumber. Amidst the darkness, after the train got out of the tunnel the darkness was gone the train then derailed at a breakneck speed falling off the edge of the road in luck thats its not really a high place, and as they got out from the wrecked train. Nolan and the others found theirselves in a completely different world. The eerie silence enveloped all of them, revealing a world teeming with monsters—zombies, bizarre animals, and even super-powered humans. In this harsh and unfamiliar environment, Nolan faces the challenge of survival, different from his upbringing in a peaceful city. Will he survive this bizarre world and find his way back home? Explore Nolan's unwavering will to go back and meet his loved ones again. Author's note: This is my second book; my first one is titled "Surviving On An Island With My Survival System." Please note that some grammatical errors may appear as I am new to writing.

APHELIOUS · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter 13 offering help

It's already dark, because the sun was already set making the moonlight illuminating the the place. Nolan was outside the house standing in the gate he looked back to the two.

"So now, are you are ready?" Nolan said while looking at them, standing.

Jasmine remained silent while looking at Nolan, while having a lot of scenarios on her head.

"What if this man will just used us to distract the zombie, by offering us a sacrifice for him to escape"

"Or what if, he just wants to kill us for fun because he had some kind of fetish"

Jasmine her head are running like wildfire wanting to see Nolan thoughts. Nolan who could clearly see what she was worried about, understand it.

Who would trust someone, you just met to go outside to show you something. In this apocalyptic world, trusting someone requires time. But Nolan does not have it, he needs to leave tomorrow so he needs to help them awaken the system so they can get their powers.

"Look if I want to kill you, I would have done it long ago when were inside where the two of you were basically no match to me. I could even devour the two of you to my hearts content but I did not do it. So what I'm don't right now it's for your own good" Nolan said thoughtfully, dispelling the wariness of Jasmine.

When Nolan looked at Sophia he could see that this girl, is looking at her without any hint of wariness at all.

It's as if he trust him so much, that she believed his words so easy without any slight thought. Jasmine on the side could only nod her head and lower her guard.

She know that Nolan was right actually, if he had any other bad intent toward her and his sister. He could have done it a few minutes ago yet he did not.

So Jasmine lowered her guard a little not completely dispelling it, to trust Nolan this time.

"Ok then I'll trust you" Jasmine said.

Nolan nodded his head and smiled, then he opened the gate. Making a creaking sound of metal resounding in the night.

It was a little loud so Nolan expected that the zombie's will come, from the sound a few minutes pass or even seconds.

Yes he was right, the zombie's then began to appear one by one in the looming forest. There are over 3 of them running like he'll towards Nolan.

Jasmine and Sophia shrunk in fear when they saw the zombie scary face. Filled with gruesome skin and flesh.

When Jasmine view caught Nolan eyes without any hint of fear, she calmed down and trust him. Her hands holding Sophia hands gripped a little hard to calm herself.

Sophia who was also so shaking from fear, felt the tightness of her hands. She gaze directly towards her sister that was calm as ocean right now.

She then looked at Nolan, beginning to trust him on what his capabilities is. When the zombie was already 5 meters closed from the entrance of the gate.

A bluish spark of, fire hit the zombie leg burning it like charcoal. The zombie then fall to the ground losing its ability to run.

But they did not stop, the zombie continued by using his left hand to pull his self closer to Nolan. Nolan seeing this could not help but smiled.

"So relentless, eyy" then a spark of blue flame flew in the air. Burning the zombie's hands making them stop on their movements.

When Jasmine and Sophia saw this, their eyes almost popped out from eye sockets. They felt like they are in an another world right.

Seeing the blue flame floating on Nolan hands, without hurting him at all. Jasmine and Sophia where both amazed and flabbergasted.

"Sis,,,, is that magic" Sophia inquired, while looking at Nolan hands emitting a spark of blue flame.

"Yes. I can't also believe this, because it's not scientific at all. But to have the ability to hold it, while less even throw it to disabled those zombies its clearly real and we are not dreaming" Jasmine mumbled, still stunned from the revelation.

Nolan look at their mixed expression painted on their face, while his smile lift up inwardly.

"This is I want to show you, I want to open up your eyes the power that this world will offer. So if you want to become strong then kill this zombie" Nolan said while looking at Jasmine seriously.

Jasmine was stunned, and frozen on the ground. "What, me kill it. Isn't that dangerous, why should I kill it. Why can't we just let it go, he can't move so he will die and be rotten in the place. Right" jasmine said anxiously looking for any kind of excuses to not kill the zombie.

"Jasmine listen" Nolan voice echoed.

Jasmine who was looking down looked at Nolan gazed. Then he saw that he pointed his finger at Sophia.

"Let me tell you this, if this zombie ever get in and eat your sister. In front of you what would you do just wait for your sister death or fight back." Nolan said with outmost serious.

Jasmine looked at Nolan then pondered in deep though, to her his sister is her family that she must protect. Even if she had to kill, he must protect her sister at any cost.

Her eyes then began to shine and a determined looked appeared on her face. Jasmine after imagining, the scene of her sister being eaten in front her.

Her last bit of mercy was now gone, "that's good, now that you know how crazy this world right now. To live you must learn how to kill" Nolan said with a smile when he saw her face painted with a determined look.

"Pierce its head, with a knife or anything that can kill" Nolan stated.

Jasmine then hurriedly took out a chicken knife, while gripping it tightly taking a few Steps she arrived at the zombie.

Who was struggling to take a step forward, now that his legs and arms were now to tally disabled because of the flame.

The zombie look at the human who was coming near him. It growled and wriggled its body to take a bite.

But then a shiny object came dawned at him, piercing its head, Jasmine was expressionless as she continously stab it's head.

As she was done she stood up, and Nolan give him a thumbs up of acknowledgement. "That's the spirit, I though you have no courage to do that"

But suddenly Nolan saw that Jasmine fall, stunned he quickly step forward to catch her from falling.

Nolan could see that Jasmine, was sweating profusely with a pale face, while feeling a little dizzy that is present on her face.

"Are you alright" Nolan inquired, with a hint of care.

"Sister are you ok, if your consciousness can't handle the pressure. Theres no need to kill, I can protect myself if that happens" Sophia grumbled with teary eyes.

"Sophy, I'm fine this kid is right. If we are still going to be soft hearted were not going to survive this Apocalypsed" Jasmine said while taking deep breathes, as she looked at the dead zombie.

Then suddenly an electronic voice, sounded on her ear. With a blue panel appeared infront of her.

"What's this" she muttered inwardly as she looked at the floating screen, full of curiosity.