
Another message...

"Ding!" a sudden electronic sound on everyone's ear, then a bluish panel appeared and this was just the beginning.

"AGM news flash report! Another weird phenomenon swept the nation and entire world, as an unpleasant sound was accompanied by a ominous message saying!

'After the rain turn into blood, all the dead will arise, those who have done good will be resurrect into spirits, and those who have done evil, their souls will be send to the endless void and turn their bodies to into living dead roaming on earth!

Stay tune for further more update here in AGM news center since the former no.1 TV station has no more franchise." The news anchor even further pour some salt on the rival station's wounds.

"What the heck is this?!" CEA"s Dean, Engr. Gab said. The message disappeared after he clicked the x icon on the top right side. He got a shape shifting ability w/c he turns to a human size eagle.

"Mom! Please answer the phone..." a CAS student has been calling her parents in the past 10 minutes. There's high chance that her family also perished and her ability is acid spray.

"I'm too young to die!" another CAS student said and his ability are taming dogs and share their vision w/ each other.

"What in the world is happening, Dad!" one of the few that their parent survive the first wave. She received an ability to turn the surface into quicksand.

"I'm going home now!" Joem's fellow cadet in Delta Company and a student from CIT. His ability is to create an earth wall and things made of earth.

"Is this a dream?! I wanna wake up!" A COE student is having a panic attack, while her friends and classmates are trying calm her down.

"Pak!!!" the student's friend slapped her face and five reddish fingers formed.

"Aawww...! Pweeeh! You hit me too hard!" her mouth was bleeding since a tooth was sent flying after and spits bloody saliva.

"Heal!" this was her first time using her skill as healer and rare ability among students. The bleeding was stop and the pain was gone in a few seconds.

"Everyone may I have attention please! Let's calm down and listen to the school president!" Ms. Eime Cruz from guidance office said, the message is kind of scary even for her and it's truly a nightmare since the dead has outnumbered the living. Her ability is to calm people through her voice and be attentive.

"Thank you, Ms. Eime! I believe everyone here has received some special abilities ever since the start of this deadly plaque and you can check it by saying status display. It shows your job/ class, basic attributes and how to your unique skills.

For me, I'm a Holy knight and my wife is an oracle. My wife's divination helped me to be prepared and executed things in advance for this day. I need everyone's full cooperation and discipline.

What we are facing now is a test for survival, the same thing that ended many highly advanced civilizations and here we are. The rise of the dead only means we're fighting against zombie apocalypse.

As a holy knight, I'd like to fight and lead everyone here since undead are weak against my holy light attribute according to characters description.

Please your hands if you're in favor of me leading us and kindly form a party of at least 7, then fill the info on your characters and skills." School president Ruiz Corolla said.

Almost everyone raised their hands in support of him as the leader, only Joem wasn't and he felt awkward so Joem slowly raise his hand.

"I thank everyone's support and trust, each party of their dept. and colleges will received food supply plus accommodation. By tomorrow or next few days we'll post missions and guidelines regarding our survival on each dept." School president Ruiz Corolla said.

As usual he formed party w/ 8 friends of his are Jai is bear shifter, Jai's girlfriend Hana is earth mage, Bert has ability to produce and control electricity, Tyrone has eagle eye and shoots arrow using mana, June has a shield and huge axe, Glen's skill is enchantment to buff skills and Glen's bf Richie is nun chucks user w/ stun effect. Lastly, Joem is a gunner, w/ 3 weapon slots and skills could be upgraded every level.

"Status display" he tries it immediately.

Character Name: Joem

Age: 20 yrs. old

Job: Gunslinger

Health: 28

Defense: 8

Speed: 12

Gold coins: 3 000

Attack damage: 40-46

Unique skills: Aimbot (level 1), Triggerbot (level 1) and Stealth (level 1).

"Ding!" system's notification rings after he opens the status.

"You've entered the World's End, you're now an official player and you're main mission is to survive the apocalypse." system said.

"Everything in this country is in hard already! Survival of the fittest is the theme that this government has chosen since the day I was born!" Joem replied.

"Please use your skills often and level up as fast as possible since theirs an overwhelming number of enemies you'll be facing from now on!" system said.

"By how much, are we talking about here?" Joem asked.

"Well, the city of love current population is 298 thousand; the whole country has a 35 million from a 100 million and the rest of the world has 2.4 billion from 7 billion.

4.8 billion people died from the blood rain, plus the more than 70 billion undead are being reanimated around the world. In the city of love, about 10 million will wrath havoc in the city."

"What the heck! What I'm supposed to do?! Should I run... hide or fight these monsters?" Joem asked.

"Of course we fight! That's why I'm here as your helper! There's also lot of powerful people here, like your current leader who's a holy knight and many received skills that could be develop into great weapons!" System said.

"Good thing there's the school president around and things may work under him! What I'm worried about are the remaining survivors in the city..." Joem said.

"The weak will perish and the strong will be at the top of the food chain! That's the law of nature since humans started to compete w/ other animals!

You should focus on getting stronger to level up and upgrade your skills at the moment. Don't' be timid like before, you still have friends that cares and I'll be here to assist you!" System said.

"Don't worry that's already in the past, coz I'll be a better Joem in this chaotic world! Let's start fighting those monsters and level up!" Joem said.

"Okay, your first mission is to get your first kill and a hundred zombies to level up! The rewards are 1 000 gold coins, upgrade core and EXP on every kill! Do you accept the first mission?" System said.

"I accept the mission!" Joem replied.

"Equipment for newbie like you has been prepared. Select your three guns to equip as your fix weapon in the three slots and corresponding bullets" System said.

He received a new shoes, gloves, pants, night vision shades and jacket. His first choice as a primary arm weapon is a M16 rifle, the secondary weapon is a McMillan TAC-50 and tripod. Joem's last weapon is a M134 Minigun w/ subsonic armour piercing incendiary ammo.