
Intertwined Perfection

"No matter what happened to you back then Rufi, there ain't no thing dark about you. You are an Angel. My angel" his words.... She was raped in her thirteenth year of life, she was banished from her home. Rufina Brown loses her luxury life in a moment. She now has to survive on her own in a strange land. He was trained to mingle with the rich, never with the poor, yet this young damsel makes him feel things he had never felt before. She needs him......... He needs her........... They are intertwined.

Daniella_Alli · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs



"Are you ready to talk about yesterday?"

"Yeah" I'd been expecting this question since I got back from work.

"OK!" Maria dropped her spoon and gave me her undivided attention "I'm listening"

"The interview was bad"

"I guessed that much Ruf, what I want to know is why you cried"

"Oh Maria! you can't imagine the interviewer" I whispered

"What about him" she pressed

"He was cruel, he was harsh and cold toward me, it was like he knows my past Maria, like I am dirty and he could see it" I broke down in tears

"You're not dirty Rufi, you're not. I thought you got past that already"

I did get past it but that man treated me as if he could see it, me a mother at 14.

I know every one told me it's not my fault, it is, still i let Maria hold me as i cried .



"Good afternoon" I greeted the guy behind the counter at Hen's.

"Good afternoon sir" he smiled at me "how can I help you?"

In a lot of ways I though,

by letting me know when Rufi  would be here,where she lived, her phone number and a whole lot of other things I'll think of.

"Please is...umh...Rufi working today" i settled for asking

"Yes?" he shot me a confused look

"Can you direct me to one of her tables?"

Now his confusion turned to amusement.

"of course!"



 As usual Rufi ran off on me again but this time she'd asked me to excuse her.

She had this funny look on her face when she saw me, it went from surprise to confusion then fear.

Why would I scare her ?

The  girl was too innocent for that look of hers. Looks like that belonged to people who knows what to do with them not one that a smile would send running.

Besides i had no business getting attracted to her.

I know my type and this girl is not it at all. What I would do is just hurt her yet I have this urge to get close.

I don't do commitment and she needs commitment not a fucked up Jack like i, and i need to concentrate, I have a company to run.

"Can I see you for a moment" I spoke into the intercom.

A fair skinned lady about 5'7 who happen to be my secretary walked in.

"Sir?" she wiggled her fake eyelashes. I smiled amused. I known too much about this kind of things to know when a girl is after my money, she wants to tick me off her to do list.

As much as I'll like to take pleasure at fulfilling her fantasies I don't do staff.

If she really is keen on having an affair with me then she'd have to resign first.

"When is my next appointment?" I gave her what I hope is an I'm-your-boss look.

"In ten minutes sir" she replied looking as if I'd just slapped her in the face.


"Let me know when Bernice returns" I   dismissed her.

She took her fake ass out my office .

That was when it dawned on me that she was fake, she had fake lashes, fake tits which is very obvious, fake nails, fake hair, in short she trade marks fake, so unlike Ru--oh no!

I wasn't suppose to compare them.

Why did Bernice have to take an hour break, if she was around I wouldn't have faced 'Ms fake' and all these messed up thoughts would be far from my mind.

Wait,  who am I kidding? I've been ogling 'Rufi brown eyes' since the day i first saw her.

Girls don't get to me like this, why her?

I'm attracted to her, that I can admit but can't act upon. The girl has innocence pouring out of her. if I hurt her I would not forgive myself but I was done trying to be cool to this slut of a secretary Bernice hired. I have been avoiding her at all cost but she'd been eye fucking me at every opportunity.

God help her she does the slightest thing wrong then she's fired.

I didn't run away from Diana to have another Diana in my life here in Nigeria, I pray she survives this week before I send her parking.

At least this one doesn't have my mother support and she wouldn't get it, that made it easier for me to get rid of her.

Why am I  angry?

I didn't see anything wrong with her eye fucking me all week why now?

She isn't the first to do so. why had I not seen anything wrong before and why is it getting  me so...

I don't even  have a word to quality my rage right now.

Then those eyes that shouldn't belong to anyone flashed in my mind and it become crystal clear why I am so vexed.

Rufi brown eyes.

She answered all my questions.


I grabbed my keys and hurried out of my office "cancelled my next appointment" I told---what's her name? 'Ms fake'

"But sir!" She countered.

Hot blood rushed to my head and I gave her my you-don't-want-to-mess-with-me look.

"hmm...ok...i'd, I'd just cancel it" she stuttered.

"Thanks" I grinned. At least she could do one thing right.

"You're welcome" she muttered still dazed.

I shot her another grin before heading out.

The girl must think I'm crazy.



Maria post-UTME exam was next week Thursday and she'll be leaving after church on Sunday for Ibadan.

As much as I'd miss her I hope she got the admission. I had begged her to buy the JAMB  form around December and she'd finally given in during January.

She wrote the exam and scored 250.

A miracle had also happened on her birthday as the bank showed up and said her momma had a savings that was to be given to her on her 21st birthday along with a letter the bank had kept.

The money was seven million naira and four plots of land at Gbagada Lagos.

That had erased all of Maria's fear about getting enough money to pay  for school as well as take care of Ana-Blaire and I,

whatever I did to nature to deserve her I don't know.

 This morning I had to take Ana-Blaire to school myself, one of the things Maria does.

I know Maria was there for me when I needed her but, I don't know if I'll be able to get through this without her physically with me.

She's been gone just one day and I'm back to that insecure girl I was when I had been on the street.

I must not think that way. Maria wouldn't  like it, beside I'd better get used to it because things between her and Victor  very serious and, if I have any psychic power then they will get married.

   I know Maria so I'll bet my last kobo that when she does she'll want me to move in with them. Even through I've found a sister in her and I love her,I wouldn't stay in a house she and Victor lives in.

I imagine the argument we'll have as I walked to work. I decided that walking to Hen's today will help me ease my worry and it looked like it's working.

  I felt eyes on me and instinctively looked up to see Mr incredible looking incredibly sexy in that incredible short and polo of his beside his incredible--- he owns a Porsche?

Wow! The last time i saw him his ride was an audi .

What does he want with me by the way? He works for honey source surely, probably as their manager or something, he could be the friend with the owner.

This guy is rich, I've never seen a Porsche in my life except movie counts.

As I walked closer he leaned up and gave me a grin that did silly thing to my heart. This is not looking good. I could manage if only my heart would stop this fluttering of its.

"Hey!" I managed to say as butterflies were flying in my stomach .

How did they even get there?

"Hello" he gave me that boyish grin that made the butterflies soar higher and multiply.

As he held out his hand to shake me i held his gaze for a moment before slipping my hand into his as those stupid butterflies multiplied again.

Still holding my hand he grinned like he'd won a trophy "so Rufi Brown....."

I went still how did he know my name?

is he a stalker?

He know I'm a Brown?



I didn't say anything bad ,did I?

But the look on Rufi is like I just ripped her world apart

"Are you okay?"

"How'd you know my name "she blurted out.

"What?" I don't get what this has to do with her going still on me

"My name! how did you know it" She asked again looking panicked.

Didn't she hear that guy mention her name the other day? "I heard it when that guy called you the other time" i explained gently needing to ease her panic .

"Not that! who told you I'm a Brown?" She pleaded.

What!She's a Brown?

"As in Brown is your last name?" I'm the one who is confused now.

"Y-y-yes, Brown is my last name" she looked frightened

Taking a deep breath to calm my self I ran my hand through my locks

"I'm sorry?" I sighed

"Brown eye was a name I gave you in my hand, I was gonna say 'Rufi Brown eyes' but your shock stopped me" i explained hoping she'd understand.

"You nicknamed me?" She asked surprised.

"Who wouldn't?" I smirk

She gave me a loop sided grin "Ok"

"Yeah OK!" l laughed and she gave me a full blown smile .

We stood for a moment holding each others gaze before she blinked and gave me an unsure smile "You came to get something?"

I came to get you!

"I came to say hi to a friend"

Her smile fell, the caveman in me beat his chest

She likes me too!

"That's if she considers me a friend" I gave her what I hope is a serious look.

Confession took over her mind, this girl was a range of emotion and it switches within a nanosecond.


"Yes she" I kept that look even thought it was hard.

"Who is she" She whispered hope and fear in her eyes.

Putting on my business look I held her gaze "Well, last time I checked she goes by the name Rufina Brown" I grinned

"So,  Rufina Brown meet Ivan Martinez"