
Interstellar Tattered Queen

Crossing to a garbage star in the interstellar age, Ji Yu is so poor that she is about to plow the soil and eat it, but… the soil is poisonous and can’t be eaten… There is no way, she can only lower her body to pick up the garbage, sell it and sell it. of…… For example, no one wants such beautiful grass seeds. Pick up a bead and sell it online. But as soon as I posted it on the Internet, someone made a negative comment: “All the grass seeds and fruits are sold. Are you crazy to think about money?” A few days later, the man slammed the wall in regret: “Kneel and beg you to sell me one grass seed and fruit, only one! One is fine.” Ji You said coldly: “Not for sale!” For another example, these shattered stones on the street are so shiny that nobody wants them. Pick them up, polish them into bracelets, and sell them on the Internet. The crowd made nasty words: “Broken rocks are all sold, haven’t you seen the money?” A few days later, everyone wept bitterly and said, “I have no eyes, I am clumsy, such a beautiful and beautiful stone, please beg me for one.” Ji You said, “It’s gone.”

Line_Huang · ไซไฟ
40 Chs

Chapter 8 Expensive Natural Food

 The female interviewer did not have any derogatory meaning when she said this. Although shopping malls in the interstellar era and the 21st century where Ji You lived in his previous life are both places where goods are sold, the differences are still very huge. First of all, the necessary staff for such shopping malls include tallying, cashiering, security, cleaning... Everything has been done by robots, and no human effort is needed.

Secondly, for slightly complicated tasks that require manpower, such as special customer service and after-sales service for special products, if the physical and mental strength are not up to standard, and when a customer needs point-to-point after-sales service, and the mental strength does not reach D level, you cannot drive a hover car. , then how to provide door-to-door after-sales service? Moreover, many products require mental strength of D or above to be used.

 Besides, being a warehouse keeper is not as simple as Jiyou imagined. In addition to keeping the goods, he also has to do the work of maintaining the goods. For example, he needs to regularly maintain and maintain the mecha... These require a certain level of physical fitness.


 It is understandable that the shopping mall rejected Jiyou.

Next, the other party suggested that Ji You go to Xingwang to find a coolie job, which can be said to be very sincere. Star Network coolie was originally a job designed and launched by the alliance government specifically for citizens with poor physical and mental strength. It does not require mental or physical strength, nor does it have any technical content. It only requires time to earn credits, but the credits earned are very low.

Ji You works hard for 10 hours a day and only earns 20-22 credit points a day. If he doesn't take a break for a month, he only earns 660 credit points. The basic monthly salary for warehouse managers in the mall is 1,500 yuan, plus commissions. +Bonus, weekends off every week, annual leave... Star Network coolie, where can I compare to a formal job?

 So, Ji You racked her brains to find herself a formal job.



She was full of disappointment and tried her best to remain polite and said: "Thank you for your suggestion. If your store needs someone like me in the future, please be sure to contact me."

 Leaving the interview hall with a heart full of loss and frustration, she couldn't help but feel annoyed. If she had known she would fail, she would not have come to the interview. This time, she would have to spend 4 credits on taking the bus.


However, she also knew in her heart that even if she expected to fail, she would still give it a try. After all, why not give it a try? How do you know it really failed? Many times, only by not hitting the wall, not looking back, and breaking your head and bleeding will you know whether you can do it.

In her previous life, in order to read more books and learn more things, she had experienced hardships and failures, but the facts proved that as long as she did not give up, wouldn't she succeed in the end?

 So, as long as you keep your firm belief and don't give up, you will definitely survive in this interstellar era!

 Suppressing the bitterness in her heart, Ji You clenched her fists and warned herself never to give up.


The current Junk Planet No. 101 is divided into 10 areas in total, because there is a protective barrier built by the alliance government on the entire planet. This protective barrier effectively blocks star beasts, cosmic rays, radiation and atmospheric pollution... Due to the wild environment It is so bad that humans cannot survive for a long time. Therefore, humans on the entire planet live in protected areas. However, there are good and bad protected areas. Areas 5 and 6 in the central area are undoubtedly the safest and have the best environment. It is also the most prosperous commercial area.

  Secondly, there are the four areas 3, 4, 7, and 8, followed by safety and environment.

Next, there are the four areas 1, 2, 9, and 10. Because they are in the most remote and edge areas of the entire planet, they are often impacted by star beasts, storms, wind and sand... and have the weakest protective barriers. Therefore, 1 -2, 9-10, these four edge areas are the poorest places on the entire planet. As long as people with a good family background are definitely thinking about moving away, they are not willing to live in these four areas for a long time.

Ji's family is an aborigine of No. 101. Her parents had already saved a deposit before they passed away. Ji's father had already planned to move his wife and daughter to District 6. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened, and this originally warm place was destroyed. Families are shattered and torn apart. After Ji's father and Ji's mother passed away, Uncle Ji took away all the money of Ji You's family on the pretext of taking care of Ji You. After that, Uncle Ji moved his wife and children to District 6.

In any era, money is the most testing thing.

Standing in the spacious, bright and clean shopping mall, facing the various, strange and colorful products, Ji You couldn't help but feel excited. There were streaks of desire in her eyes. If she had money, she would Want to buy this place...


 No if, go home quickly.

However, before leaving District 6, Ji You went to the area of ​​the mall that sells nutritional supplements and spent 20 credit points to buy 10 low-grade nutritional supplements. The business in District 6 is the busiest and the nutritional supplements purchased here have the latest shelf life. Unlike the ones bought at Mrs. Smith's store in District 10, the shelf life is always only half a year. Regarding this, Ji You doubts that there is something fishy about the way the Smiths purchase the goods.

Now that it's finally time to visit District 6, Ji You must of course stock up on some rations for herself. After buying the lowest-grade nutritional supplements, Ji You glanced at the mid- to high-grade ones on the shelf and quickly looked away.

 Can't afford it~

 Can't afford it~

 Can't afford it~

 It's better not to be greedy.

Ji You didn't dare to stay in the mall. The dazzling array of products simply dazzled her eyes. The key was that they all made her excited, and almost everything she could not afford.

Ji You raised her feet and was about to leave. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of several well-dressed people walking towards another window that was separated from the wall selling nutritional supplements and synthetic foods. The steps of these people were a little hurried. From the looks of it, they seemed... What to buy.

Ji You couldn't help but be curious and followed him.

As soon as she walked in, her eyes widened and she felt like her whole body had been struck by a knowing blow. It turns out that this is a place that sells natural food. The entire layout and display here is like a fruit and vegetable store in the 21st century. Rows of shelves are filled with fresh peppers, eggplants, lettuce, potatoes, corn, tomatoes...

In addition to vegetables, there are also shiny apples, fragrant bananas, plump grapes, and yellow-orange oranges...

There are so many types, beyond Ji You's imagination. The moment she stepped into this land, she couldn't help but salivate.



I haven't eaten for a long time. Just looking at it makes me hungry.


Ji You glared at the price posted on it at a glance. She wanted to hold her head and cry.

too expensive!

The price of these fresh, delicious, natural foods is simply too expensive, outrageously expensive, even insane. What makes Jiyou even more uncomfortable is that many of the fruits and vegetables here are sold by the pellet, such as apples, bananas, grapes, tomatoes, potatoes, etc., even if they are of the same type, they will be sold according to the place of origin and the size of the fruit. , color and fullness, and the sparseness of nutrients contained in them to differentiate the price.

 For example, 6 apples placed on the same shelf have different origins and different selling prices. The largest one among them displays:

Origin: Ballance Star-Bacona Mountains.

 Weight: 239g.

  Nutritional information: calories 136 (kcal), dietary fiber 2.2, vitamins…

Radiation level: 0.039%, (It should be noted here that the standard for classifying natural food in the interstellar era is that the radiation level is less than 1%. Food exceeding 1% cannot be eaten directly.)

 Price: 810 credits/piece.