
Upcoming Nuptuals

After spending the night with Tia, she seemed a lot less on edge around Erich's other women. In fact, she had even gone so far as to give up control over Mirage's Neurolink. After all, she had done enough to ensure that the women would be loyal to Erich in the future, and not betray him at any time. Once more Mirage had a mind of her own, even if the memory she had of Tia's sentience was deleted. 

Mirage had actually awoke the next morning feeling as if he she had been kicked in the head by a mule. And when she approached the dining room, where Erich and all the other women were currently enjoying breakfast, she could not help but question what had happened to her. 

"Oh man, I feel like shit. Erich, what happened?" 

Erich had no idea what to say. He honestly didn't know what had happened to the woman to make her have such a sudden change in mood. Until finally Tia admitted to it. But not aloud. She did so in his mind via her Master's neruolink.