

It turned out that Svartalfheim Special Forces were not the only thing Erich and his surviving comrades had to worry about while stranded on this icy wasteland of a planet. There were plenty of titanic beasts whose elite predatory senses were able to track them, despite their advanced cloaking technology. 

From giant ice worms buried beneath the snow to massive theropods which dwarfed even the mightiest tyrannosaurus rex. One thing became abundantly clear: these WRAITHs who stood at the pinnacle of combat ability throughout the galaxy were now little more than prey, to be hunted by the true predators of this universe. 

And if titanic predators, and Svartalfheim Special Forces, who were virtually undetectable aside from Erich's foresight ability, were not enough. Then the abysmal weather conditions were just another layer of shit that Erich and his comrades had to wade through.