
Overwhelming Victory

Erich sat in a command chair, while overlooking the border defenses that existed countless of kilometers away. In an entirely different star system, or should I say in a series of different star systems, Tia had constructed borders defenses, and had done so for years on end. All in preparation for the day, the Naraku Hive Fleet arrived. 

The daring strategy Erich had previously employed to defeat the Hive Fleet in his past life would not be used this time around. In Tia's exact words, it would be a colossal waste of resources. Instead, Tia planned to catch the bugs completely off guard. 

The moment they jumped into one of the systems, Tia would use her superior scanners to scan the fleet for the hidden Queenship which housed the Naraku Hive Queen. And then she would launch an attack from a drone, which carried what she described as a secret weapon.