
Loyalty to the Empress

Throughout the night, Erich, Yumi, S'aleth, and the Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire shared a meal, and more drinks than they probably should have indulged in. Yumi was of course nothing but interested in Erich the entire time. Almost as if she were marking her territory in front of a rival. 

While S'aleth was quiet and reserved, wondering what was the exact nature of the relationship between Erich and this Oni woman? She, however, quietly returned to her apartment, while Erich covertly followed Yumi back to her hotel room for a night of fun. 

In the morning, Erich made his way back to his own penthouse, where he received a message from Yumi, confirming that the Great Oni Empire had pledged itself to the so-called Triple Alliance between the Germanic Star-Empire, the Dvarakian Consortium, and now the Great Oni Empire.