
Caught in the Act

Erich and his fireteam left their room in full kit, and took the elevator to the roof of the hotel where the giant infinity pool lie. Throughout the entire journey, nobody had spotted them. After all, their stealth field generators were currently active, making them damn near invisible to the human eye. 

After arriving at the rooftop terrace which held the largest pool Erich hd ever seen, he was baffled by what he saw. Despite the fact that half of the city was currently on fire due to the ongoing riots which had been orchestrated by the Germanic IIS, there were hundreds of people on the rooftop terrace partying, as they drank their fill, and consumed their limit of narcotics. 

A few of the more hedonistic individuals were openly mating in the pool. Yet, nobody seemed to care. In fact, from the expressions on the faces of those around them, this was perfectly normal behavior.