
Arriving in the Ennead Theocracy

After quite some time being alone on his ship with his new crew, Erich finally received word from Tia that the Vigilance was exiting the warp, causing him to enter the cockpit and prepare to manually the pilot the frigate. 

While the Vigilance was in fact operated by Tia most of the time, Erich still enjoyed the feel of flying a ship, which he had become accustomed to during the early days of his military career. Thus, once the ship re-entered realspace, Erich took control of it, and piloted it towards the planet, which boldly stood out to him. 

Like most capital worlds in the galaxy, it was an Ecumenopolis, but it appeared quite different from the worlds Erich was accustomed to. For example, the world's many structures appeared to be made out of white stone and gold. Similar to how many people theorized the pyramids of ancient Egypt would have looked after being built.