
Chapter 4 - Shock

Luke and the customer, stopped in front of the nearest computer which is PC1.

He manually switched the computer on, and a bright light appeared on the screen, indicating that it was operational.

Three eye-catching icons were displayed on the screen.

"Please have a seat."

Offering the girl a chair, he proceeded to teach her how to use the keyboard and mouse.

Seeing that they could talk normally, he was once again reminded of the system's greatness. However, he worried that no one else would be able to utilize the computer since it employed an alphabet that did not exist in this world.

Just as he contemplated this, the system interrupted his thoughts.

[The host does not need to worry. The system will assist the customers in that regard.]

Luke felt relieved yet intrigued by how the system would accomplish this task.

He then turned his attention to the elf who had introduced herself as Luna earlier.

"By the way, the rate per hour for computer usage is one gold coin."



—Lunaria's PoV—

The peculiar man led me to one of the flat boxes.

He pressed something on it, and a radiant light emerged, revealing three captivating images.

What is this sorcery?!

I stood there, unable to believe the sight before me, utterly astonished.

Eventually, I focused my gaze on the radiant light, nearly crying out to express my disbelief.


The three images in the screen appeared extraordinary.

The first one was a sphere. The longer I stared at it, the more astounded I became. The sphere image spun, and I noticed a familiar shape.

Isn't this the five continents? Does this mean that this sphere is Eldoria?

Did this person descend from a higher realm? How could he know every corner of the world.

As a high-ranking magician, I had access to highly confidential maps of each continent. However, the sphere before me revealed a level of detail that surpassed anything I had ever seen. I even had no idea that the continents were arranged in such a manner.

"Please take a seat."

The man's composed voice interrupted my thoughts. I gulped as I obediently followed his instructions.

I never expected that, at my age, I would still experience such a profound shock. If anyone were to discover that an unknown flat box could evoke such a reaction from me, the dignity of the Spirit Goddess would crumble.


After sitting down, the strange man taught me how to use the flat box which he referred to as the computer.

We talked for a bit as he taught me how to use this thing.

As he instructed me, we engaged in conversation. I introduced myself as Luna, as being called "customer" made me uncomfortable.

His patient voice resonated as I listened attentively. I then noticed some unfamiliar symbols on the device called keyboard.

When I attempted to move the object known as a mouse, an arrow on the computer screen responded to its movements.

The man's words were true! Hahaha!

I never anticipated becoming this excited over a peculiar object.

"By the way, the rate per hour for computer usage is one gold coin."


This time, I was shocked for an entirely different reason.

Could I be mistaken? Is he truly an extraordinary being, or just a scammer? One gold coin is sufficient to feed a person for a month. How could he demand such a price for an unfamiliar object?

Yet, I must uphold my dignity. I am the Spirit Goddess for a reason. While others might complain, an elegant person like me won't argue.

Truthfully, had it been any other person, they would have undoubtedly screamed their lungs out in response.

Fine, scam me this one time. Just one measly gold coin. *Snort.

I handed him the gold coin in frustration.

The strange man left me then returned to his table.

Regardless, my curiosity lies with the computer and the unfamiliar symbols on the keyboard.

As I heard a clicking sound from the counter where the strange man stood, a wave of information flooded my mind.

This sudden occurrence made me dizzy.


I was surprised for another reason. The symbols, I comprehended the symbols!... or rather, the letters on the keyboard, in an instant!

My thought process short-circuited as I experienced something unimaginable. I was able to comprehend a language completely foreign to me in an instant. This level of understanding seemed utterly impossible!

No! Even a genius like me couldn't achieve that.

As I was busy absorbing this foreign knowledge, I failed to notice the strange man staring at me strangely. He must think I'm insane, but I was too engrossed in this newfound knowledge to care about anything else.

And so, in an instant, I learned profound things simply by paying a measly gold coin.

A scary thought crossed my mind. I cast a wary glance at the strange man, and to my surprise, he seemed to catch my gaze and responded with a nod.

I knew it! You were an extraordinary expert all along. That means this computer must be extraordinary as well.

Thanks to the sudden knowledge I acquired, I could now read the name of the sphere icon.


This image captivated me the most, not just because of its mystique, but also because of its sheer beauty.

I clicked on it using the mouse.

He mentioned that I could search for anything using this device. I harbored doubts about such a claim. It couldn't possibly be like the Akashic record, which contains all knowledge.

Hmm, what should I search for?

How about...

I pressed the keys on the keyboard, searching for something I truly desired to have. This magic perfectly aligns with my reputation as the Spirit Goddess.

[Flying Magic]

After typing the words, I pressed the enter button. Instantaneously, the screen changed.

A list of information materialized.


This can't be!

Overwhelmed by what I saw, I sat there, dumbfounded, and reread the list of information before me.

I scrolled again and clicked on a search result that shook me to my core.

This is the most shocking experience of my day. This roller coaster of emotions is really terrible for my heart.

"I-isn't this a ...grimoire?"

I muttered in doubt, but as I continued reading, my face turned pale as if I had seen a ghost.

No! This revelation is far more frightening than encountering a ghost.

I can't believe it! Have I stumbled upon a hidden grimoire, by paying merely one gold coin?

Oh my! Bless the Forest God! Bless the World Tree! Alellujah!

The grimoire that lay before me, containing the secrets of Flying magic, filled me with an exhilaration that bordered on pure ecstasy.

I must learn this!

I'm the graceful and admirable Spirit Goddess and no words could describe the plethora of happiness surging within me.