
Chapter 14 - Spirits

Lunaria was in a hurry, hastily closing MartialTube when she noticed there was still an hour left in the coin box. She had been eager to venture out and perfect her flying magic, but seeing the remaining time, a sigh of regret escaped her lips, knowing it would go to waste.

Yet, in a sudden spark of inspiration, she called out to the little girl who had been chatting with Luke. Lunaria's keen magical senses revealed the little girl's immense talent, indicating the potential to become a high-ranking power if given the right opportunity.

Having finished her conversation with Luke, the little girl made her way towards the beckoning lady. As she stood in front of Lunaria, her curiosity piqued, taking in her surroundings with wide eyes.

Sensing the urgency to seize the opportunity, Lunaria wasted no time and promptly urged the girl to utilize the remaining time on the computer. Patiently, she taught her the basics of using the device.

"Little girl, take advantage of this remaining time on the computer. It could aid in making you stronger and help you avoid getting hurt in the future."

Although unaware of the conversation between Lilith and Luke, Lunaria was conscious of the fact that her wounds were inflicted by humans. She deduced this from the lingering magic power she sensed in her injuries, unmistakably cast by human hands.

Having offered the advice to the little girl, Lunaria rose to her feet and informed Luke that she had given the remaining hour to Lilith.

With a farewell, she swiftly left the shop, walking away in purposeful strides.

On the other hand, Lilith was deeply intrigued by Lunaria's words. Eager to explore, she closely examined the computer in front of her, wondering how it could potentially make her stronger.

As she touched the keyboard, a sudden wave of knowledge surged within her, engulfing her senses in a rush of newfound understanding.

After a momentary pause, a flood of new knowledge filled Lilith's mind. To her astonishment, she could now easily decipher the once foreign symbols on the computer screen.

Completely shocked and unable to utter a word, Lilith turned her gaze towards Luke with puzzled eyes, seeking an explanation. However, Luke merely responded with a reassuring smile and a small wave of his hand.

In her mind, Lilith couldn't help but be astounded by Luke's seemingly miraculous feats. She marveled at how he had easily unlocked new knowledge in her brain.

With her newfound ability to comprehend the computer's symbols, Lilith's curiosity intensified.

Fixating her gaze on one particular icon, she saw an image depicting two men exchanging fists.

Intrigued by the image, she couldn't shake the feeling that it held some hidden secrets that could lead her to become stronger.

Lilith's eyes narrowed in focus as she read the name of the icon displayed on the computer screen.

"Arena Fighter"


In a matter of minute, Lunaria arrived in the deepest part of the Southern Forest with remarkable speed. Her mastery of wind magic enabled her to bypass the gate's formalities, as she effortlessly leaped over the tall city wall.

Her newfound understanding of wind magic granted her enhanced speed and agility, making her swifter and more nimble than ever before.

With grace, she surveyed her surroundings, ensuring there were no potential disturbances to interfere with her practice.

In the sprawling solitude of the ten kilometer radius, Lunaria found solace and serenity, confident in her undisturbed practice. Filled with unwavering determination, she began her solemn preparations.

First, she beckoned the spirits with utmost respect and humility, her voice carrying a sense of reverence, "Oh, dear spirits, I beseech your presence. I humbly ask for your invaluable assistance."

In response, like ethereal apparitions materializing from the very essence of nature, flickering lights emerged around her.

Each light bore a radiant hue, symbolizing their unique attributes and boundless powers. The enchanting display served as a testament to the spirits' responsiveness to Lunaria's earnest call.

The spectacle of these lights in broad daylight was a breathtaking sight to behold. Despite the sunlight's attempt to obscure their radiant glow, the lights emanated a mesmerizing brilliance akin to a blooming bed of resplendent flowers when they gathered together.

However, such a wondrous sight remained a privilege reserved for the worthy, as the spirits chose to unveil themselves solely to those they deemed deserving. It was an exquisite display of their discerning nature and the profound connection they shared with the 'chosen ones.'

As Lunaria observed the flickering lights, she couldn't help but notice that some shone noticeably brighter than the rest. It dawned on her that these varying levels of brightness might be indicative of the spirits' ranks, a concept she had learned from the teacher she had encountered on MartialTube.

She then tried to recall the guidance of the woman she considered her virtual master on the MartialTube platform. Despite the elf-master's occasional use of coarse language, her wisdom and imparted fundamental truths were undeniable.

Lunaria recognized the value of learning from this experienced mentor, helping her deepen her understanding of the spirits and their mysterious ways.

Among the myriad of flickering lights, Lunaria spoke her intention that she specifically wants to sought help from one of the green ones.

In response to her heartfelt plea, the green lights buzzed with energy and anticipation. Yet, amidst the flurry of activity, one green light remained serene, exuding a brightness that outshone all the others.

Intrigued by the tranquility of this particular light, Lunaria felt a deep connection with it, sensing that there was something special about this spirit, something that resonated with her own being.

The green lights seemed to communicate with each other in a buzzing dance of energy, as if deliberating among themselves. Then, in a mesmerizing display, the brightest green light made its way towards Lunaria, as though drawn to her by an invisible force.

As this thrilling and almost mystical event unfolded, all the other flickering lights abruptly vanished, leaving only the brilliant green light that now approached Lunaria.

She was taken aback, lost in thought, as she had never witnessed such a phenomenon before. The extraordinary connection between her and the spirit filled her with a mix of excitement and wonder.

Gazing intently at the radiant green light as it moved closer, Lunaria felt an indescribable pull, a sense that destiny was at work. A profound sense of kinship seemed to form between her and the spirit, and she couldn't help but feel that this encounter was meant to be.

As the bright green light reached her, Lunaria spoke directly to the spirit, her voice gentle and sincere, "Are you willing to be my friend?"

Her virtual master on MartialTube had taught the art of interacting with spirits. Instead of seeking a mere contract, she had learned that spirits appreciated being considered friends, and this approach yielded a deeper and more meaningful connection.

In response to her heartfelt question, the green light flickered with a warm glow, seemingly expressing approval. Without hesitation, the spirit positioned itself on Lunaria's shoulder, a gesture that signified its agreement to become her friend and ally.

Lunaria's joy knew no bounds as she leaped with happiness at the delightful encounter. "Oh right! My master said I should give a name to formalize our friendship. Um, is it okay to call you Mistral?" she asked the bright green light with genuine excitement.

In response, Mistral seemed to radiate with joy, as if wholeheartedly accepting the name as a symbol of their newfound bond.

Suddenly, a profound change washed over both the elf and the spirit. An electrifying sensation surged through Lunaria's brain, but it was a pleasant and extraordinary feeling.

Something wondrous had happened – she was now able to sense and connect with Mistral's emotions and feelings on a profound level.

Overwhelmed with awe and gratitude, Lunaria realized that being friends with a spirit went beyond mere companionship.

The bond they shared was a unique connection that allowed them to understand and support each other on a deeply emotional level. It was a beautiful revelation that strengthened their bond and filled Lunaria's heart with an extraordinary sense of unity with her newfound spirit friend, Mistral.

As Lunaria turned her gaze towards Mistral, she was utterly dumbfounded by the mesmerizing sight that met her eyes. Mistral had undergone a stunning transformation, transcending her previous flickering form. Now, she radiated a breathtaking beauty that surpassed anything Lunaria had ever seen.

In that moment, Lunaria couldn't help but feel that Mistral was even more beautiful than herself. The connection they shared made it evident that Mistral's transformation was not an illusion but a genuine embodiment of a celestial presence.

Despite her ethereal and goddess-like appearance, what truly assured Lunaria that it was Mistral before her was the undeniable connection they had forged. Mistral retained her smaller size, which served as a unique reminder of their initial encounter as a mere flickering ball of light.

As Lunaria gazed attentively at Mistral, she couldn't help but admire the spirit's enchanting beauty. Mistral's jade hair perfectly complemented her well-defined, delicate features. Her soft, gentle eyes held a captivating warmth, and her small lips carried a tender smile that could melt hearts.

Yet, what stirred a hint of jealousy within Lunaria were the pair of transparent wings gracefully extending from Mistral's back. The wings exuded a mesmerizing aura of mana, symbolizing her extraordinary power and divine essence. Coupled with her overall radiance, Mistral truly resembled a goddess in her small, ethereal form.

With a soft chuckle and a hint of playfulness, Mistral sensed Lunaria's mesmerized stare. "Friend, you seem to be staring at me quite intensely," she teasingly remarked, her gentle voice a soothing melody to Lunaria's ears.

Hearing Mistral's voice, which had a calming effect on her heart, Lunaria was taken aback with astonishment. The clarity with which she heard the spirit's words was a revelation.

Unlike before when she could only discern vague hints, today, as Mistral's friend, she could now clearly hear the spirit's thoughts.

Excitement surged within Lunaria, and she eagerly began sharing her ideals and goals with Mistral. She spoke of her aspirations to become a powerful mage, to protect and bring harmony to the world through her magical abilities.

To her delight, Mistral seemed genuinely interested in her dreams and ambitions, nodding with pride as if she knew she had made the right choice in befriending Lunaria. The profound connection they shared was further strengthened by their mutual understanding and support for each other's goals.

With a sense of vulnerability and sincerity, Lunaria then revealed the reason why she had yearned to be 'friends' with Mistral.