
Interactive Fairytale Retelling

Have you ever wanted to be a character in a fairytale? Maybe a sorceress? An adventurer? Or perhaps a fairy? If given the chance, can you choose the right choices that lead to a happily ever after? Fairytale in progress: ~Beauty and the Beast

Glass_Rain · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

(1-3) You don't say anything

You hesitated at offering to leave with Belle. Going with her probably wouldn't make a difference.

Besides, there has to be another way to solve this. There is no need for both of you to dive headfirst into danger. There has to be.

However, your father stopped Belle and claimed that he had not intended for her to offer to go anyway. He had explained the situation to you two because he wanted to let you two understand the situation. He was going to leave by himself three days later.

You strongly opposed the idea, but your father's mind seems to be set. He ushered you two to bed and agreed to continue the conversation in the morning when your older sister is awake as well.

Although you were reluctant, you complied and retreated to the room you shared with Arianne and Belle. Arianne was fast asleep in bed.

The moment your head hit the pillow, you fell asleep again.

When morning came, the sun shone through the windows, but the room seemed to be more vacant than usual. Arianne was already up, and Belle wasn't in her bed either.

You trudged out of the room and stopped in your tracks when you saw your father and Arianne standing around the dinner table, with a note in your father's hands.

"Father...?" you called out. Both of them looked at you, and neither of their expressions was cheerful. That moment, you knew something was wrong. "Where's Belle?"

Arianne avoided your gaze, and your father sighed at the note in his hands.

"No..." you suddenly realized what the note could be about. A pang of dull guilt gnawed at you. "Belle didn't...did she leave...?" Although you had decided not to leave with her, you didn't want her to leave either. You didn't want anyone to leave.

Your father stayed silent as Arianne nodded her head.

Belle had left. She left overnight when everyone else was asleep.

You darted to the cottage door. "We need to bring her back!"

Your father shook his head, "It's too late. When I woke up, she was already gone. She took the only horse. There's no way to catch up to her."

Why did Belle leave so abruptly? Why didn't she wait to talk about the situation in the morning? It was unnaturally rash of her.

"Father, how long would it take to buy another horse? No matter what, we should leave for the castle and see what the beast is planning to do. Father, you can't stand watching Belle putting herself in danger, can you?"

Father shook his head. "It would take until noon before I can arrive in the city if I travel by foot."

"Alright, Father. I will take care of all the work at home today. You must buy another horse and find Belle," you declared.

That day, your father bought another horse and sped to the castle in the forest. He arrived at the gates, but after hours of knocking and pleading for someone to open the gate, no one did. In the evening, there was no choice for your father but to return home.

For several weeks afterward, your father went to the castle repeatedly, but it was as if the castle were vacant. Neither beast nor Belle, if she were still alive, came to the gates.

At the one-month mark, your father finally gave up, and your hope diminished entirely. For the entire next month, you became depressed. It was not until another month had passed did you recover slightly.

It was this very day, six months after Belle left, did you hear a distant thudding of hooves, as you were milking the cows. Thinking that either Arianne or your father had returned early from work, you rushed to the front of the cottage to meet the comer.

However, the comer was neither your eldest sister nor your father. It was the person least expected.

It was Belle.

"Belle!" you cried out and rushed to meet her. Belle descended from the horse and hugged you tightly.

"Cora, I missed you so much!"

"Me too, Belle," you sobbed. You couldn't believe this was happening. Your youngest sister was back!

That night, your family celebrated Belle's return with a light feast. The festive evening seemed to be a sign for all the better days to come, now that Belle has returned, and the family was once again reunited.

However, Belle's news broke the joyful evening. She can only stay for two weeks before she must return to the palace in the forest again. This time, forever.

Again, you strongly objected to Belle's words, but what Belle said next fully astonished you.

"Cora, I must leave. If I do not, the beast will die. I cannot let him die because of me."

"Belle? Are you out of your mind? Why would you care for the beast that has imprisoned you for so long? We had all thought that you were dead," you choked on your last word. You did not want to remember the depressing days.

"Yes, sorry, Cora. The beast...he is not as awful as you imagine. He is quite gentle, in fact. No matter what, I must return. In two weeks, I will bid everyone farewell." Belle declared again.

Arianne put down her fork forcefully and left the table, her expression darker than thunder clouds.

Father only shook his head.

Throughout the two weeks, you tried all methods of convincing your sister to stay and forget the beast. Although your sister rejected your request kindly each time, you never gave up.

At last, it was the night before the end of the two weeks, and as per usual, you asked your sister to stay. Seeing that she has rejected you again, you asked, "Belle, are you really going to be this cruel to us?"

Belle looked at you with sad eyes.

"Fine. If you really are determined, then I won't stop you. My only request is that you extend your stay by three more days. I have not had the proper chance to bid you farewell. Only three more days, and I will let you go back to your beast."

Belle seemed to be shaken in her determination. Slowly, she asked, "Only three more days?"

"Only three more days," you confirmed.

Reluctantly, Belle nodded her head, "Alright. Three more days."

Hearing her promise, you heaved a sigh of relief as you returned to the bedroom. If Belle truly were to leave forever, you must prepare a proper farewell.

The next day when you woke up, Arianne was in bed, but Belle's bed was empty. Seeing her empty bed, you rushed out the door and found a note on the table.

It was like six months ago all over again. You grabbed the note and skimmed its content.

Belle has left overnight.


You darted out of the cottage, but Belle's horse was not there. You rushed inside to wake your father and ushered him to chase after Belle, but by the time your father returned, he returned alone.

The hurt from Belle's leave stung more than it did the first time, as this time, she lied about her leave.

That night during supper, you were still numb from everything that happened. The whole cottage was silent in Belle's absence.

Suddenly, the supper table began to glow. Before you could understand what was happening, the dinner table before you disappeared, and you were standing inside an extravagant palace with high chandeliers and glass orbs.

A feast on a table larger than any you have seen was laid out before you, and there were two men and a woman, all elegantly dressed.

Then there was Belle amidst them. "Father! Cora! Ari!"

"Belle?" you and Arianne asked at the same time.

Belle hurried over, her face beaming, "The magic has been broken! The beast was not truly a beast, but a prince doomed under a spell. Come, Father, sisters. I will explain everything."


Congratulations, you have reached The Original Ending.

Choose another fate back on chapter (1-1) Beauty and the Beast if you are not satisfied with your choice. Happy reading!