
Ch 651 - An Unscrupulous Offer

The telephone rang loudly. Maryann frowned slightly and signaled to Alex to wait for a moment, and then she picked up.

When she realized that it was the security guard calling, Maryann pressed the speaker button, so that Alex could hear what was said. The guard reported that the situation at ground level was getting worse by the minute. Some people wearing masks were threatening an arson attack, and if the building caught fire, Maryann and Alex would be trapped inside.

Moreover, the security guard also reported that a group from Belmont Media had already forced their way inside. Her earlier orders to the guards had been to not to hurt anyone, so the intruders had already made it all the way to the first floor.

Julie rushed in, looking flustered and speaking quickly. "Maryann, I'm sorry to interrupt, but someone is coming upstairs. What do you want me to do?"

"Don't panic, Julie," Maryann said firmly. "If they dare to come up here, they'll have to face me. I had planned to sort all my enemies at once, but now I've changed my mind. I'll deal with anyone who comes up here, so you don't need to worry. Go back to your desk and call the security department. Ask them to dispatch people immediately to maintain order outside the building and then dismiss the current head of my security team. What was he thinking, letting people into the building? Let his deputy take over for now."

Julie calmed down. "Yes, Maryann, right away." She turned to leave.

"Wait!" Maryann called. "Please also tell the office manager to gather all the employees of the company, including the kitchen staff, and tell them to be ready to defend the winery. Tell him to remind everyone that this building is more than just our workplace; the Robinson Winery is a family, and this is our home. Anyone who doesn't feel that way, or who isn't prepared to protect our company, should get out now!"

Maryann fired off a barrage of orders, her face calm and her voice level. She knew exactly how she wanted to deal with this situation, and she was ready for it.

Julie nodded, her expression resolute, and then she hurried out. In a matter of minutes, the whole Robinson Winery building had been mobilized, with the sounds of urgent action coming from all directions. Maryann's instructions had caused an uproar. Many of the staff had been there a long time and felt strongly that they were a part of the Robinson family. Several of the men grabbed makeshift weapons and rushed downstairs to join in.

Julie's voice came through the intercom. "Maryann, everyone is ready. They just want to know if you'd like them to fight. What should I tell them?"

Many of them were keen to fight, because more than fifty people were already lying in the hospital, and the other side was continuing to be aggressive. Some of the Robinson Winery staff wanted to make their presence felt, hoping to put an end to the hostilities.

Alex couldn't help laughing, imagining all the kitchen staff rushing around with pots and pans or the office staff armed with staple-guns.

Maryann remained calm. She said, "As long as the other side obeys our command and withdraws from outside the building, then no one is to fight them, okay? Has anyone found out whether they have just come here to attack us or if they simply want to talk to me?"

"The guard has spoken to them, Maryann," Julie said. "They said that they want to come up to talk."

"Right, I will allow just one person to come to my office and speak with me," Maryann said. "The others must leave immediately. If anyone from my staff should feel the need to help them on their way out of the building, that would be absolutely fine by me. Show them the nearest exit."

"Yes!" Several of the young people outside Maryann's office overheard her instructions. They rushed off to get some revenge on those who had broken into the winery; many of them were ready to interpret Maryann's words pretty freely.

Maryann waited for them to arrive, looking at the door from behind her imposing desk.

Alex stood slightly behind her chair, just off to one side, with his arms folded in front of his chest. At first glance, he could be mistaken for Maryann's secretary, but no one paid close attention to him.

The door to Maryann's office opened.

Tom Doyle walked in. He was in his twenties, and he was dressed very well, but his clothes were disheveled, and he looked distressed. There were dirty streaks on his clothes and marks on his face, suggesting he had been beaten up.

Alex took in Tom's appearance carefully. This well-dressed man was not what he had been expecting.

Maryann was also a little surprised by what she saw, but the expression on her face didn't alter. She said quietly, "Alex, please serve coffee."

Alex moved to the sideboard and placed a cup beneath the coffee machine.

Tom snorted, his eyes full of resentment. "Oh, so now you start to treat your guests politely? Look at the state of me! I'd just arrived at Robinson Winery when I was beaten up by your employees. You can't allow your staff to act like this."

In spite of his appearance, Tom's tone was arrogant.

Maryann reached forward and pressed a button, which lit up a monitor screen. Pointing at the images now showing, she said, "Tom, do you think I can't see what's happening outside my own building? Your men came here with weapons. If you are going to lie to my face, then this discussion is over. You should get out of my office now."

Tom frowned. He hadn't expected Maryann to be so direct. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Maryann, why do you want to escalate this tension? The way you're acting is not good for you or your company."

"Be careful what you say to me, Tom," Maryann warned him.

"You should be very clear about the situation," Tom continued. "After all, we've discussed it before. As long as we, Belmont Media, get our money, then this matter will be considered settled. Not only will you keep the public's good opinion, but we will arrange for Robinson Winery's participation in several prestigious award ceremonies and guarantee your success at these."

Taking Maryann's silence for agreement, Tom confidently continued. "Don't be foolish enough to think that these are all empty promises. We will make sure you're satisfied. Of course, all of these benefits are inseparable from your payment. Let me lay my cards on the table. As long as we receive ten million dollars for, let's call them operating expenses, then all will be well."

Tom looked directly at Maryann. "Think about it, Maryann. You're a smart businesswoman, so I'm sure you understand what I'm suggesting."