
Ch 642 - The Return of Officer Wood

Timothy was just about to say goodbye to Alex when suddenly a police constable rushed over with a big smile on her face.

"Alex, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" The officer's tone was full of surprise and joy, and she genuinely looked happy to see Alex.

Timothy gaped at them.

"Chelsea Woods, you are one versatile woman," Alex said by way of greeting. He was smiling nearly as much as she was. "Last I heard, you were on traffic patrol. Now, you're here. What in the world did you do to end up in a place like this?" He held out his hand, and she took it.

Chelsea was embarrassed when she saw Timothy, but she wasn't timid by nature. "I transferred in because I knew someone needed to keep an eye on you," she said teasingly. She studied him seriously for a few moments and then said, "It's good to see you."

Alex was happy to see her, too. He knew that the life of a traffic officer wasn't easy. She probably had a lot of stories, and most of them were probably not good. His heart had warmed when he had spotted her.

He turned to Timothy and said, "Your brother is a smart and good man."

Timothy was confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

"He's a man of vision," Alex said. "He deployed Officer Woods here to help you. To be honest, although she is obviously overqualified, I'm glad she doesn't have to work as a patrol officer anymore. She is better suited to work for you."

Timothy was even more surprised. "How do you know so much about it?"

"What's the matter, sir?" Chelsea asked uneasily. "Alex and I are only friends, but we know each other well." She glanced over to look at Alex appraisingly. "We understand each other."

Chelsea still had a small smile on her face, which surprised Timothy. Chelsea was famous for her cold and stern attitude toward police work. She had only transferred in recently, and yet her reputation had preceded her. He had yet to see her smile until now.

Even Brian didn't know that Chelsea knew Alex. Had he known, he would probably have kept them far apart. He had transferred her because she enforced the law impartially, and he didn't think she would be likely to give Alex any special treatment.

But Chelsea was deeply impressed by Alex. When she saw him, it felt like her heart would jump out of her chest. She had thought he had died, so she had never expected to see him again. Yet here he was. Her relief and excitement at seeing him were impossible to suppress.

With Timothy there, Chelsea tried to keep her emotions in check, but he was a keen observer and could easily see that her reaction was not just that of seeing a friend, but that of seeing someone she loved.

"Hey, Timothy, did you hear me?" Alex asked, breaking into Timothy's thoughts. "I said, are you going to hire Chelsea temporarily or permanently? You'd be wise to keep her in your unit."

Chelsea was certainly a force to be reckoned with. She had offended many powerful people because of her adherence to the law. However, Alex also knew that she wanted to help him. To do so, she may have to bend her beliefs.

Alex knew that she had feelings for him. He hadn't encouraged her because he didn't feel the same. He liked her and respected her, but that was it. After all, he had already given his heart to Debbie.

Even just the thought of Debbie made Alex grimace in concern. She didn't know what had happened to him. To keep her safe, and to keep her from worrying, he had shielded her from any news about his situation.

"I'm sure my brother has great plans for Officer Wood," Timothy said. "When he recruited her, he must have thought about it carefully, which shows that he has absolute trust and appreciation for her. Besides, my brother is the one who controls the hiring of officers, so he knows what he's doing."

"I agree," Alex said. "If your brother was able to persuade others to transfer Chelsea here, then it shows that someone supports his idea." He patted Timothy on the shoulder. "The Thorntons, and those like them, won't stand a chance."

He paused and then looked at Timothy sternly. "I just want to say that Chelsea is like family, and no one can bully her in the future. If I hear of anyone mistreating her, I will kill them. I mean it."

Timothy looked at Alex, believing he meant every word. If Alex threatened someone, it wasn't a joke. Although he was only in his twenties, he had a lot of passion and commitment. Timothy didn't know where he got it.

"Oh, Alex," Chelsea said. "What are you talking about? I can take care of myself."

Though she talked gruffly, anyone who saw her could tell that she had been moved by his concern and brotherly attitude. There was no one else who could bring out her soft side quite like Alex.

Timothy felt like he had missed something. One moment it seemed like Chelsea loved Alex romantically, but then the next moment Alex talked about her like she was family. He was confused.

"No more nonsense. It's time for you to go." Chelsea tried to cool her tone and emotions. "I'll get started on your release paperwork right away."

After training at the police academy and working as a traffic cop, Chelsea had grown gruff and streetwise. She had also learned to balance her emotions. Now that she had gotten over the initial surprise and joy of seeing Alex again, she regained her composure. She was happy to know that Alex had been pleased to see her. She would have to be satisfied with that for now.

"When you get out, be sure to take care of yourself, work hard, and stay out of trouble, understand?" Chelsea had fully regained her cop persona. She paced in front of him as she talked, staring at him coolly.

"I get it. I get it, officer," Alex responded, with a newfound respect for her command. His respect amused her, but she didn't show it.

"All right, we're almost done," Chelsea said, handing Alex his belongings and some papers to sign.

Alex scrawled his name.

"Okay, you can leave now," Chelsea said.

Alex, who had finally been set free, turned to Timothy, and said, "Timothy, don't forget. Make sure that Chelsea is taken care of. I'll be watching you."

Timothy was completely confused. What in the world does he mean? he wondered. I thought he trusted me, and now he threatens me? Has he forgotten all I did for him now that he's laid eyes on freedom?

Timothy swallowed. "Okay, okay. Don't worry. Chelsea will be like my sister here. I will never forgive anyone who can't get along with her."

Chelsea couldn't hold back any longer, and she started laughing. Alex joined in, and Timothy realized that they had been teasing him all along.