
Inside the Fire

Neil Iosif, a demon hunter who's wandering the wasteland in search for something, encounters a job notice that involves guarding a mob boss' daughter. Little did he know, that the girl he's guarding possesses a power that is coveted by everyone.

Jayvennator69 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 6

As I laid there down on the ground, knowing that death was just on the horizon. I somehow felt, peace. Tranquil. Knowing that I was about to leave this world was somehow much more fulfilling than I thought.

I did what I could to make this world a better place. I stopped an invasion, saved countless towns and villages. But no matter what good I did, the world only knows how to give back sorrow and pain. I stopped caring after Shannia died. My whole world, was taken from me from that moment.

I wandered the wastes looking for something to live for..Something or someone to care about.. And I thought today I found it.

A splitting image of my love... The little girl.

But of course it's not. All the world ever gives me is bullshit. I realize it now.

And maybe, this Paladin in front of me is giving what I always wanted all along. The sweet release. Death.

I closed my eyes, and cracked one more smile..

And then, a blast. Then silence.

Was this it? The end? I pondered a bit, then realized I was still feeling the soft grass beneath my face.

I wasn't dead.

I opened my eyes, to see the paladin backing off and with an arrow pierced at his chest with bits of frost as well.

And to the horizon, I saw my old friend, his bow drawn out and bits of frost on the grass. And also a hooded person holding out a rune. It seems my luck has turned out good this time.

I came to my senses, and struggled to get up. I took a couple of deep breaths, and readied my weapon.

"Ah. Friends, I see?", the paladin said.

"Seems that way.. Can you take on a demon hunter with a Reactant?",

He shrugged. "Reactant or no, I can always defeat a spawn of Satan!",

I charged again, knowing that Ed was behind me, I can always count on his marksmanship.

He held up his sword and began to swing wide and fast.


The steel against my weapon and his collided. I strafed right and cast a burst of fire from my gloves.

He flung it away, and I slashed again.

Bang! Ed hit again.

I struck back, enough to keep his balance disturbed. He was getting pretty impatient, and struck a little to early, I ducked and slashed right through his shoulder armor. It wasn't a deep cut, little blood has been spilled.

I strafed back again, fearing a counter-attack.

Ed shot another frost arrow at his chest.

At this point he was getting really mad, and his actions became more reckless. And attacks much more deadly.

Strafing left and right, also managing some hits, he wailed and recklessly waved around his weapon. Not hitting me in the least.

He struck again, but I dodged and all he hit was dust.

I put my guard up, staring him dead in the eye, as to have an idea where he might strike next. On closer look, he really glowing red in anger, and wanted to finish us up quickly.

He raised his palms, and started to say something. Like a prayer or a chant.

I couldn't quite hear it, but it sounds like a spell.

I charged in. Now might be the time to get some solid hits in.

Ed fired a barrage of arrows, while the hooded stranger buffed me with a speed spell.

I got in close, struck him dead in the chest, but his armor was so thick that it deflected my attack. Still, he paid me no mind, as he continued to channel the spell.

"Bring him down Neil! That spell disables our Demonic genes!", Ed yelled.

I had to bring him down fast. But I lack the means to do so.

Fire, ice even lightning didn't seem to phase him now.

I took off my gloves, and started to channel pure demonic energy on my left palm.

And as he was about to cast his chant, I charged in, and slammed the big sphere of energy on my hand onto his mouth, preventing him from saying the final words.

The air around us started to ignite from the impact, I couldn't even breathe for a few seconds, but I managed it somehow.

I flung him in the air, and straight into a wall. The air whooshed around us like a hurricane from the force of the blast.

"We did it!", I heard Ed in the distance.

And I did as well. For a whole second.

I tried to stand up and regain composure, but I couldn't move. I turned my head to Ed and the stranger, and saw Ed struggling to move as well.

I was too late.

The paladin laughed menacingly over the smoking cloud of dust.

"Such fools. Nothing can stop the will of GOD! IF God wills that I bring the child of Evil to his HOUSE, then so it shall be!",

I forced out a laugh. "Your "GOD" doesn't "will" anything.Heck , he can't even save the whole world from demonic invasion. You're the fool here.",

I could almost hear a vein pop over there. "HUH?!", He yelled. Menacingly staring back at me with cold eyes full of hatred and disdain.

"Neil! You really don't know when to shut your mouth!!", Ed yelled from a distance.

"Oh I don't! That's why I'll keep saying things he doesn't want to hear!", I yelled back.

Bit by bit, the paladin was regaining his composure, and all of the time he was staring at me with pure hatred and anger. The grip of his spell became even more tight. My lungs felt like they were about to burst.

"H-Heh! I-Is t-This w-what the face of GOD l-looks like? He looks like a bitch! Ha-ha!", I forced out a laugh.

I could hear Ed's yelling but I couldn't even hear the half of it.

The Paladin grabbed his weapon, and went towards me, dragging the weapon behind him. All the while staring at me immensely.

I smirked, "w-what. You like me or something?",

He snapped. In that moment, He lunged at me and swung his weapon at full force.