
Inside of a cube

Isabell Harrington, a determined law student, as she dives into the enigmatic world of the drug-dealing club 'Throne of Demon' Fueled by the haunting memory of a girl named Emily. Isabell teams up with the mysterious and icy professor, Sebastian Lightwood. Together, they uncover jaw-dropping disclosures that draw Isabell into a hazardous web, revealing that the insidious club is indeed intricately linked to her own life.

Tehreem_Fatima12 · แอคชั่น
36 Chs

Chapter Six

The alarm woke Isabell up, her eyes were swollen from crying the entire night. The chirping of birds, smooth rays of golden sunshine filtering through her window, or even the fresh smell of breakfast didn't make a grin touch her face. All she knew right in the moment was that the Concealer would fix all the dark circles around her eyes, and it did the job

Isabell stood in front of the mirror over the cupboard. She stared at her sad reflection. After a long moment, she said "It's gonna be alright, Isabell. We are going to be alright" and her reflection agreed with a sad nod and a sad smile.

Isabell wore White Jeans along with a blue sweatshirt just to look a little confident for a big day, white sneakers matched perfectly with the outfit.

Isabell threw every necessary or unnecessary stationery that she told herself she would need someday but never did, in her backpack. She tossed her laptop in and was ready to start the day.

She stepped outside of her room. "I have got an early lecture, I'll eat in the university, Mom," she told Lowren and didn't wait for the reply "Okay," Lowren said anyway. Her fast steps echoed in the silent living room as she left "What's up with her?" Xavier asked standing at the door of his room "I have no clue" she replied in a worried voice


After sighing for the entire way to the university, Isabell sighed for one more time, and then suddenly a small smile hit her lip when she entered the building law

"I need to tell you about this new—" Isabell said, enfolding her hand around the neck of Ashley in front of their classroom "Shut up, Izzy. Not gonna talk to you" She threw Isabell's hand away and her face moved in a different direction

"About this new" she continues anyway "Mythology creature I read about yesterday" Something like a wave of excitetment seemed to travel through her body.

Mythology is the second name of love for this best friend of mine. A world filled with real-life monsters she finds life in imaginary monsters, and obviously it's an extraordinarily crazy thingy but if I can make it work in my defense then I ain't having problems.

Not at any cost and any way Ashley could avoid Isabell and she exactly knew it

"This is not gonna work, Izzy" she informed Isabell while showing it was already working as she just got a step closer to her "Bunyip, yeah that was the name, right?" Ashley's eyes went wider at that name, her closed lips fell open

"No way, Izzy" she covered her mouth with a hand, "How do you know about him? I- I love him so much. Oh oh, I can't believe this" her surprise kept on exercising every passing moment "I love him and there are not so many people who know about Bunyip. Even- even in my myth of the world GC, there is no one literally not a single person who knows about him"

And that's why this word always keeps Google, she didn't say that out loud "Mythology really is interesting you know" Ashley couldn't resist the urge to hug her and Isabell just pulled her closer "RIGHT, bestie" she yelled

"Yeah, bestie. Like I've been searching for this one from German Mythology" Ashley's eyes couldn't find another spot to fix but Isabell's face "Who, who, who?" Her feet jumped lightly "Erlking" There was no more surprise and happiness her body could take without falling

"ERLKING?" She screamed "Yes yes, him. But you know what I can't find much about him" Isabell faked a frown and Ashley truly fell for it "You- you don't need to worry, yeah Erlking" After so many breathless moments Ashley drew a breath "I'm here, bestie. I'll tell you all about it. Erlking as you know is from Germanic folklore. He is also known as the Alder King…" and Ashley's voice disappeared in the background as Isabell's thoughts broke into the conversation again

Should I be guilty of scamming or something? Nah, not for this like it was definitely not my fault not this time. But was Erlking always that unknown to the internet? Nope, it just took his name to find the entire biography. So my bestie's brain doesn't work when it comes to Mythology.

"Someone told me she isn't gonna talk to Izzy ever again, just a few minutes ago," A voice interrupted the discussion, Steve walked in their direction "Why are you getting jealous?" Isabell said smirking at him protecting her scamming from going to waste "I'm not getting jealous of anything" he laughed in surprise

"So have you guys decided on the topic for your Legal case studies" This was not how someone was meant to change the topic but Isabell asked out of the blue as she didn't want Ashley to figure out how she just manipulated her

"I have spent the entire week selecting it just so can I please that- whatever his name is" Steve just played along. He looked tired and distressed like his words

"Ah yeah! I had to cancel my mythology podcast because of that Sebastian" Ashley got annoyed again for a different reason this time

"Yeah" Actually no I can't feel you guys because I've been working on it for a month now it's perfect to be presented and of course, I'm not going to announce it yet coz no one can find it out just now because no one is supposed to know

"By the way what did you select?" She asked Steve "Oh yeah yeah, right. I'll go with Material Arts Connecting the Constitution of Laws" he answered "The material arts thingy?"

"Yep" Isabell didn't seem to be okay with the answer "You sure Bastarian gonna accept it?" A wave of worry covered Steve's hope "I'll need a little convincing, I guess" he laughed, Isabell knew that there was no amount of convening that would help him with this but she moved to Ashley without saying anything, "Mythological themes in Legal Literature" Ashley's face glowed as her words came out of her mouth "I really hope he accepts it" Wasn't what Isabella really wanted to say,

the chance of this status of Themis coming to life and Bastarian accepting her topic as legal case studies are the same with every fraction. That was what she actually wanted to say. "I know he will" She seemed confident

"Now tell us yours," Steve said "It's a secret" Her lips sealed as her pitched fingers slid over them "Are you for real?" Ashley started to get annoyed again. Isabell quickly checked her phone looking for something to distract them and here it was

"Let's go, let's go it's time for the class. It's time for the class" She said dragging both of them along her and the three of them stepped in, the two stayed confused by the sudden change in her behavior.

Sebastian had a unique power to suck all the air whenever he entered the room and maybe that was why Isabell felt like she couldn't breathe even when there was so much free oxygen revolving around her or it could be that she was soon going to find something that links to The Knight "Good Morning" he threw his icy greetings at their faces "I hope every one of you has made the report on legal case studies as I asked for" The class responded yes to him "Great! Now I need you guys to come to me and summit it one by one" There was no yes anymore but silence and hush as Sebastian dragged his chair into the center of the room, by chance stopping it near Isabell. His black suit, stitched to perfection, made his personality more intimidating as he positioned himself on the chair. Isabell never noticed him, she was too nervous and busy arranging her Throne Of Demon report again and again until she forgot the count.

Maybe the clip on top of the messy bun of her head had some kind of magnetic power to pull Sebastian closer and even right in front of her with a distance of six feet or maybe he wanted to humiliate each one of them giving every other person a clear look as the rumors

"You may start now" Sebastian announced. Steve was the first to submit his report "Material Arts Connecting the Constitution of Laws" Sebastian read his title out loud "You love to get in trouble and things?" He extended the meaning of learning skills a little too much

"No that's not why–"

"A hobby? A need?" he quirked a brow at Steve "It's neither, it—"

"Law isn't a tool for you to play with, Stefan Williams!" His shout echoed in the silent room "But, sir. I see no problem and if you look—" he wasn't in the mood to listen to Steve's convincing "Oh I see, then I must be blind because I see a lot hell of problems with this" Steve's legs took a step back "No, it's—"

"Go back to your place and come to me when you have something reasonable in that empty brain of yours" Steve forgot everything that was supposed to be persuasive. He didn't say a word in response and just went straight to his seat "Next" he said, a girl stood up as it was her turn and for the second time in a row, Sebastian got irritated as he saw a report telling how make-up companies involve law. One after the other he rejected the report of every student.

In between making her report a little better, Isabell kept on darting at Sebastian as the level of adrenaline kept on rising in her body. It was the turn of Ashley who still looked pretty confident about going to him even when she had seen the show of humiliation.

Isabell looked as if she was dying with worry plotting the future of the next five minutes in front of her eyes but as soon as Ashley gave her report to Sebastian he exceeded every expectation of Isabell's imagination.

"Mythological themes in Legal Literature" Sebastian stared at Ashley's report for an entire minute, he never turned a page and didn't seem to be reading either.

Is he really okay with it or is he silent just to burst like a volcano afterward? Isabell asked herself

"Did you skip every class from two" his fingers clasped at the corner of her report and the grip was visibly angry "and directly come to the final year of Law?" The calmness in his tune made Ashley confused. "What do you mean b-" Sebastian flung the report at her face, the pages scattered all over the floor, Ashley's feet stumbled just like her breath

"IS LAW A JOKE TO YOU?" he yelled and it was the loudest shout of the entire day "I can explain it to-" Sebastian made a fist out of his hand leaving the index finger out he pointed toward the door "You see that door right?" He asked an obvious question, taking some time to fetch air "I need you to collect your things and get out of there. Write me a ten-thousand-word apology and come back when you have some respect for the law" He finished with a sharp inhale

"But, Sir. It won't hurt you to listen" Ashley had regained her balance and she was indeed in the mood for a fight

"The thing is that, Ashley Miller, it would actually make my ears bleed to listen to your messed up nonsense" His words kept on getting harsher, and no one in the class loved that about him "Mr. Lightwood, you are going to be fired by the university if you won't drop this attitude of yours" There was no way that Ashley could have make it alive out of there and that was that exact reason why Isabell stopped checking her report for the thirtieth time and was staring at them absolutely forgetting that she was the next one to go "You know what, kid? I don't care" he breathed again "Exit" Sebastian said in a low voice "No, I won't-" That one breath made him calm for that one word only


The chair moved back as he got up from it, his voice filled the room as he unleashed a torrent of words. The intensity of the moment echoed in the way his fists clenched making even the insects go silent in the room, a wave of beetles passed all over Ashley's body and she couldn't find words for her defense. Ashley moved back still staring at Sebastian, her feet striding with rapid steps. She didn't look at the staring Isabell instead she tossed everything in her backpack, tears rolling down her rosy cheeks, her voice hiccupped with sobs and in some instances, she was gone closing the room to class

"Is there anyone left or should I feel free to leave this class of clowns?" Sebastian asked, Isabell was right in front of him and he could have already known this anyone

"Me," the student in front of him said, Sebastian stared at Isabell for some moments, his eyes were still filled with anger and he moved to his chair.

Isabell stood up, walked to him, and passed her report. Not in her wildest dreams was she hoping for him to accept it. Based upon what happened in the entire last hour, all Isabell wanted was to take a good look at his expression when he would say Throne Of Demon out loud

But it never happened. Instead, he began to read, as soon as Sebastian looked at the title his eyes widened and his mouth fell open, a wave of anxiety passed over his pale face as if he just confirmed the rumors about him having links with them

Isabell was the first person in the entire lecture to have the honor of Sebastian turning to a second page and then a third and in no time he read the entire report of Isabell while she stood straight and shocked. After a pause of one minute, he finally parted his lips

"Isabell Harrington" he called,

I never told him my full name- wait neither of us did. Does he remember it from the lists or is it that one second he gives to the introduction page and remembers them from there.Does he really have a photographic memory? she asked herself but that wasn't something she was supposed to ask at the moment. Sebastian looking Horrified from the report was important, Isabell nodded her head in response "I need you in my office after the lecture" Isabell's eyes stared at him and they blinked a couple of times. Why? She forgot how to make a voice from her vocal cords. Why?

Sebastian never gave her report back to Isabell instead he took it with him as he went out of the class but Isabell didn't really notice it, all she noticed was that Sebastian was gone and this was the end of the lecture and this was when Sebastian called her to his office.

There was no chance she could comfort Ashley in two minutes so she just asked Angry and Irritated Steve to go and look for Ashley and she left for his office.