
Inside of a cube

Isabell Harrington, a determined law student, as she dives into the enigmatic world of the drug-dealing club 'Throne of Demon' Fueled by the haunting memory of a girl named Emily. Isabell teams up with the mysterious and icy professor, Sebastian Lightwood. Together, they uncover jaw-dropping disclosures that draw Isabell into a hazardous web, revealing that the insidious club is indeed intricately linked to her own life.

Tehreem_Fatima12 · แอคชั่น
36 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

The guard at the door held the tray with empty vials of Morphine, two individuals halted at the entrance and the other guard was moving to a place where Lethal, Spy, and Giant were standing. Despite the oddity, it all made sense to the two of them when it shouldn't be

"That's it. We- we are dead" Isabell said, her eyes still staring up at him. Sebastian was looking for a solution when Isabell lost every hope in life a minute ago. Her eyes stuck at his face, breaths getting shallow every passing second

Sebastian looked at Isabell, her eyes made him desperate to find a solution. He looked up again running his head around, darting at every corner of the hall, he slipped one of his hands into his pocket and a ray of hope flashed on his face. "I don't know if it's going to save us or put us in more trouble" he exhaled "But I have a plan" The same ray flashed on Isabell's face

"We don't have a choice," She said, firmly holding his hand. Sebastian stayed silent for some moments "Okay, let's do it," He said staring at a corner of the building

He took the hand out from his pocket "I have a lighter" Sebastian said gazing at Lethal who was now moving towards a mic likely to make their expected announcement "You see the curtain there" He pointed towards a corner opposite to the door, Isabell nodded yes "I'm going to set it on fire" Isabell stopped nodding and her eyes broadened but he continued "And when that happened we need to run as fast as we can. Okay?" He finished. Isabell remained quiet as her mind was trying to think something but it couldn't and she tried again and again begging her brain to speak but it was all numb. After some seconds she gave in to uncertainty

"Okay" she shook her head "Okay, I need you to go to the door as close as possible without making anyone suspicious," He said, and she nodded. "Let's go" Sebastian moved in the opposite direction from Isabell, but she never turned instead her feet got tied to the floor.

"Jack," She called and her legs moved, walking towards him. She clasped her fingers around his arm from behind to stop him. Sebastian turned around

"I won't leave without you," She said, her masked eyes soaked with unshaded tears. Stretches appeared on his forehead upon hearing her words "Don't joke" His voice hardened; terrified "We can get killed any moment" Unlike his voice, his hand enfolded around her arm gently "You will have to go, with or without me, Isabell" her hand slipped from his hold, she took a step back

"I won't leave without you" She yelled silently and rushed to the other side "Rose…" She was gone, maybe in a moment, Sebastian forgot how rebellious Isabell was.

Sebastian now has two lives to save and Isabell was the one to put him in that situation

'Yaahoo~' A wild laughter blasted from the speakers 'We have some guests with us' Lethal yelled into the mic. Music turned off, and everyone stopped dancing, only the thunderous shouts were coming from every corner of the Hall. Sebastian kept on moving swiftly, making his way in between stunned people, he reached the bar

'We got two imposters' He roared and Isabell felt frightened by his voice, her eyes shifting between Lethal and Sebastian

With the disturbance created by Lethal's screams, the bartender forgot to keep an eye around, and taking the opportunity Sebastian stole a bottle

'If I be the one to catch you! I'm going to stick my knives in your throat myself' He finished the announcement with a blood-curdling scream and Sebastian was already in his position.

That place was saturated with alcohol and he knew how to make use of it. Sebastian used the entire bottle making its way to the curtain, he drained half of the bottle on it and with the other half, Sebastian made a trail

He stood at the end of the route about ten feet away from the curtain. Sebastian hunched his leg to the floor, one click from the lighter and the fire made its way to that fabric

In seconds, an explosion echoed in the hall sending shockwaves through the air. The alcohol-soaked curtain ignited, engulfing the entire cloth, fabric cracking, blowing smoke. The fire glowed and illuminated the whole coroner. Everyone turned their attention towards it, and a collected gasp escaped from the lips of every person, panic seized in their eyes, scrambling for safety they ran, the footsteps echoing through the building

"Fuck!" Giant growled the entire hall started to fill with thick clouds of smoke, every person was yelling and running to the exit. Fear, panic, and cries moved in the air

"Guards! Get the fire extinguishers" Lethal yelled and all the guards ran to his command in a second, abandoning their positions. The fire spread to every corner of the room, catching from one place to another.

In the storm of fire, Sebastian noticed a girl in red, standing still, every other person around her was running like crazy and she didn't move even for an inch

Sebastian ran to Isabell

"Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?"

They asked each other but both of them forgot to reply. Sebastian held Isabell's hand and rushed towards the door, there was no guard on the door now but someone just noticed their movement

"Fuck! I knew something was wrong with that witch in the red" Lethal yelled in the mic causing everyone to look at them. But they were already at the door. "GO AFTER THEM!" Giant yelled, moving down the stair

"GET THE FREAKING CAR, SPY" Lethal screamed already chasing Sebastian and Isabell

Hallucinations spread all over the surrounding area, taking trembling steps with throats that had gone dry they ran towards the car "Faster!" Sebastian yelled but Isabell was already doing her best. After minutes of their hearts beating in their ears, they reached the car

"Get in the car!" He yelled again. Isabell gathered her dress in her hands and stepped into the car

Isabell breathed but her breaths were never normal. Sebastian started the engine and this time he didn't care about any rules that ever existed in any book of law of traffic.

"THOSE FREAKS ARE RIGHT THERE!" Lethal shouted from the car behind. Sebastian drove at the highest speed possible while the other car chased them at the same speed.

Shivers ran down their bodies, drug making Sebastian dizzy. He was barely managing to control the steering wheel when he a shout was heard from the seat beside him


Isabell yelled at the top of her voice, he looked at her in terror "NAILS!" She screamed pointing at the road and recalling the nails they put on the road an hour ago.

He veered the car, the wheel screeched sending the car sliding into thick bushes around the road

With a bolt, the car lurched off the pavement causing it to tilt to one side. Their eyes widened, and breaths and beats stopped. Sebastian held the steering wheel with white-knuckled hands, he released the accelerator and managed to steer back onto the road when the nails were finished but that wasn't the case for the one behind them

"WHO THE FUCK DID THIS?" they can hear Spy screaming as their car gets punctured. "I WILL CHOP YOU INTO PIECES IF I CATCH YOU!" Lethal yelled from the other end of their car but soon their yells disappeared.

Sebastian crossed the half-hour-long road in fifteen minutes.

They could breathe now, hearts slowly getting back to normal and Sebastian decreased the speed of the car. The route didn't lead to her house and she knew it yet she never informed Sebastian

Maybe because he couldn't take Isabell home when she looked devastated. Sebastian drove to Veritas University. A guard greeted him with a nod of the head and Sebastian replied in a nod too. He parked the car, opened the door for her, and assisted Isabell to walk to his office. They stayed silent the entire way.

Sebastian unlocked the office.

The moment she removed her red mask, tears floated as a stream from her eyes, her shoulders shivering with sobs "I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" Sebastian yelled in frustration and his shout made Isabell's sobs louder, echoing in the entire room, she didn't fight back, Isabell never said a word in her defense

His clenched brows relaxed as his gazes fell on shivering Isabell, his leg moved and took a step towards her, he stood in silence for minutes.

"Isabell" He called and there was no anger left in him, "Hey, Isabell" She sucked one of her lips the other one curling down on it, stopping herself from yelling her cries

"Take a seat," He said, trying to make her calm but instead of listening she yelled "Why is everything black in here?" the annoyed sound came from the mouth of Isabell "Why the hell is everything so dark in here, It's making me depressed" Isabell yelled, her body couldn't bear her own yell and she collapsed to the floor.

Memories of Emily were attacking Isabell from every direction and once again the guilt engulfed her

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I failed to save you again. I'm sorry" She kept on repeating her words and her tears didn't stop. Sebastian couldn't seem to understand her words and he kneeled in front of her, "I'm sorry. I was useless, I still am useless, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Her body shivered, and shouts revolved in the whole office. Sebastian slowly mived forward and enfolded her in his arms giving her the warmth of a cocoon and her trembling body stopped shivering "It's okay," He said silently. Time seemed to stretch, giving them a moment of unspoken understanding. The only sound audible was the soft sobs of Isabell.

For a long time, Sebastian kept moving his hand through her hair telling her he was ready to share the burden of whatever was bothering her. "Feeling better?" He asked, noticing her, now disappeared sobs, she nodded, slowly not moving away

"Let me drive you to your home," Sebastian said, Isabell released herself from the hug, it took her a minute to finally being able to see again "I should get going," she said collecting herself together. Sebastian gazed at the clock saying one "I'll drive you home" he stood up rushing towards his table "I can go on my—" Her low resisting voice was cut off by Sebastian "I will drive you home, Isabell" he repeated, Isabell got on her feet

"But I can–"

"Fight me all you want but only when you are feeling okay," He said in a sharp tone. She got silent for a moment and then agreed with a nod "Here" He said placing a pair of black sneakers near her feet "Wear these" Sebastian's shoes lay quietly on the floor and she didn't move

"I don't need–"

"Your heels left bruises all over your ankle" He pointed at her feet. Isabell lifted her foot, removed her heels to check and they were red Isabell never realized how much they were hurting her

"Thank you" Her voice almost vanished. Wearing shoes of Sebastian was easy for her, they slipped right onto her feet. She never tied the laces maybe she didn't know how to or maybe there was no strength in her to do so. Because Sebastian's shoes were big for Isabell, she was hardly managing to walk straight but still matching his speed; dragging the shoes behind him. She never noticed when Sebastian stopped and when she bumped her head into him.

She came to consciousness, suddenly feeling alarmed when he turned around "I-I am-I am so…" Her words were gone when Sebastian sat on his legs in front of her, he placed one of her hands over his shoulder and lifted her foot and placed it on his knee "Ah!" A yell escaped her throat, startled

"What are you doing—"

"Quite," He said quietly and it worked on her. He tied the laces of one and moved for the other, in a minute he was done. All Isabell could do was stare at him and stay silent, and wanting to say something and never say anything. She followed him to the car

The dashboard of Sebastian's car has become her new favorite place to stare as she couldn't look away from it.

"When you will go inside" Sebastian said standing at the door of Isabell's house "You are not going to think about anything that happened tonight and just sleep." She stayed silent, didn't agree

"Okay, Isabell?"

"Hmm," She nodded, sealing her lips tight. "Go in and rest," he said softly

"Hmm" Isabell nodded again and moved to the gate of her house

"Good Night, Isabell," He said as Isabell unlocked the door, she didn't turn around but nodded one more time and went inside

As she entered the house she never cared about getting caught, she didn't have the strength to climb up to her room so she chose to walk. Xavier was already locked so he couldn't see her and thankfully her mom didn't notice either. Isabell was somehow safe and now all she wanted to do was to enter her room and cry her eyes out, cry as much as she could, and sleep while crying. Isabell entered her room, closed the door, and rested her head over the door frame.

Her eyes looked at the window that she forgot to lock when she jumped from it.

Her feet took Isabell to the window and when she slid the window her eyes met Sebastian's already staring at her. Her numb face looked at him as if she couldn't tell if he was real or just an illusion. Sebastian was standing at his car, hands crossed at chest, feet crossed at ankles and he gazed at Isabell with his worried eyes.

Sebastian didn't say anything, he stood straight and waved goodbye at her with a bare smile. Isabell waved some fingers back at him but she couldn't fake a smile in front of him and she stayed emotionless. Sebastian nodded and in no time he was already gone.

Isabell didn't realize when she fell asleep while crying when she opened her eyes in the morning. Her eyes stared at the roof, memories of last night were vivid in her mind. She woke up with a heavy head and swollen eyes, her swollen eyes looked at a calendar and there was a star on the present day. She didn't think of anything but tried to remember drawing the start

She died on the night of Cursed Abyss and they found her body in the woods the next day,

and it was the next day to Cursed Abyss as soon as she realized it, she left her bed.

Despite how tired she felt Isabell stood on her feet, her legs moved towards the closet. Concealers always fix problems created by her tears. Isabell knew exactly how unusual the black color was and how she didn't even count it as a color but she was wearing that black color

After getting ready Isabell unlocked the door of Xavier's room and he came out jumping on one foot

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" He yelled in between hopping but Isabell didn't respond to him instead she walked towards the living room

"I'll be back soon, Mom," She said to Lowren "Where are you going, Bella?" She asked from the couch in front of the television "To meet a friend" a dead friend to be exact "Okay, don't stay out too late" She nodded in response and went for the door


Isabell grabbed the steering wheel with a light hand. She bought flowers on her way there.

She stopped the car at the cemetery. Hanging her face down, she held tulips in one of her hands with a light grip, lighter enough to throw them down even by a slight hit. She stood at the entrance of the graveyard

Isabell knew where Emily was so her feet moved on their own, normally she was alone whenever Isabell visited her, and no matter how much time she spent with her no one came there but now Isabell spotted someone with her and Emily wasn't alone this time.

A man covered in all black was standing in front of her grave, he didn't seem to move his sharp lips, and his brown hair seemed to be combed perfectly unlike last night.

Isabell's eyes widened, a node tightening in her gut as if someone just punched her. Isabell tried to swallow but it was useless

Every reason why Sebastian should be standing there flashed in her mind. Sebastian is a Harvard Graduate and so is Emily's brother but this is just a coincidence. Her steps moved backward

Emily was five years younger than her brother and Sebastian was five years older than Emily. Isabell shook her head from left to right in disbelief

'I've done my research' because my sister had been killed by them. No, that's not what happened.

her eyes went wider with every word knocked in her mind

Sebastian was staring at Arine because she looked exactly like Emily

Her hands dropped the flowers, her eyes dropped water, steps never made a sound even when they rushed back to the car

Sebastianis Emily's brother