
Inside of a cube

Isabell Harrington, a determined law student, as she dives into the enigmatic world of the drug-dealing club 'Throne of Demon' Fueled by the haunting memory of a girl named Emily. Isabell teams up with the mysterious and icy professor, Sebastian Lightwood. Together, they uncover jaw-dropping disclosures that draw Isabell into a hazardous web, revealing that the insidious club is indeed intricately linked to her own life.

Tehreem_Fatima12 · แอคชั่น
36 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

Sebastian stopped the car in between the forest 

 "Are we going on foot from here?" Isabell asked in confusion

 "I thought you were at the top of your class" he said with a mocking tone "Like what is that supposed to mean here?" she asked, still confused "Do you think we will just park the car in the parking lot, pass our greetings and enter the building?"


"Oh, Isabell' he slapped some disappointed fingers over his forehead 'Do you even know they have a secret route?" She knew that she already knew but with the amount of anxiety and nervousness her body was bearing she remembered nothing "Yeah" she said in a silent voice 

"So, You don't know—"

"One, two, three, four, five. Five big stones. One hundred steps two O Clock, On the hundredth step, The goofy tree. Two hundred steps to the left, Two hundredth step, the Throne Of Demon" Her head moved along with her words "Oh, so you remember" he said biting the inside of her cheek

     "The top student of law" she introduced, Sebastian stretched his lips in a smile

     "Of course you are, Smartie" he said bending himself towards the backseat,

Buzzing in my ears or is it really real?

 Her body stayed unmoved

Sebastian opened a bag picking red and black masks from it, both of them appeared the same, 

Sebastian passed the one to the frozen Isabell and without even giving it a peek she unfroze

 "Hell! How the hell can I forget about these" she shouted "The top student of Law" he mocked and her eyes were only looking at him

"Okay' she said, holding her hand in the air 'But Mr. Genius professor, why did you wear glasses when our eyes are supposed to be covered by masks?" Sebastian broke eye contact, his face turned in a different direction "It- it looked okay" his head stayed to the side

 "Wait," she said

 "WAIT!" she yelled, he looked at her in panic 

"By any possible or impossible chances, were you trying to be cute!" Isabell stared at him, stared at him with wide eyes and a fallen mouth

 "Why the hell would I do that" his face rotated again and Isabell's wide eyes clicked when she spotted a pink shade on Sebastian's cheeks 

"No, you…"

 her words were gone when he removed the glasses, he doesn't appear cute to Isabell anymore 

Sebastian wrapped the black mask over his dark eyes, the spikes on top and bottom of masks covered from forehead to cheeks, Isabell's eyes got attached to his face, and then he looked at her

"What are you doing? Put the mask on" Sebastian said staring back, her eyes panicked, blinking at his words "Ye-ah yeah I am" She quickly looked at the mask finding the threads of attachment, as soon as her eyes laid on the name, they got bonded with it

 Rose? Rose, Rose! No way, no no way

her eyes looked at Sebastian's forehead,

Jack? Jack, Jack! Oh oh oh I want to die! Oh no no no! When the hell did he shift his personality from cold to cute? Oh I can't deal with this

 "What" he asked her zoned-out eyes 

 "Why Jack and Rose?" She asked Sebastian and he never replied  

    "But Why Jack and Rose?" She asked again putting her mask on 

   "They- they had only two left, so" that isn't a reason to avoid answering for the first time

     "But why Rose and Jake?" she was done wearing her mask "I told you…" he looked at Isabell and it was now his time to lose his words

      "They just had Rose and Jake left" She completed his words and laughed 


They followed the secret route and now Isabell and Sebastian were standing in front of the building of Throne Of Demon. Isabell couldn't believe her eyes, she kept on starting the decaying walls, every rumor and every story she heard, got its soul from here. She always knew it existed but all she wanted to tell herself was that she was just imagining things. But in reality, she was standing only a few steps away from the Throne Of Demon

 The deteriorating building right in front of her, speakers bursting, lights sparkling, strong smell wandering in the air, she knew it was the last stop and either you run or die. 

Isabell breathed deeply but it was hard for her to let the oxygen in. They walked to the closed door, 

"Are you ready?" Sebastian asked, Isabell exhaled sharply "Can I hold that?" she pointed at the thing attached to Sebastian's shoulder joint, he didn't reply verbally but locked his arm with hers, "Let's go" he said, Isabell took one more deep breath and another one and then one last time

 "Let's go," she told him. 

Their feet moved, Sebastian knocked three times and the door opened. 

"Inside of a cube, shadows entwine and secret enshrine, concealing memories with the dark heartbeat of Drug-laced camaraderie,"

 Isabell said to the guard in the brown mask at the door. The guard stared at them with numb eyes and after a few moments of sending shivers down their spins he confirmed the code

The next guard took his steps towards him and with a pale face he greeted the two of them with shots of morphine. Sebastian looked at her and she pinched her eyes in reply. They let him Inject without any resistance, 

no worries he isn't suspicious. 

Sebastian sealed his arm with Isabell's again, they walked confidently as if they were professionals in clubs. Her heels gave her the appearance of being tall and only a couple of inches shorter than him

 "Can you handle the drug" Of course

 "Yeah it was a tiny dose, I won't have a problem" Not, 

Sebastian nodded, his tough licked the lip in worry

"Where the hell is Knight?" Isabell was standing far away but she could hear a man in a green mask yelling to one in the blue mask

  "You know how he is, Giant. He is going to show up at most unexpected moments" the guy with the blue lens replied, but before Isabell could listen to any other word, Sebastian's hands took her away 

"Yeah for example when I'm at my last move of Dance of Knives or when Giant has almost killed someone" a man in red mask walked to them 

"Exactly, Lethal. He loves to ruin our peaceful moments" Giant replied. And the third guy stayed silent. Hush stayed even in the loud music and in no time all three of them dispersed to different positions

Sebastian and Isabell stood in the center of the large crowd, acting to move along with the nodes of music 

"Rose" Sebastian called

"Yes, Jack?" she imitated, Sebastian moved closer to her aiming for the ear, A breeze just immobilized Isabell "No matter what, You can not contact your eyes with Lethal; the man in the red mask, holding blades" she knows this of him about Lethal 


"He is wearing a red lens making him hard to recognize but you are not and remember the moment Leth-' his voice descends "Steve looks at you we are dead" he reminds

 "Lethal, it's Lethal, not Steve," she notified him that she still didn't believe his words 

"You'll get to know soon," he said and she stayed still

"Act normal and don't leave the crowd. Never leave the crowd' he repeated 'I'll be at the counter ordering drinks, we need to blend" She was back to normal

My entire body is panicking. Don't go, everything is freaking me out, I can't stay alone, 

She wanted to tell him but unfortunately, she was the only reason why she was there "Okay" Isabell replied. 

Sebastian was gone and Isabell was alone, the door of the room her eyes were looking at right now was made out of glass and she could see through it. Isabell can see Giant beating a teenager. She knows why he is beating the boy, someone told her the reason. 

"Emily" the morphine started to do its work, the hallucinations made Isabell feel like everyone was moving around her, the people were now rolling in circles, the floor suddenly experiencing an earthquake, walls shaking, dragon sculptures spitting mud as they were about to fall from their place

  'What do you mean by murdering people?'

 The interview with Emily played in her head 

'Breaking rules results in beating, Bella. And since everyone is crazy about Cursed Abyss they drink a lot and take drugs in heavy doses, they don't realize anything they do and that's why it causes deaths too' Emily wasn't in her memories now

 'And you're telling me you'll go there?' She was in front of her eyes, in the glass room and the hefty man was beating her now,

 'I've to go, Bella, or they are going to kill my brother. He is the only one I have and I can't let anything happen to him' Emily was begging Giant to stop but he wasn't listening to her, he punched her in the face, and with a single hit blood flowed through her lips, and her nose

 'No, Emily, it's too dangerous. you would never go there' Giant smashed her head with his bare hands, and her rich gold hair started to turn red

 'Please don't try to stop me because I'm not going to listen. I got myself involved in it and I'll have to face the consequences'

 Emily stopped taking in her mind and so in front of her eyes, she wasn't moving, unconscious on the floor, blood rushing down her forehead, face miserable, she didn't seem to be breathing.

 Witnessing the scene Isabell knew she would have to go, Isabell took steps toward them, her heart beating loudly in her chest, she moved

 but suddenly a girl bumped into her, she looked at the girl 

"I- I am- I am sorry" Isabell apologized when it was never her fault

 "Look where you are going, Freak'' the girl cursed at her face "I'm sorry" She wasn't looking for trouble and luckily she didn't locate one, the girl passed by her side bumping into he hard

Isabell's feet stumble at the attack but she doesn't care for it because saving Emily was more important

 I failed failed failed to help you last time but I'll save you, I'll save you I'll save you this time 

she told herself and forced her legs to move but she stopped. Emily was gone the face of the boy was replaced by Emily's for one more time

Isabell wasn't herself now, she didn't have anything in her mind, nothing telling her to do anything nothing telling her to stop from anything all she knew was that she had to find Emily and take her out of here

Isabell spined her body in a circle but Emily was nowhere to be found. Her eyes darting at every corner of the hall, mind spinning, barely recognizing anything 

Suddenly, her eyes dropped to a couch nearby, someone was splashing a red fluid all over it.

 Isabell couldn't see the face as so many people were dancing in front 

Isabell took her feet to a corner out of the crowd, where no one was around she could see them now, she could see a guy cruelly beating another guy

Isabell has pulled the ear of the boy in a red mask before, it reminds her of one of her friends, the shoulder is the same she wrapped her hand around while joking with her friends she remembers the side look of the guy whose hands were holding two knives, it appears to be the same that Emily told her about

 "Emily" she is there again, Isabell can see his friend ruthlessly slicing thighs of Emily, they parted, thick red blood flowed from them, he attacked the flesh again, blood sprouted out everywhere no one was stopping him, the second Emily tried to scream he crashed it into her again

Lethal was murdering Emily all over again. She needs to stop him, she needs to stop her friend from hurting her. Isabell moved towards them but Emily wasn't moving, she was dead all over again. Emily and a boy who was replacing her face again and again weren't breathing. They were dead, both of them

Lethal was done,

Corners of his eyes can see a girl standing alone a little far from him. 

His head is bent towards her. 

But before he could look at the girl, the back of a mysterious man covered in a black leather jacket appeared in front of him.

 Isabell has seen the face before which is right in front of her right now

 "What the hell are you doing?" Sebastian said in an intense whisper but she hadn't come to herself yet. She can't reply but she can hear, hear the footsteps of Lethal reaching them, they were loud marching toward her

"Hey! You over there in the red dress," Lethal said, 

this voice

 belonged to the same friend of Isabell. He was a couple of steps away, Adrenaline rushed down her body, Isabell could feel her heart reaching her ear and it was on the edge of tearing her chest and bursting out when she felt it suddenly stop and so was her breath when she felt calmness over her lips. 

Surprisingly the lips weren't spreading venom over Isabell's lips, the hands with tight veins were now cupping the cheeks of Isabell not letting even a single cell of her face appear to Lethal, the lips were slowly moving over hers, hands pulling close

     "Hey, you!" Lethal said in his husky voice, the lips stopped, they were gone to a distance but the distance was only equivalent to half an inch

    "Yes?" Sebastian replied against her lips, concealing his voice with a high pitch, Isabell could feel his breath over them, 

     "Are you having any problem, sir?" he asked, saying that he didn't recognize his voice, Sebastian's hands spread wider not letting go of her face 

"No" he replied 

"Okay, I'm sorry for interrupting you. You guys can continue" he said and with uncertainty in his eyes, Lethal went in the opposite direction. 


     "Are you crazy?" Sebastian took a step away from her, Isabell wasn't in a state of speaking, she just found out that her friend was in a drug dealing club and was a monster who had been murdering people the same person who murdered a girl who came to her asking for help and because Isabell never did it, she has been living in hell, torturing herself over and over again and never letting her to forget it. And now she knows

Steve Killed Emily

Steve is Lethal

Steve is Lethal 

She couldn't move nor could she breathe "Rose" that wasn't her name and she didn't expect herself to give a reply "Rose" he called again 

      "Jack" she called horrified, his eyes lost firmness, and they looked at her

    "I- I can't- can't stay here-please please-take me out, Jake. Please I can't can't-can't be here" her puppy eyes begged, Sebastian can see her nails moving and he knows it's a sign of danger. Her nails yanked over her skin 

Sebastian moved his hand against the length of Isabell's, crossing his large fingers with her one hand, letting the nails of the other dig through his own skin

               "Take me out" 

"Please- please take me me out" she cried

 "Okay' he said in a calm voice 'Okay, I'll take you out" his fingers clenched tighter

Sebastian looked around, his eyes finding a way to go out and then they stopped in the middle of the hall, his gaze widened 

Sebastian had found something

 "We are doomed" 

his voice stuck in his throat, Isabell looked up at him, her eyes soaked, lips shivering 

 "Hell! How the hell can I miss it" Terror covered his entire face, chest rising and falling faster

 "W-Wh-What" Isabell managed to speak, Sebastian looked down, he stayed quiet for a moment

 "Every person in this room is wearing a mask with their names on it" So were they and Isabell couldn't spot the problem.

Isabell kept looking at him to explain more

"Those four people on the road" he inhaled deeply 'They didn't have their names on masks which meant they were coming to Cursed Abyss but going to some different party' Her nails stopped with an intense attack 'there are three hundred and two people in this hall" her nails dropped, filled with Sebastian's blood.