

„I don't remember when or why, but they say I killed someone. I was judged for this, but I'm still free as they didn't find any evidence to send me to jail and to close me inside a cold cell, for eternity. However, they are still after me! Especially my victim's brother who swore to kill me or to kneel me down. And now, when we are working together, I'm forced to see him every day and to see that big hatred he has for me reflected in his eyes.  And... it's a reciprocal feeling: hating! But even so, something attracts me to him. Is it because I'm a crazy woman that loves the one who hurts her and hates her? Maybe! I don't have an answer to this question! But still, while his eyes are piercing me and leaving me blooding inside, I understand that I know nothing about this world.  My name is Ian SolHi. I'm 30 and I'm a detective in the Homicide Department, Seoul PD. I've been accused once of being a murderer, but I've been also declared innocent, for lack of evidence. That's why I entered the police: to find out the truth and, since then, 7 years have already passed without finding out what happened then. But I feel that everything has changed now: the monster inside me has awakened and he feels the smell of blood."

flyangel2690 · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


Ri Jun's apartment was surrounded by policemen and a yellow band with the warning inscription: ,,Don't pass!" and a lot of peanut gallery were all around, who were gossiping about the possibilities in which that incident, with the gift box, could have taken place and it was creating a lot of difficulties for those policemen that should have guarded the door and not let pass anybody who was not involved in the investigation. But the ,,you can't pass! ¡Only CNS!" was like an alluring invitation for the curious ones and they were always pushing toward the door, forcing with the law enforcement.

  A single door remained closed and nobody had come out to see what was going on and this was precisely the 502. But it was only what others were thinking. Instead, that door had always been slightly ajar and two curious eyes had watched what was happening around, and the mysterious witness closed the door entirely at the moment when the elevator door opened and DooSan and SolHi exited it and they were approaching the crime scene.

  ,,It will be interesting," said DooSan, seeing the bustle in front of Ri Jun's apartment.

  ,,Do you think so?" SolHi answered and a visible mockery was put by her in those words. ,,For me, it is just the normal routine of such cases. You will get used to it or you can call mommy to bring you some diapers. Not that I'm pretentious, but I don't want to stink from you. You know," and she winked at him.

  ,,Do you speak from your own experience, detective Ian?" flew DooSan's answer and it definitely hit the target, because SolHi mumbled something unpleasant and it provoked a smile to DooSan. ,,Such cases aren't for your sensitive stomach for sure, detective. Oh, wait! You know how it feels... You did it… 7 years ago… you know… a dead guy and a lot of blood. Just like this case."

  ,,Yeah, of course, I know. As you, prosecutor Han. You taught me how to kill somebody and it was also 7 years ago, in Intensive Care, with a pillow on my face. Some good advice about this?" and SolHi's answer came like a slap on DooSan's face.

  Grimacing unsatisfied, while watching SolHi from behind, who was in front of him, putting the latex gloves on, DooSan whistled through his teeth a ,,Uddi woodpecker!" and entered the apartment after showing his ID to the policeman who was guarding the door.


  ,,Wow, nice view!" Kan joked while watching the dead body that was half out of the box.

  ,,One of my favorites," DooSan answered while bending to check the victim closely.

  The dead one was a girl about 30: red hair, bright-cream mini-dress, red high heel shoes and a red bow all around her body, but it didn't cover at all the wounds she had all over the body, as if she had been dragged naked through the whole city.

  ,,Do we know who she is?" DooSan asked while checking her arm for drug traces.

,,Li Ha Ni, 28-years-old, waitress. Her boyfriend found her and called the police. Oh, wait, I forgot to mention about one of many other boyfriends," answered Kan.

  ,,One of many? Don't tell me, prostitution?" and, standing up, DooSan stared at Ri Jun, who was interrogated by Yoon Suk.

  Kan looked in the same direction while scratching the skin of his head, and it was definitely a sign that he was confused: ,,Video-chat. But some days she had personal „deliveries". You know: for diversity."

  DooSan sketched an ironic smile: ,,Yah, and I see now how her diversity ended. Did this happen here?"

  ,,No. How you can see, it was a special delivery," was Kan's reply, with a hint toward the box and the red bow.

  ,,The red bow of death," was heard behind them and both looked at SolHi, who approached the body and started to check it. ,,As far as I see, she had a lot of fun tonight: multiple wounds all over her body, 0 marks of injections and it means she's ,,clean", a mini-dress and red high heel shoes - she was definitely somebody's present and the icing on the cake - a deep wound on her neck. Bingo! It was left for dessert! Any other questions?" and SolHi's pierced the others' glance.

  ,,Yeah, I have one! Who's the murderer?" provoked her DooSan.

  And the hint was not long in coming: ,,I think I saw him spinning around here and if I'm not wrong, he had an ID with Prosecution's inscription on it," and SolHi stared at DooSan ready to kill him.

  ,,1-0 for SolHi, prosecutor Han," Yoon Suk said, approaching them. ,,And if you don't want to be held responsible, I'll suggest you not provoke her."

  ,,Yeah, yeah, I forgot that she's our hunting dog," DooSan mumbled, but to his surprise, Kan gently touched his shoulder and slowly moved his palm on DooSan's back and a ,,the only hunting dog here: you are, baby," was heard coming out of Kan's mouth.

  DooSan definitely didn't expect such a stunning break and he took a step back, staring at Kan. ,,You messed with the wrong guy, baby," DooSan teased Kan.

  ,,Don't worry, sweety. I still love girls. No offense, but you aren't to my taste".

  ,,And thank God for this," DooSan growled.

  ,,And last time our sombe loved a woman, the police intervention had been necessary because our lover tried to escape through the window when the husband came home. But he was stuck and…"

  ,,Oh Yoon Suk! Are you looking forward to your death, baby?" yelled Kan.

  ,,No! I just tell the facts. For this nobody is killed."

  ,,This is what you think, sweety," and Kan went to the bathroom because he knew that if he continued there it wouldn't have ended nice.

  ,,So, we should look for the beau first," DooSan joked, but he quickly changed the subject, seeing Kan's furious glance from the bathroom door.

  ,,And I think you are right. This can't be anything else than a boomerang effect," SolHi said, this time.

  ,,The boomerang effect? What do you mean?" DooSan asked while looking at her with interest, and a ,,she's not stupid at all," sneaked in his head.

  ,,Look at this," SolHi showed them the wound on the victim's neck. ,,8-10 cm long. 2-3 deep. Made up from close. That means she knew her killer. No resistance marks. She was killed from behind."

  ,,And it means she had been taken by surprise," came DooSan's answer.

  ,,Bingo! You learn fast and damn I thought you have the brain of a duck," SolHi grinned at him.

  ,,Do you always bite when you see a prey?"

  ,,Only if she's a nice one," SolHi answered.

  ,,And he's a damn pretty one," Yoon Suk mumbled, with a tenor voice, while turning his back to them and approaching Kan.

  ,,I'll get used to it. I think. One day," and DooSan shook his gloves in front of her.

  ,,I'll recommend you not to do this if you care about your neck. Who knows: you can finish like her."

  ,,Don't worry, puppy. Your fangs won't touch my tasty skin, ever," DooSan joked. ,,So, who in your opinion is the murderer, one of her clients?"

  ,,I'll bet on a jealous wife or a lover. You know: such things never end well."

  ,,Maybe or maybe a hot game ended not how it should have ended."

  ,,With such a wound on the back of your head? Only if you are a maniac and you love to hurt yourself. I don't think she's from that group."

  ,,Why so? Don't tell me that you…?"

  ,,Don't even dare to say that I'm the same or I swear that… I killed once, you remember this, and the place is perfect to finish it," growled at him SolHi, forcing DooSan to close his mouth.

  ,,Who the hell did permit you to touch my body?" was heard a yell behind them and all those present there turned toward the newcomer and they saw the CNS team entering the room.

  ,,Your body? Yeah, Park GhiYon, nobody touched you, yet, but if you insist you can take the place of the dead one," joked DooSan and smiled at GhiYon.

  ,,From what I see you two know each other well," SolHi said while watching them both. ,,A lover?" and her question was accompanied by a ,,Yah, are you crazy?" coming out of the mouth of both men.

  ,,You should step away from my body and stop saying nonsense, newcomer," grinned GhiYon at SolHi.

  ,,If you say so. It's all yours, doll lover," and she walked away without paying attention to GhiYon who was about to explode.

  ,,Who's… she?" stared GhiYon at DooSan, waiting for the answer.

  ,,She? Aaa, Ian SolHi! She's a detective now and news - we are working together."

  ,,The famous nuisance?" practically yelled GhiYon, but DooSan covered his mouth and forced him to follow him to a corner.

  ,,Have you lost your mind? This is a secret, Park GhiYon and nuisance - is a nice word for her. I'll better say a modern witch,"

  ,,Be careful, baby. The modern witches are more dangerous than the previous ones - you can end up in her bed," joked GhiYon and slowly tapped DooSan's shoulder. ,,And she was right."

  ,,About what?" DooSan asked, trying to calm down.

  ,,About the fact that the victim was killed from behind, but she didn't mention the weapon."

  ,,And you know it without looking at the wound. Don't tell me, are you all-seeing?"

  ,,All-seeing maybe I'm not, but I'm the CNS, baby, and I saw that wound when I entered: it was made by a golf stick, and you must find out who the player was because her head was definitely the ball".