
Insatiable Desires

Two strangers meet at a party and one is obsessed in finding the other and he never does. What he doesn't know is that the soft spoken girl in his company is the same girl he meet at a charity event. Meet Don Sebastian Metero a mafia boss feared and respected but incapable of love due to a broken past Reilly White a beautiful and smart girl very hard working but has no time for a love Life Will the secrets of their past overcome everything or will it sucum to heartbreaks and pain?

Kathy_Wahome · สมัยใหม่
39 Chs

familiar stranger

After my meeting with the investors I went back to my office to take care of some documents. I got drowned in them that I didn't realize it was already late. As I sat down I remembered the girl that I bumped into on the morning. Those beautiful brown eyes that were staring at me . I could not get her out off my mind and some how she felt familiar. I looked her up and found she was one of the interns in the company. well I guess I have to meet them tomorrow.

I decided to leave so I got into my Private elevator and went down to the underground parking. soon my butler Leon came by."Sir let me bring the car."

"No need I will drive myself today." I took out my car keys and got I my new Tesla model that I just bought. As I got out I saw someone outside the company." good luck getting a cab at this time." I let my car drive me and as soon as I got close I saw her the girl.

She's then one whose traped ,ah! "Mia call leon" My phone got connected "hello Leon pick up the girl outside the company now."

"okay sir " I hung up and stayed behind to watch her. At first she was hesitating but somehow he convinced her to get in. As she got in I also left.

I got in the car after the middle aged man convinced me that he works for the boss. I wonder why he would care about me and am just a lowly worker guess not all rich people are hurtless. As I got in the black range Rover and I could not believe it. it was beautiful set everything was black inside which made me feel like a mafia boss kidnapped me. it gave off a 365dys vibe. "Madam were do you leave?"


"Were do you leave."

"Am densal streat sir." I have him my address and directions to my place . He dropped me off and I said thanks to him and left. i went straight to my apartment opened the door and fell on my tiny cauch.

I can't believe I stayed in there for five more hours. I got up and went to the kitchen and poured my self a glass of water. I sat down on the kitchen island and tried to relax as I thought about days activity and wait the handsome stranger that I bumped into in the morning. from the locks of it he's rich and Italian and cute with that hair style " I swear I have seen that hair style before."

And his tant muscles that can be seen over his suit gosh that beared. "I admit it was love at first site."