
City 1

Song recommendation: How far I'll go by Auli i Cravalho.


" Ms Julianne Winters the actress, star to be" Penny continued to tease her, " hmm, I think someone forgot she is also an actress" Julie retorted back. " no, I didn't forget, but I was thinking... wondering....acting! acting?, that was back then" she frowned and whispered, " and now....I've moved on.....".

" mm mm " Julie cleared her throat, "moved on from where?" asked Julie to Penny who seem to be thinking about something, something useless, " such a denial actress" Julie murmured.

The journey continued for four hours, and finally halted in front of a building that was quite tall. They got down and walked into the building. " wow... don't tell me we are living here" she exclaimed as they walked further in. " we are" Julie simply said, ascending the stairs to the top floor. " why didn't you get the down one, you know I'm afraid of heights" complained Penny, " it's not like you're looking down from here" she opened the door and got in to find Penny still standing. " don't tell me you plan to sleep outside" teased Julie to the ' still standing' Penny.

Julie clutched tightly on her cloth, Julie sighed and approached her, " hey, this is not your first time, right?, so don't be scared" she smiled and continued coaxing and encouraging her friend. " you will be fine, I know you are afraid of heights but don't worry you'll be just fine, okay?". Penny gave a Curt nod and followed her friend inside, she looked around and sighed, " it's not as scary as I thought, at least this is much better and calming and I won't feel like I'm about to be swallowed by a volcano" Penny said and Julianne chuckled. " don't worry, I will always be here to draw you out if you were to fall into it" replied Julie.

Penny smiled and gave Julie a warm hug as she murmured softly, " thank you" hugging Julianne tightly to herself.

" now, now, now. let's arrange our stuffs" she gently pulled away from the hug, " come one, Penny". They both took in their luggages and arranged their clothes and shoes, and other things they came with.

They didn't get the time to cook until dusk. Night came quickly and they had no other choice than to order for food.

The bell door bell rang and Julie went to get it, " I think it's here" she said as she got up to get the door.

Julie gently closed the door, brought in the food they ordered. Penny ordered pork meat while Julie ordered french fries as they both prefer light food for dinner. After dinner Julie promised to take Penny to sight see the outskirts of the city the next day as Penny has never been to a city before. Though she is an actress but in town, or...we can say she once walked in a theatre, not too far from her house before going at the other side of the town far away from her family to study and work as an actress.


Rays of sun passed through the cotton to hit their faces and wake them up from their slumber, the morning was bright and beautiful, and the sun shun in its full glory.

"sleepy sleepy!, wakey wakey!!" Penny said to Julie as she continued yawning. " wake up, early to bed early rise, wake up" she kept saying as she continued yawning. " you are yawning" Julie said opening one of her eyes, " hmm" Penny nodded. " you've been yawning for a while now" Julie rose and sat on the bed. " hmm, because I was trying to wake you up" replied Penny defensively. " bah, don't say that" Julie said and yawned.