

Kevin was in the middle of the meeting with the labors when he received a sudden call from office, asking to return back before he gets fired. He was usual to the calls because it was not just once or twice but more than that on every day. Jung-won can never spend few hours without Kevin as he is the one who manages his anger and sudden outbursts.

He stopped the meeting right there and rushed to meet the man who broke the device which contained the fair draft of the events which were scheduled. Kevin knew even that would happen so he remembered to save one in his system as back up. The amount of work that he had to put in to maintain his post in the company was worth more than the payment, he receives.

He knocked on the door before entering as he needed to be sure that the man would be in a mood for a meeting. He usually shuts them out once he goes over board with the punishment, as he would be guilty for doing it but that was something which he couldn't control no matter how much he practiced. The knock was not answered at first and Kevin continued to do it twice more thinking the man must have fell asleep.

"Yes?" A raspy voice spoke from inside and from the tone of the word, it felt safe for Kevin to step in.

"I heard you asked for me, Mr. Vice chairman." Kevin addressed him formally as the working time was not over.

"I accidently destroyed the device which had the final draft of events."

His words were a little inaudible for Kevin to here even in the close proximity, helping him to realize that the man was already regretting what he did. Kevin just hummed softly before moving to the table where the broken device was placed. He took it from there and tried to turn it on but the screen was literally broken all over, the power button was not even there.

"I have a draft with me." He ensured and Jung-won just nodded his head slowly before turning the screen of his tablet to Kevin.

It was an online news article from New York and the title itself was enough for Kevin to realize what was going on. It was not his fault or the mistake of his company but it would some how end up on them. Since the past five years, everything that went wrong with SH company were pointing at their company which had nothing to do with it.

"This is also on us." He spoke before taking out a fax which he received few minutes ago.

"I think we need to keep a meeting with them at least once or else we won't be able to prove our innocence always. I can arrange for it if you want." Kevin suggested as he remembers how hard it was to stop the last scandal they had with SH company.

"I am not going to do that. It is on her if she can't manage her company without getting into trouble. I seriously have nothing more to do with that company." He retorted shoving another paper to Kevin.

"What is this now?"

"Take a seat, I am already too stressed so we don't have to be formal."

It was another routine for Kevin since the past five years and he never really got used to it. At times, Jung-won treated him like a mere employee and at times, behaves like a friend. He knew Jung-won is suffering a lot since the past years because of all the incidents which weren't supposed to happen. He was there with Jung-won through all those so he some times even worked like a good friend too.

"She is coming?" Kevin read the message which was shared from their New York branch.

"To bring down my company. Isn't that clearly mentioned in it? I tried my level best to leave things behind and work on my company but I guess, its over." He chuckled dryly while pushing his chestnut hair back.

"That is not going to happen. I won't let anyone do that to your company, to our company." Kevin's voice raised as a reflex.

Jung-won picked a photo frame from the drawer which he never ever opened or allowed Kevin to open for anything till that date. Kevin once tried to open that drawer to clean it but the other man came in and shouted, asking him to respect his privacy. It was easy to guess that the drawer had something that would be concerning his past with her.

"You still have this?" Kevin asked surprised because it was not a photo or anything but a framed certificate.

"It's her graduation gift that I gave her." He chuckled dryly while running his hands over the framed document which he prepared for her.

Kevin had no idea how to respond to that because Jung-won was never the type of man who used to do those kind of things for others. He was always concerned about his own work that for the first time, he had to speak for some one else. The Chairman was against the idea of his son going and asking someone for favor but for her, he was ready to risk it.

"I felt really proud of me when I did that for her but she just threw it on my face."

The sadness and regret which he had when she did that, soon turned to anger and frustration. He was totally in a mood to get back at her but his mother stopped him, she asked him to open up for once. The things were going smooth after that as Jung-won started focusing on his while Sierra on hers but the tables turned upside down when Sierra's father was sent to jail.

The blame was on him which was unexpected but what happened after that literally blew up the entire system. Sierra herself spoke against and Jung-won and even filed a complaint against the things which he had no idea about. After talking to her from all sides, finally she pulled off the case but the after effect of it was something that was upseeting.