
Inked:Devil's Road

What happens when everything you knew was a lie. And everything you've been told doesn't exist does. Tracy was always good at running away from her problems, but when she saw the rune for the first time, that was the last thing the Guardians would allow her to do. When you're constantly breaking the law, the last thing you think is gonna happen is that you'd end up being bound to Ancient Laws. Read on to find out what happens when the rebel meets the most powerful beings in the universe.

Onyx_Rose · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs


Vee parked the car a few blocks from the computer store. They'd all changed into black inconspicuous clothing in order to blend in with their surroundings.

They were also heavily armed to the bone because one had to be careful with these things. They'd parked in a quiet dark street with small white picket fence houses. A bit further along was an intersection which led into the heart of the city.

Slowly but surely they trudged along, Vince complaining that this much walking was not good for one's mental health.

"Lazy bones," Vee chuckled, casualy swinging an arm onto his shoulder. Max's eyes dimmed slightly when he saw the two interacting so comfortably together.

Tracy noticed this and nudged Alex then gestured at the three with her head.

" I think you should talk to him about making a move," she whispered so as not to be overheard by the others.

"Sure, I'll do it right after the job,you need to talk to Vee too," He sighed.

"You know how she is, she acts all tough and denies having feelings for him. Even though she's always staring at him and smiling whenever he pays attention to her," Tracy chuckled.

"Oo, I wonder what's so funny," Vince called over his shoulder.

They both blanked and blushed sheepishly.

"You'd swear they weren't hardcore gangsters with the way they go on," Alex laughed and intertwined their fingers. She stopped for a split second and kissed him on his cheek.

His beautiful eyes twinkled with mischief then the next thing she knew, he pulled her in closer and began kissing her softly. Her fingers moved expertly in his hair then he suddenly began sucking on her neck, causing her to instinctively tug at it.

The intensity between them was increasing with each second that passed, threatening to burn down that very street they stood on.

A sudden cough interrupted their romantic moment causing them to reluctantly break apart.

Tracy's cheeks were flushed, one would have a difficult time discerning wether she was flushed from embrassment or what had transpired moments before.

"Guys hurry up.. Oh and get a room please," Vee giggled teasingly. They both laughed it off then picked up their pace, soon nearing the intersection.

They kept on walking until they reached a brimstone building right next to a backery. A "closed" sign hung from the door, Bob's Computer Store was written in bright red paint across the front door. There was a burglar bar which gleamed golden because of the bright streetlights in the street.

Getting in through the front was not an option, they were not amateurs after all. There was a tight opening between between the store and the bakery, they all managed to squeeze through it and made their way to the back of the store.

At the back, there were a couple of cardboard boxes littering the ground. They trudged through them and soon faced the back door. It was hardly as well protected as the front door, with only a large padlock between them and their money.

"I disabled the cameras and inserted a loop into the CCTV footage, you have ten minutes, I'll be waiting in the van," A black van was parked in the parked in the back. InTech Deliveries written on its hood but that was all a ruse.

That was their getaway car. Vince sprinted over to the van and sat in the front seat. Max had aready gotten to work on the lock, within a moment or so, he had broken the lock and they were in. A dark storage room greeted them, there were few laptops and computers packed neatly in the shelves.

One by one they tiptoed in and began carrying them off the shelves. Alex and Max carried them into the van and the girls walked further in, to see if there was anything of value inside. They passed by shelves full of laptops, computers, tablets etc.

That was when they saw it, in a display case was the latest camera. It cost about £500000, their eyes widened and they looked at each other.

"Are you.." Vee started,Tracy nodded vigorously and grinned.

They slowly began approaching the display case,they were nearly there when they noticed red lasers.They stopped dead in their tracks,fuming.

" I hate these things," Vee sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll take this one you can do the next one," Tracy grinned.

This was her talent, she was as flexible as a gymnast, on the streets,they knew her as Cat.

She twisted and turned weaving in and out of the lasers like an expert. Soon she had the camera in her hand she winked at Vee,who was grinning like a cat who got the cream. She took a small step to begin the journey back, when she suddenly froze.

Right over Vee's head was the broken infinity rune from earlier. And it was glowing bright red. She started sweating profusely,she could not believe her eyes. This has to be a trick of the light. She blinked and it was gone, she continued on and soon she was next to Vee.

"Hey what happened backthere? It looked like you had seen a ghost," Vee inquired.

There was no other option but to lie through her teeth.

"No, it's nothing like that, I haven't eaten for a few hours so I feel weak, that must have been why," she shrugged.

"Okay then we're definitely getting you a burger on the way," Vee raised an eyebrow. Tracy nodded and then they fell silent as they returned to the storage room. The guys had cleaned up well, there was barely anything left.

"Let's go, it's time," Vee said as she and Tracy helped the guys carry out the electronics.

They loaded the last of them then they were off. Max and Vince sat in the front while the other three chilled in the back. Their hearts were racing with adrenaline. It was not every day that teens could pull off what they did.

But then again they were phenomenal, one day they would own this city.