
Initial Fantasy

Disclaimer: This is an R18 story, or rather is rated that to give me freedom for writing. Any and all characters and settings are fictional, and all actions committed in the series are to not be taken seriously.

hocusbound · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Prologue - Where The Years Have Gone

Heh... remembering this seems strange after so long... but, I suppose when you're on death's door it's not wrong to remember where you began. 18 years ago now... back when I was in my 30s... guess that's a bit strange to think about now.

...Sigh... I exhaled and stared at my frosty breath. Lying on this battered floor, my blood starting to freeze... I wonder if this was where my true end was meant to be all along? Well, that's out of my hands now... if I live or die...? Well... guess I shouldn't think about that now.

My heartbeat is slowing... ugh... how did I end up here?




It began in my first life, well, more like the beginning of the end. My name was Henry King, 30 years old, single. I had just been dumped by my girlfriend after proposing to her. 5 years of my life gone.

"What a waste..." I slammed my mug down. My life long friend and I were talking at the bar. He invited me to "Drink my sorrows away." Even though I'm not much of a drinker.

"Henny, you're taking it better than I thought," Kev, or uh, Kevin Lee was a good looking guy that's married to an even better looking gal. I wasn't ever that jealous of them, but I did want something like that for myself. Skip a year and a half later and there I was, chatting up women left and right. I've been told I was rather handsome myself. Not that I compared to Kev, but let's just say it did help me somewhat.

I stared at Kev after ordering a new drink, "Unlike you... I always expect things like this to happen," I sighed and rested my chin on my hand.

"Heh... yeah I suppose. But you have to, at some point, put more trust in people," Kev and I downed our next glass.

"And if I did with this one I would have been devastated. I'll pass," Kev shrugged at my words.

He ran his hands through dark black hair, making me slightly jealous that my blond hair wasn't as slinky as his... pretty much always was. Though... I've been told the platinum blonde color that I have is rare. To have hair that close to white and silver definitely attracted attention, female attention too. In highschool we we called Yin and Yang due to our contrasting colors... definitely a cool nickname.

I downed another drink as my thoughts wandered while we chatted...




"Hey... you ok man?" I stumbled causing Kev to catch me.

"Hic Y-Yeah... I'll be fine," I wasn't used to drinking so of course I overdid it. We walked through the rainy back street towards my apartment. It wasn't raining hard, thankfully, but it was enough to make visibility a nightmare for two drunk men.

Of course... that's how my life started. Once we stepped out of the backstreet? Well, what I can only assume was some kind of car, struck the two of us. The last thing I remember was the street lamp above me flickering and tipping over. It got closer as it fell, but... as if in slow motion... my vision turned red with blood when the lamp crushed my skull.