
House of Agon #9 'Rebellion pt.3'

The roar was deafening and halted all battles and talks. The Inhumans born on the World Farm had only heard stories of Black Bolt's voice so they couldn't recognize it. As for the Royal Family, they knew his voice better than anyone and even they couldn't recognize it for a moment. But Medusa knew the voice of her husband well. As it was so rare that she heard it, she had committed it to memory. She knew everything down to the tone. Black Bolt was a calm man most of the time, he rarely showed much emotion in his voice. So although she knew it was her husbands' voice, she couldn't be sure as she had never heard so much fear, anguish, and anger from him.

"Karnak what was that," Crystal asked through the communicators.

"I'm afraid that was Black Bolt," Karnak hesitated to answer.

"That's impossible," Gorgon blurted out.

"It was him, I'm sure of it. But I don't know how," Medusa muttered.

"I think I know," Karnak paused for a moment, "I believe he has been exposed to Primagen. We don't know much but we do know that it enhanced Gorgon's abilities and restored Medusa's. It isn't impossible that it may have healed Black Bolt and restored his voice."

"Where is he Karnak?"

"I don't believe any of us should go there right now."

"Karnak that is a royal order. Tell me where my cousin is?"

"Take flight, you can't miss it," Karnak sighed.

Crystal started to fly but suddenly an intense feeling of laziness washed over her, and she landed back on the ground.

"Mmm.... she'll... handle... this," a voice said through a yawn behind her.

Medusa also attempted to propel herself into the air but she was also stopped by a familiar figure.

"Well, it'd be rude to call you a shell now. Also although I look like this my name is Komera," a familiar and irritating voice came from an exact copy of her younger self.

A similar thing happened to Gorgon but in place of words, the two immediately traded blows.

"Sorry about this but I think I'm the best one to stop uncle from blowing up another one of our homes."

"Luna, what is this?"

"This is part of her power now, I hadn't gotten the chance to tell you about my experience there."

"You are definitely grounded young lady," Crystal said.

"I can make you forget how angry you are later," Luna teased, before switching to a more serious tone and saying, "Mom, uncle isn't doing too well. When he got his power back I was still in the other place but we could feel it, he was afraid. A lot more afraid than the last time, I think I can calm him down if I use my abilities but I don't think anyone else should be there."

"Black Bolt afraid that's impossible," Karnak said, while Gorgon grunted in agreement.

"No, he's been scared before. But this time he's angry and scared that he's going to go mad like Maximus."

Luna was met with silence. Though everyone found it hard to believe Black Bolt could be truly afraid of anything. However, if there was one thing he would be afraid of it'd be turning out like Maximus. Medusa knew better than the others, Black Bolt no longer even wanted his line to continue after Ahura also had sub-come to the madness brought on by Secondary Terrigenesis. Each instance of madness had been someone from the Agon line, and he wanted to end it.

Medusa was more inclined to believe her niece so she sided with her.

"Allow her to go, Crystal, she won't be alone. There are many others aside from us looking after her now. She is strong enough to at least calm him."

"No, I won't allow it. She should be in school or something not fighting in some stupid rebellion."

"Mom, I'm a member of the Royal Family and an Inhuman, this is my home and I'll fight for it too."

Crystal was struck stunned by those familiar words. It was something she had once said, she left Earth, that world she had just started to explore and love to fight for her family and people. She could argue further, but if Luna was anything like her which seemed to be the case she'd just go anyway. It was better to let her focus on just the battle ahead.

"Fine, go ahead. But you make sure you don't get hurt and you come back without a scratch."

"Without a scratch... Umm, can it be two scratches?" Luna asked.


While talking to her mother, Luna was also busy running for her life to survive Black Bolt's tantrum.

Initially, when Luna arrived she was stunned silent. Black Bolt stood still at the center of the crater his eyes and mouth glowing bright blue. There were several smaller craters in the walls of the large crater and a group of people spread out all over the crater dodging around as energy whips lashed at them. Luna was far beyond surprised to see Black Bolt like this. She had never seen anyone this angry before, his Aura was so monstrous it was nearly coming to life.

"We spent years watching over you and your family. We always placed bets on who would be the first one drawn out and by who. During your war with the Humans, we thought he would be the one to draw on either me or Ibris," Iara said from Luna's side.

"We came close too, we got to the gates and were just about to go through when we realized that someone had left long before us. We never got through back then. But now, with you bringing us out it is much easier to draw on our power and he is doing just that."

"But why does his aura look like that? It looks like a monster."

"He's drawing on our power in its purest state. I'm sorry but you'll have to do this without us, we need to get away from him. We are just feeding his hatred and anger." Iara said.

Iara and Ibris dissipated leaving Luna standing at the mouth of the crater alone.

Black Bolt was still facing off against the council and mutated Inhumans. While he was no longer screaming like when he first got his voice back, he still whispered. Before, his voice was indiscriminate and covered a wide area. Luna watched as his every whisper punctuated a new hole in the walls of the crater. His voice was much more directed and the energy it contained was visible. Along with this energy, whips lashed out wildly around him all over the crater creating deep scars in the ground.

Paradox was hit by one of the energy whips and the right side of his body disappeared. He fell over staring at Black Bolt in abject fear. Another energy whip came down on him leaving nothing in its wake. Paradox appeared on the opposite side of the crater with an ashen face.

"Monster," he muttered.

"What do we do, we can't get out of here," another Inhuman shouted, after barely being grazed by an energy whip.

"This all your fault, so fix it," another of the council members yelled as she just barely dodged a whisper.

Paradox looked around and just happen to catch sight of a small figure standing at the top of the crater. Paradox made a run for it across the crater. Black Bolt's energy whips lashed at him. He dove to the ground escaping the lash by a hair's breadth. Rolling to his feet he continued his mad sprint to the small figure. Another whip lashed at him and this time swiped through his waist splitting him in two. Again he appeared a few yards ahead, intact.

Paradox's mad dash to the figure was completed soon after. He had to dodge several more lashes and a few words from Black Bolt, but he finally arrived close enough to see the small figure. Standing just below the figure's position he finally found out who it was and hatched a plan.

Black Bolt spoke once again aiming at Paradox. The excited electrons were charged so much that, unlike the other times when it seemed to be a powerful blast, this time it was a beam. It impacted the wall of the crater just below Luna sending her tumbling down.

Luna was busy studying Black Bolt's aura and failed to notice the beam until it was too late. The ground below her crumbled and fell along with her into the crater. Luna looked at Black Bolt her eyes blazing gold. They widened for a moment. She rolled to the side and performed a kip-up to get to her feet.

Luna tossed a glare at Paradox who seemed giddy. In the second it took her to toss him that glance, he stumbled to the ground shrieking kicking the air. His fear was infectious as the other people around the crater also began to do the same.

Luna and Black Bolt entered a staring contest, neither of them moving. Suddenly, Luna dashed to the side, and before her feet could even touch the ground an energy whip slammed through her previous location. She repeated this while ducking down avoiding yet another attack from Black Bolt's voice this time. The rocks from the blast hitting the crater walls exploded, hitting and knocking her to the ground.

Luna looked up at Black Bolt and her golden eyes blazed brightly. The golden glow of her eyes was reflected in Black Bolt's blazing blue eyes for a moment and sent him into a rage. The energy whips lashed out even more wildly. Luna was barely able to keep up with dodging, even wither her precognitive abilities.

If anyone from the Royal Family were here they would be amazed, worried, and proud of Luna. She was facing off against the second most powerful Inhuman in Inhuman history, and at the moment he could very well be the strongest Inhuman ever both past and future. Though with Luna's current exploits the title of strongest even in the future could be argued.

Black Bolt was unable to hit Luna in his enraged state and Luna was unable to get any closer. But she was close enough to focus all of her power on him. The gold in Luna's eyes shone so brightly it could be seen even from behind her. The energy whips immediately started to weakly flail and thin. The blue energy gathered in Black Bolt's eyes and mouth started to fade.

At the same time Paradox and the others who had been fighting imaginary terrors began to come to. The first thing Paradox saw was the dissipating energy whips that had been giving them a hard time. Next, he saw Black Bolt and Luna staring at each other, seemingly too occupied to pay any attention to them. Seeing it as a chance Paradox ordered another attack.

The attack was immediately launched and quickly approached Luna and Black Bolt. While Black Bolt was occupied resisting Luna's empathetic assault, he was not so occupied that he couldn't realize he was under attack. Being under assault and with his niece, in front of him, Black Bolt started to calm down and attempted to protect both of them. But as soon as he lightened up on his resistance, the assault intensified.

Luna knew Black Bolt was strong. Unlike the others who had only heard the stories, she lived through them and she had a different insight into the mental workings of her uncle. As a young child when she first came into her powers Luna studied the auras of everyone around her and Black Bolt was the most interesting. She would see anger and fear in him and within seconds it was gone, his aura returned to calm like still water. No one she met over the years had been able to control their emotions like that. So she knew using empathetic abilities to attack him would be the hardest thing to do. Seeing him let down his guard even just a little bit, she took the chance to push even harder.

Black Bolt who wanted to protect both of them became hindered by Luna's empathic assault. As the attacks grew closer he started to grow fearful of what was to come. He knew he could survive the attacks, but he wasn't sure about Luna.

She picked up on his fear for just a moment and reacted instinctively.

Black Bolt kept his eyes on the attacks just a few seconds from landing on them. He turned back to face his niece and saw something he'd remember for a long time to come. The golden light around Luna's eyes started to show hints of blue. Her head snapped to the side and she opened her mouth. All of the attacks impacted an invisible wall and rebounded back at Paradox and his men. She then turned back to Black Bolt and showed him her gold and blue eyes before collapsing.

She fell into the arms of her mother who had suddenly appeared, followed shortly by Gorgon, Medusa, Lockjaw, and over a dozen figures, Black Bolt had never seen before.

"She did well," Ibris said.

"More than well, her courage even exceeds mine as the personification of it," Oren said.

Crystal gently stroked Luna's head as she studied her face.

"She's gotten so big," she muttered.

"Indeed, you've raised her well Crystal," Medusa said from the side.

"What do we do about them?" Gorgon asked, glaring at Paradox and his men who were sprawled all over the ground. The only indication they were alive was their groaning.

"Not we, me," Crystal stood to her feet still holding Luna in her arms, "We can't keep going around in circles and this isn't the time to be fighting among ourselves. They wanted to explore the World Farm right? So I say we let them. All of those willingly involved in this mess will be given a ship and exiled from Planet Attilan. If any of the other Houses decide they also want to leave at that time, they'll be given transport."

Crystal's first royal decree came with dawn on its heels. Despite the revival of the Midnight King, the birth of the Queen of Dawn is how history will remember this day.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Godspeed_Augurycreators' thoughts