
Death and Revival

A few hours after destroying the Vox facility, New Arctilan

Walking through the ruins of their once glorious home, the Inhuman Royal Family remains as silent as their ever stoic King. Where children once played there is rubble, ash, and the dried remains of what was the very thing that made them special. The plaza which once hosted crowds to excitedly welcome new members to their ever-growing family was now deserted, dust sweeping by carrying away the wayward souls that remained in the eyes of the royals. The palace whose halls they'd known so well carried only the echoes of footsteps, the illusion of life emphasizing the shadowless hall.

The royals arrived in the Throne room, Black Bolt approached the throne but paused. He turned back to the royals shaking his head.

"Luna, I have to go get Luna," Crystal said panicked.

"Sister, she's fine we have to decide what to do ne-"

Black Bolt raised his hand interrupting Medusa and began to sign.

[It is fine, both of you should go check on them. Gorgon you go as well. We can all decide later.]

After Medusa finished translating, Crystal, Gorgon, and herself took Lockjaw and teleported away leaving only Black Bolt and Karnak.

"My King," Karnak started but was stopped soon after, interrupted by Black Bolt.

[I am King no more and have not been for some time. It was my actions that cost us so much time and time again. Perhaps had I listened more I would not be standing in ash and dust.]

"It was not your fault how could anyone have foreseen such an event. We were all led to believe the Kree were all but gone," Karnak argued.

[It was my duty to protect our home and people and I have failed both twice over. I detonated the Terrigen bomb, causing unchecked terrigenesis and dragging us into war. I again fell for one of Maximus' plots and found myself exiled. We may have stopped the Vox and Kree but look at what is left. You call me King and that I am. King of the Ash and Dead, to sit upon the desolate throne and watch over the grave I call my kingdom.]

Karnak stared silently at his king. He'd known and served under Black Bolt a long time, he has even trained him at one point. Very few could argue they know Black Bolt better than him, and yet now he has discovered a side of the man he knew as a drastically steadfast. This once reliable warrior and king was now drowning in self-loathing, displaying himself as shaken by recent events as he plopped down listless on the throne. Karnak could not find the words to continue the conversation any further.

The two remained in silence until a sudden gust of heat captured their attention. Standing in the center of the Throne room was a figure bathed in flames. As the flames died down slowly the figure came into view. A red-haired woman, with a delicate face and eyes, that if one looked close enough they'd see raging flames dancing in what could only be described as anticipation.

Black Bolt rose from the throne and readied himself for battle. Though in truth he knew even if he could scream he'd be no match for what stood before him. This was simply the last struggle of a hopeless man, or at least it appeared so to Karnak who also prepared himself.

"We are not in the habit of kicking people when they are down. Or at least that is what my other half would say if she were truly here," the woman spoke.

"Jean Grey, why are you here?"

"Not Jean, my other half, my home, still refuses me. I am fire! life and death incarnate! I am Rebirth! Now and Forever! I am Phoenix," 'Jean' spoke as the fire flared around her.

"Are you here to destroy us then?"

"You face the judgment of the Phoenix, and I rule that you still have a chance to grow and so I give you a gift," A large machine appeared in the throne room, "A means to rebirth your people. I offer you the chance to rebuild and revive, not your dead but your future. Go and hope I do not find reason to judge you once more."

With that, the Phoenix appearing as Jean disappeared in a flash of fire. Leaving a stunned Karnak and Black Bolt whose expression was indecipherable. Karnak went on to check the machine the Phoenix had left behind. Directly after turning it on he and Black Bolt were greeted by a message.

'Sinister Gene Vault 45-12-1965, Inhumans Database'

After some time Karnak and Black Bolt concluded, that the machine held the genetic data of every Inhuman on Earth even ones whose Inhuman heritage remained dormant. Both were equally angered and gladened by the realization. Angered that someone had secretly stockpiled their DNA and gladened that with this they at least have a start.

Earth, Ennilux

As soon as the Royal Family appeared on Earth, a worried Crystal took off. Although she could do so without the aid of the elements, still perhaps to be faster she had the wind carry her and disappeared almost in an instant. Medusa, Gorgon, and Lockjaw stood coughing dust in the wake of Crystal's departure.

"Mother, what brings you here," Ahura said as he descended landing ahead of Medusa and Gorgon.

Medusa embraced him rather than return an answer. Ahura lightly returned the embrace though confusion painted his face. He looked to Gorgon instead hoping he would make him aware of the situation. But all he saw in Gorgon was trepidation and restlessness. Feeling something big happened he decided to move them to a private room.

"So the only Inhumans left are those here in Ennilux, The Royal Family, and a few stragglers who managed to escape simply by not being directly associated with Attilan," Ahura asked rhetorically.

"What of New Attilan?"

"It should be fine, Crystal is on her way there."

"We haven't decided what to do next. There are few Inhumans left and with no more Terrigen, there will be none like us again," Medusa answered.

"What is there to do, the Inhumans are dead, this is the last generation," Ahura replied in a low voice.

Silence reigned in the room. Though that was only temporary as Lockjaw appeared with Karnak.

"My Queen, you both should accompany me. We had a visitor she- it left a gift, the King has a plan," Karnak said.

The trio disappeared quickly.

New Arctilan, Throne Room

Black Bolt stood with the rest of the Royal Family staring at the machine the Phoenix had left. After reviewing it they were struck silent. Similar to Black Bolt and Karnak when they first came to know what the machine was some were angry with Crystal and Gorgon being the most vocal, especially Crystal seeing that Luna's DNA was also included. Medusa, Karnak, and Ahura saw hope however, they viewed it as a way to revive the Inhumans. Though Ahura viewed it from a more technological aspect. Black Bolt, Panacea, and Luna remained silent and expressionless.

"With this perhaps our people still have hope," Medusa said.

"I agree, it will take time but our people have always been somewhat advanced in matters of genetics. It shouldn't take Ennilux too long to figure out to print, replicate, and eventually gro-" Ahura was interrupted.

"No we can't use this, even if we could make more who is going to carry them, one pregnancy was more than enough and who is going to raise them. Also, are we going to force every female to carry a new Inhuman when they reach the right age," Crystal asked?

"Well, I was trying to say we could grow them artificially perhaps even age the first generation or so artificially to adulthood. After Attilan, or Arctilan, or whatever we call the next city is built we could allow them to procreate on their own. Of course, there's still the danger of the inconvenient Terrigenesis."

"Which leads to our next problem, we have no more Terrigen, they would not have access to their full heritage," Medusa said.

They continued to argue about the many possible problems until a flash of light drew their attention. Karnak and Black Bolt were less weary as this was similar to when the Phoenix arrived. The rush of heat both had anticipated never arrived, in its place were images directly entered their minds, or rather they entered the scenarios presented in the images. It was a familiar feeling for some of them, something they experienced in the presence of a very particular Inhuman who had left them long ago. After some time the feeling passed, and they remained silent as they ruminated on what they'd experienced in those flashes.

Black Bolt placed his hand on Ahura's shoulder. After a few moments, Ahura nodded, and unbeknownst to anyone the revival of the Inhumans began just like that, a simple nod began the glorious future of the Inhumans.

I am doing this for fun so the updates will be far between after this first batch. Optimistically, I can release another batch in a month as big or larger than this one. Realistically though my schedule is erratic and last-second impositions on my preferred schedule are common. I will also be writing my own original stories so I won't be able to focus solely on this. If you prefer a mass release every few weeks or a single chapter release every few days just let me know and I'll try to work it out as best I can.

Godspeed_Augurycreators' thoughts