
Inhuman: Inception

Axel, a teenage boy from Earth who simply wants to make the world a better place for his siblings, set out to change the world. However, on his quest to change the world, he keeps discovering mysteries about himself and strange turns of fate that always lead him astray from his purpose and himself. Will Axel be able to change the world, or will he be changed by the world?

aureliebllee · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


After leaving a letter saying that we're moving — I'd already paid the rent for this month, so it's alright — the three of us set off in the morning, leaving the neighborhood where we'd lived for the most of our lives. My hair was fluttering in the early wind, and my bag swaying as I running and jumped about. Creny was running with a smile all over his face, his hand grabbing Ema's, who's out of her breath after running for half the distance to the west wing hangar. We continued along the big wall that envelopes the west side of the Ring until we see to the gate to the hangar.

"Axel, you go first *huff* I can't... Just go ahead and let him know you're coming *huff*." With all that huffing, Ema said. Ema and Creny then take their time on the back, all I see is Ema kneeling and sweating, Creny by her side pulling her hand, seems like he can't take a moment off and want to go straight to the hangar.

I then continued running towards the gate, without giving much of a heed to my huffing. I found Mr. Asher immediately after passing through the gate, standing near a blue ship with black stripes, in the midst of an empty hangar.

"Mr. Asher, I'm coming *huff*... "I'm going to enroll to the academy, *huff*." I said with a huffing — I should've requested Mr. Asher for his contact information yesterday — and then taking a deep breath I continue, "But I won't be coming alone." And coming from the gate, Ema and Creny were drenched in sweat, running with their small steps. "My siblings are coming with me. To Velerian."

And I'm not sure why, but Mr. Asher immediately smiles, as if he knew I'd bring my siblings along with me. "Alright, that's a wise decision." Mr. Asher, his eyes gleaming in the early morning sun. He's looking different; without his robe, he's wearing a blue attire, like some sort of uniform, his hair tied back but still seeming long by his shoulders, around his waist wrapped around a belt with two swords hanging from it, one is of shining silver and the other is of black. "And Ema, we didn't have a chance for an introduction last time. My name is Asher." With a smile and a hand gesture to his breast, he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ema Ellena, and thank you for allowing us join to Velerian." Ema said with a bow, her auburn hair fluttering as her head down.

"I'm Creny Ellena." Creny exclaimed as he popping out from Ema's side. His eyes gleaming as he looks up at Mr. Asher, his lips slowly widening in amazement. I knew he would love to meet Mr. Asher; he really loves Inhuman, and I'm not sure how he'll react when I tell him I'm also an Inhuman.

I noticed someone behind Mr. Asher. A girl maybe. She has a short dark purple hair, her eyes is of black, piercing deep inside like two black holes. "Right, Axel, this is Bora. She's your age and will accompany you to the academy." He said, introducing the girl behind him.

"Hi! My name is Axel, I hope we can be friends at the academy." With a wide grin, I said. What a good start, I already made a new friend..

"Bora, I'm his daughter." Bora remarked, pointing at Mr. Asher. She doesn't gives off much expression, did I said something wrong? Or is it that she doesn't like me? I hope it's not the latter.

Mr. Asher chuckled when he heard Bora, a good one, his golden eyes hidden behind his big smile. "Yes, yes, she is." He said while wiping away his tears.


The ship takes off from the hangar with some turbulence, which is a first for me, Ema, and Creny. We sit in the passenger cabin, with me on one side and Ema and Creny across from me, Bora in the back with our bags, and Mr. Asher in the cockpit, with no layers separating it from the passenger cabin.

We watch over the clouds, which were walking backward as we passed them, and over the infinite sea, which was rolling endlessly. And ahead, we could see the Sphere getting bigger and bigger, it perfectly blended with the sky, but shines more with a radiant light of a purple hue. "We're about to enter the Sphere. You'll probably feel dizzy for a bit. It's usual if it's your first time crossing." Said Mr. Asher, then he turned on the autopilot.

I wonder if it's also the first for Bora to. "What about you, Bora? Is this your first time as well?" But, eh… She doesn't answer; instead, she leans her head back and closes her eyes. I think she really doesn't like me.

"Axel, Ema, Creny, come here. You wouldn't want to miss your first time crossing over, right?" Mr. Asher suddenly called the three of us to the cockpit. "I'm sorry," he says as he leans to my ear. "That's just how Bora is. She gets all shy when she meets new people." Mr. Asher whispered to me. "If you want to know, she's quite simple to understand. If she talks a lot, she either likes you or is annoyed by you, and if she ignores you, she is on her way to getting to know you." Well that's nice to hear, thank goodness she doesn't dislike me.

With a level floor rising to the cockpit, we're standing in front of the windshield, looking out to the Sphere, getting nearer and…


Our ship crossed over through the Sphere with a blinding light flashed before our eyes. We then immediately welcomed by a purple sky of Velerian


"Welcome to Velerian!" Mr. Asher exclaimed.

It's really majestic, the sky, the clouds, and the stars on the east and west. I heard their names are Osferel and Auriel, the male and female stars, and they orbit Velerian every seven years, giving Velerian a complete daytime all year. I've also heard that the new year in here is really special; it is said that Osferel and Auriel will move to the center of Velerian, and when they align, they will create an eclipse, marking the start of a new year.

"We arrived at the west coast of Nyrthan Osferian, Osferel's Grace, the westernmost continent." At least, that's what I heard Mr. Asher say. I can't tell what I'm hearing since all of my senses are focused on my eyes, watching Velerian, the World of the Lost Heaven, and it's right, it is a heaven.

But then my focus suddenly sift to Creny, who is swaying here and there and dozing off. "Can you take Creny to the back, Ema? I think the side effect is pretty bad for him, maybe because he is still young." I said to Ema. It's a shame Creny can't look at this; I hope he gets to see this again.


We traveled for about thirty minutes before landing on an open deck above the Docking Ring, outer hangar.

As I walk out onto the boarding ramp, it gives me another amazement, the Ring Orion, the biggest academy Ring of the three academies. It has three other rings inside the bigger one, it goes by the Docking Ring, Habitat Ring, and the Center Ring; that's from what I read back at the school library. Ema was out with Creny sleeping in her arms.

I glance at Mr. Asher and saw his face downcast. "Now, Axel, it's time to say goodbye to your siblings, for the meantime." He said, his voice sounded like it was weighed down by a hard feeling. It was the first time I saw that expression on his face.

And a goodbye? I did not even think about saying goodbye this morning, but now that I'm here, our parting feels very near and hard. "Ema…"

"It's OK. We've already talked about this. Don't worry about anything; just focus on what you're doing here." Ema said.

"Alright. I will." I remarked, my voice shuddering. And, if I heard correctly, Ema's voice was shaking when she spoke before. I look at each other for a long time, and I could see Ema's eyes gleaming wet, and I also feel my own eyes began to wet. But none of us shed a tears because we knew that if we did, it would be harder for us to say goodbye.

"Go now. Before Creny awake, or it will be harder for you." Ema smiled as she continued. She seemed to want to end our parting with a smile, and I also would love to.

I wave my hands as I go farther and further away, until I can no longer see Ema or the ship. Bora walks beside me on our way to the academy; we're not saying much, and her face is different since Mr. Asher whispered something to her. It doesn't look like she dislike me — sorry I said this a lot, I'm just happy to have a new friend.

Oh, and Mr. Asher said he would stay behind and help me looking for a new house for Ema and Creny. He said that other than the students of the academy, no citizens are allowed to stay in Ring Orion.


Bora and I strolled through the Docking Ring for around fourteen minutes before crossing the northern bridge to the Habitat Ring. We passed through numerous hangars and security checkpoints before arriving at one of the city in Habitat Ring.

The city is called Olorin, it is the northernmost and the busiest city in Orion. We must waddle our way through the crowd to the crossroads in front of us. Mr. Asher instructed us to take the path towards the Ring's center once we arrived in Olorin, where we would find a large iron gate leading to a glass door, which is the main entrance of Orion Academy.

Bora and I arrived at the entrance after numerous waddles through the city's crowds.

My new beginning will begin at the academy, with Bora, and I hope I can make new friends here, many friends