

After 600 years of peace, the continent of Eozor will once again be plunged in strife. As the humans, orcs, and elves battle for dominance, an ancient threat looms over them. Will they be able to put their differences aside and work together for the good of their world or will they remain divided and hasten the doom of their continent? Join Varthurg a half orc whose dream is to become the strongest warrior in all of Eozor. His path is not easy, but he's determined to do his best. He doesn't know it yet but the decisions he makes on his journey hold the key to either doom or save the world.

Kevalph · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Epilogue: The beginning

Recorded in the book of the forgotten.

Before there was anything, the Ancestor God, also known as the Creator, existed. He was all there was. One day he looked at the darkness and the emptiness and decided to create. He created the stars and worlds revolving around these stars. He kept creating until he finally created a world that he was satisfied with. A world with water and vegetation. He then created the first other living beings capable of thoughts and intelligence. These were the High Spirits created to manage and look after different aspects of creation. The most notable among them being, the High Spirits of fire (Ragnis), water (Azuris), wood (Spiris), earth (Oria), and wind (Stratos); the 4 spirits that govern over them: Vodarr, Middarr, Undarr, Domarr. Having created the spirits to watch over and manage creation, the Creator still felt lonely so he thought to create other living beings that he could dwell with. Thus, he called his 4 superior spirits and asked them for their advice. Wanting his new creation to also share his essence, he gave a portion of his essence to his 4 superior spirits and asked them to be the incubators for his new children. All of them agreed and thus they received his essence.

Vodarr the edlest and strongest gave birth to dragons and various other mythical beasts. Just like Vodarr, they were highly intelligent and strong. They were so strong in fact that they had to be careful when interacting with the children of the other superior spirits. As the strongest beings, they were tasked to watch over, guide and protect their little brothers.

Middarr, the gentlest, the one who sought balance the most, gave birth to the elves, fairies, and several other life forms to live in sync with the world around them.

Undarr, lover of crafts created the humans and the dwarves to make use of the world around them. They excelled in building and making things, especially the dwarves.

Domarr, being the youngest gave birth to the many beasts that roam the world. Later seeing how they lacked intelligence, he used his other siblings as inspiration to give birth to demi-humans being orcs, lycanthropes, giants etc. they were all very stubborn and straight-forward.

After each had giving birth using the creator's essence, the creator walked and lived among them for a long time. Gifting them with mana, an energy that all beings have; magic, the ability to use mana to create miracles and control the world around them; wisdom and more. He saw them all as his children and loved them very much. Then Vodarr who loved his creator very much grew jealous of those they called mortals. He was jealous that the Creator had not shown them, the superior spirits the same amount of love and care that he did for the mortals. They did all the work to be acknowledged, yet the mortals who had done nothing received all his love and care unconditionally. That jealousy became hatred towards the Creator. Corrupted by the darkness he was supposed to manage, he acted against the creator. His goal, to corrupt all of creation and make it his. He amassed an army of spirits that were under him and made an assault against the creator. The other superior spirits acted against him to protect the Creator. The battle was a terrible one. All four superior spirits were weakened and fell into a deep slumber. The creator banished Vodarr. He was unable to put an end to him because of his love for the things that he created. However, Vodarr's plan had been successful. He had spread his seeds of darkness all over the world and cut the connection between the Creator and his creation. And as time goes by, less and less people remember the name of the Creator.

Those living in the world, having lost the guidance of the superior spirits lost their ways. Pride, arrogance, envy grew in their hearts and they started to steal from one another. It escalated to them going to war against each other for what the other had. In that world of nightmare, the three races that grew to be the most powerful were the humans, the elves, and the orcs.

After millennia of warfare between these 3 clans, the ruling class of each clan came forward to declare peace with the dragon king as a witness. After that, for 600 years peace reigned in the land. A peace protected by the might of its witness. Any clan that violated the peace treaty would face the wrath of the dragon king.

Now 600 years later, the dragon king has been slain and now the treaty is void. As tension between the three great clans keeps rising, the high spirits are prophesying the return of Vodarr. With his return the world would be plunged in a war that could bring an end to all that exists. The question is as the world is divided once again, are they ready to face the threat that even 3 superior spirits failed to contain?

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