
592 And Away He Goes

"So, might you have it in your heart to send this lone and injured Magi back home? I live in a Fae Forest, in a village called Forest Grove. We would gladly welcome you with a celebratory feast as thanks for your efforts in rescuing me from those two insane witches." Wolfe offered.

They didn't look swayed, and Wolfe fell silent, waiting for them to do or say something.

Two long minutes passed before another Elf came jogging up to them with a military salute for the Pixie.

"Scout Commander, the interlopers have been imprisoned on charges of casting curses in Faerie, and their access to mana has been blocked. They will be facing trial at the next session of the Faerie Queen's court due to their rank, but they will not escape, you have my word of honour." The Elf informed her.

"Thank you, Milne. All that is left is the Demon that they were hunting. Do you have a banishment spell on you?" The Pixie asked.