
1064 The Start of the Downfall

The scene changed again, and Wolfe was back in the same large council room from earlier, only this time the group was much different. There were humans, Witches, and an upper balcony full of Demons, Fae and Magi.

Most of the Demons and Fae appeared to be Familiars, but the Magi didn't mind that they were seated with them, and they had even brought popcorn to watch the show.

The Speaker, at this point a middle-aged woman in an odd grey curly wig, tapped her gavel, bringing silence to the council.

"The Nine Hundred and Sixteenth Annual announcement of the One World Alliance will now begin." She announced.

The room was completely silent for a moment, and then from the front row, a young man rose from the Chairman's seat and stepped to the podium in the centre of the room.

He placed his prepared speech on the counter, cleared his throat and began his speech.