
Inheritor of Evil

Update daily ~9 P.M. EST =-=-=-=-=-= Long ago, an entity without a name introduced evil to the world. Rape, murder, lies, all of it was brought to reality by this being. A mysterious hero was created by all gods old and new by imbuing a puppet vessel with their power, thus killing the gods. The hero used this power to defeat the evil incarnation and seal it away hopefully forever, but the hero went missing afterward. Thus begins our story, thousands of years later with a human named Astra.

CIoudfire · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

The Abyssal Frontier

The guildhall was abuzz with whispers of the Abyssal Frontier. The quest board, a venerable expanse of weathered wood, bore the urgent gold-rank quest that seemed to pulsate with a silent call to the brave—or the foolish.

Astra studied the parchment with an unreadable expression, his eyes reflecting a cold, calculated intent. The Abyssal Frontier was not merely a place; it was a crucible of chaos where the laws of nature held little sway, and the very essence of reality was stretched taut like the skin of a drum, ready to reverberate with the slightest touch.

"Sin," Astra murmured, a subtle invocation to the deity coiled within his shadow, "the Abyssal Frontier is a maw of uncertainty. Advise me on the path that lies ahead."

Sin's response was a chilling caress, an ethereal whisper that only Astra could perceive. "The Frontier will test the very limits of your Pacts, Astra. It is a domain where the fabric between worlds grows thin and tears easily. Chaos is a common tongue there. Your presence alone will stir the waters, but control is paramount. Unleash your powers judiciously, lest you become another lost echo amidst the ruins."

Astra nodded, absorbing the deity's counsel with the gravitas it warranted. He turned his gaze to Elara, who stood near, her form a perfect sculpture of servitude, her eyes devoid of the light of volition. "Elara," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for dissent, "prepare for departure. The Frontier awaits, and we must not tarry."

With the efficiency of a well-oiled machine, Elara moved to gather their supplies. Her actions were precise, each motion a testament to her purpose: to serve Astra in his ascent to power.

Their preparations were meticulous and soon Astra's quarters became a nexus of activity, strewn with tomes of forbidden knowledge some he had theorized on his own, others taught to him by Sin. Alongside these tomes were vials of esoteric reagents used to assist Astra in maintaining his strength, and an array of arcane artifacts that shimmered with latent energy that he had been testing for creation purposes.

While working for a guild would do well for his reputation and his welcome in the capital would be much more well received, it didn't exactly pay well. With these artifacts he hoped to make enough money to not have to worry about expenses.

Each item he decided to bring was selected with the care, for the Frontier was unforgiving, and the smallest oversight could spell disaster.

The day of departure arrived with a sky cloaked in deep grey clouds, the sun a specter behind the ashen veil. The guildhall was a buzz of activity, with fellow adventurers casting wary glances at Astra and Elara as they made their way to the gates. Whispers followed in their wake, a blend of respect, envy, and pity for those who had the courage to answer the Frontier's call.

As they stepped beyond the Reach's protective walls, the landscape shifted gradually. The familiar hues of the forest gave way to a terrain that seemed to writhe and twist under a sky that no longer obeyed the rhythm of day and night. The air was thick with a miasma of power, a tangible presence that sought to worm its way into one's very soul.

Astra led the way, tuning his senses to the subtlest shifts in the aether around them. The Pacts he had forged with Sin's guidance were a solid defense against the madness surrounding him, but even he could feel the strain of the Frontier's influence.

The boundaries of reality here felt thin, and Astra could sense the chaotic energies of the Abyssal Frontier beckoning him, tempting him to unleash the full might of the Pact of Chaos within its realm.

The journey was slow, measured, as they traversed landscapes that defied explanation. Mountains of crystalline structures loomed in the distance, their surfaces reflecting an aurora of unnatural colors. The ground beneath their feet occasionally pulsed, as if the very earth had a heartbeat, the rhythm unsettlingly erratic.

Elara followed silently, her expression blank, yet her every step was precise and sure, a testament to the soul-binding that Astra had woven around her. She carried the bulk of their provisions, her enslaved form a testament to the dark pacts Astra had mastered. Where others saw a companion, Astra saw an indispensable tool, one that could face the horrors of the Frontier without fear or hesitation.

As the duo ventured deeper into the Frontier, the veil between worlds grew ever thinner, and the cries of eldritch entities occasionally pierced the silence, their voices like the scraping of claws against the chalkboard of reality. Astra's arcane senses were alight with the energies that danced at the edge of perception, and he reached out with his mind, communing with the shadows that clung to the twisted landscape.

"Sin," Astra whispered, his voice a low hum of power, "the shadows here are ancient, filled with the knowledge of eons. They speak of things that have not walked the earth for millennia."

"The Frontier is old, older than the kingdoms of men and the empires of dragons," Sin replied, its presence a dark melody in Astra's consciousness. "The shadows are your eyes and ears here, Astra. Let them guide you, but do not fall prey to the whispers of madness that seek to lure you from your path."

With each step, Astra's command over the shadows grew stronger. He sent them forth like silent scouts, tendrils of darkness that mapped the terrain and warned of the dangers that lay ahead. They whispered of rifts in the fabric of the world, of creatures that lurked in the chasms between realities, hungry for the life force of those foolish enough to wander too close.

Astra and Elara made camp in the remnants of what might have once been a temple, its architecture alien and unsettling, with angles that seemed impossible and stone that throbbed with a faint, otherworldly glow. Astra set wards and enchantments, circles of protection that shimmered with arcane might, while Elara stood watch, her gaze empty yet ever vigilant.

As night fell—or what passed for night in this place of eternal twilight—Astra sat cross-legged within his protective circles, his eyes closed as he delved deeper into the secrets of the Pacts. The Pact of Souls allowed him to sense the life forces around him, to listen to the echoes of beings long departed, while the Pact of Shadows cloaked their presence from the myriad eyes that watched hungrily from the darkness.

But it was the Pact of Chaos that called to him most strongly, its energies resonant with the very essence of the Frontier. Astra knew that here, in this land of bedlam, he could wield this power with a mastery that was impossible anywhere else. It was a dangerous gambit, but one that he was prepared to make.

One more after this for tonight. Add to your library if you enjoy!

CIoudfirecreators' thoughts