
Inheritance: Journey of Utlus

Argen Utlus, a Man who had no Family, After being disowned by his Mother and Banished from his Home. He decides to live alone slowly becoming feral until a Man Finds him and takes him in.

Unis_DeadLast · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


Another two months had passed and Hilda made it her mission and duty to reprimand Argen for any dumb ideas as well as use him as a Pillow and heater much to the male Half-dragon's dismay.

Now on the fifth month he could hold onto the blue flames for a full three minutes as he combined it with haste and Hardening creating his first variant attack. Spontaneous Blaze, or as Hilda called it Comet smash.

It was a simple premise. Hardening his body to the point it can somewhat resist the blue flames heat and adding haste made it a perfect mattering ram seeing as Hardening lost its drawback of bleeding as the flames cauterize the openings instantly the only drawback that the variant ability had was it ate through his Stamina faster hence why his limit was three minutes at best if he were to push beyond that he would make his hardened form crumble from all the heat damaging him as the heat slowly destroy his hardened body causing a fatigue like state for the next thirty minutes and being unable to reuse the ability until he had fully rested. 

How he found it was a complete and utter accident. A month before, he did the Blue flame heat resistance training with Hardening but having been spooked by Hilda he activated Haste and ran towards an oak tree completely felling it as flames stuck on it. It took Argen three weeks of reassurance and talks with Ofself and Hilda to agree with him. Don't get him wrong, Ofself agreed right away Hilda however let's just say it took a lot of wooing via letting her use him as a pillow and  watching over him on his training.

It was all he could do for now as he was prohibited by Hilda to do anymore experimenting until Ofself approved of it. Which the latter rarely did just to humour his daughter.

Argen never really understood women. Albeit his only experiences with women were his mother, and when he had been taken in by Vein. Vendors, Bar maids, and a lot of Savvy ladies all of them had not prepared him for Hilda. She was clingy and doting. She would complain about him eating the hearts of animals he had hunted. For Argen it was a sign of respect to their life. It was a custom he had made for himself fifty years ago back when he was near feral. Waste nothing as he often did while he was in the forest of yore. 

Argen shook his head as Hilda called for him for dinner. He had lost his sense of time reminiscing the memories he had kept and made for himself. 

"So, how goes the training? Hilda, anything to report?"

Hilda made an ahem cough as she sat down next to Argen by the bonfire." Argen has made good if not monstrous progress within a month. His Hardening synergizes well with Spontaneous Blaze and Haste removing the bleeding he would've suffered from an instant cast. However the Ability has been taxing on his body leaving him in an exhausted state if he were to do the full three minute time limit. As of now the effects of fatigue correlates to his appetite as a whole. Within four minutes of our conversation he is on his sixth bowl of Stew." This prompted for Argen to pause mid-eating as Hilda waved him off to continue." This also relates to his mana reserves making up for its use. So I conclude that his Mana is correlated to how full he is."

"What happens when I run out of mana?" Argen asked as he put aside the bowl and made his way to a cup of water." What then?"

All three of them became silent until Ofself coughed and began to speak."You see, when I run out of mana I become unconscious and sleep a whole month to recover. Dragons have the same reaction and then some. When they run out of mana they cannot transform into their human form or revert back to dragon form if they run out in their human form. Which leads to two things, Slumber and let the mana recover naturally overtime or eat a fuck ton of good food. For Hilda and you, I haven't seen even one of you run out of mana as of this time. Since you both have access to Fire breath and Spontaneous Blaze for Argen which don't require mana but take stamina in exchange."

Argen's eyed the man skeptically seemingly got lost within the exchange. Which made Hilda giggle at his puppy-like head-tilt as she rolled her eyes. Dumbing the explanation as the want to sleep or eat after mana is drained out of them and telling the male half-dragon that Fire Breath and Spontaneous burn consumed his stamina which Argen replied with."Why didn't you say it that way?" As he faced Ofself.

"Much needed exposition to give the author a valid reason why you have those skills and abilities."

"Wait what-"

Ofself gave a yawn and moved towards the beddings and slept. Hilda had the same idea as she dragged Argen to bed. As the male half-dragon tried to pick apart what he needed to improve upon until he drifted off to sleep.