

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 5 Part 8

The gang were having fun, until they heard something rustling in some bushes or something nearby. They went to find where the noise was coming from. Then they heard a groan, and as they approached it, they found someone lying in some bushes. It was Hristov, who had been just recreated from the void. He then opened up his eyes a bit, and then saw 5 looking at him. He immediately tried to say, "Wai-" but Clarista immediately casted, "Absolute Negativity!"

The moment she chanted those words, Hristov turnt to complete ice. Codarius then asked, "Did you really have to go that far? Isn't that spell one of your stronger ones?" Clarista then replied clearly, "He's awoken his Absolute Magic form-, Killing him with a normal spell, or just killing him has a chance it won't work, especially if that physical form is just an avatar. I have to use that spell so it would freeze his existence to its entirety.

And plus, don't worry, he's not dead, I just froze him so he can't do anything." Lux, Rick, and Batin looked, and with fear in their eyes, they all shared the same thought; Damn is she scary as hell. Lux then asked, "What are you gonna do with that block of ice? You might wanna move it, cause it's starting to literally make cracks in the space around it…" Clarista looked at the ice, and indeed was space being completely shattered around it, due to how cold the frozen matter was. Clarista then picked it up, and then casted another magic around it, that seemed to have solved the issue.

Then Codarius went to Batin and asked, "Well, what are you gonna do now? I'm assuming this place is still probably after you." Batin then looked down, with a faint bit of sadness, and nodded. Codarius then asked, "You're from the Great Mountain Ranges of Tindalos?" Batin then nodded hesitantly. Codarius realized, if he has to continue to find where the "Person" who granted his wish lurks, then he's bound to explore everywhere in the world, and perhaps the Great Mountain Ranges of Tindalos would be next.

Codarius then walked up to Batin, and asked, "Well, do you think you can come with me? I want to explore the Mountain Ranges of Tindalos." Batin then looked at Codarius startled, and questioned, "Are you insane? Why would you want to explore such a place, it's complete chaos!" Codarius then replied, "Well, I need to solve something quite chaotic, I'm kind of obligated to face that chaos. So do you think you can help me?" Batin then looked down.

He asked Codarius with a slightly shaky voice, "If I do… I know that it might be a bit selfish for me to ask, but… Do you think you can help me find something if I come with you?" Codarius delightfully replied, "Yeah, I can help you with that, everyone here has their own ambitions, and we're going to conquer it all together!" Batin then looked up at Codarius, then smiled with relief. Codarius then went down to Batin, and gave him a strong hug, and slapped his back hard. Batin grunted, "Ow, ow, you don't need to hug or slap my back that hard." Codarius then said, "Don't worry, I won't let anything like that happen again."